Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
38 minutes

It's a new day and it's a Connie day. (A repeat from last Tuesday.)

It's Tuesday. Two couples kiss while sitting on a bed.

Paulina and Roman are in the pub. She thanks him for the pumpkin spice latte. Paulina has to explain some words the kids say (I don't understand or care) to Roman, then she leaves. Roman stops Ava when he sees her. He tells her they have a problem.

Outside the pub, Paulina is talking to Stefan on the phone. Stefan needs to talk to her about his brother the DA.

EJ is in bed not wearing a shirt and reading papers. Gabi comes in wearing a red negligee. She sits on his bed and tells him Rafe's out of his coma and she wants to celebrate. EJ says he thought what happened was a one night thing. She wants to do it again and kisses him.

Melinda is still trying to break the rope. She's not wearing a gag. Connie comes in with breakfast. She tells Melinda that Gabi is going to get what's coming to her.

Outside shot of the hospital, Rafe is remembering what Connie said to him about the "open grave". Jada walks in with a big box from Sweet Bits. She wasn't sure what to buy so she bought one of everything. He thinks it's too much, but she thought he would share. Jada sits on his bed and they kiss. She asks what he was thinking about when she walked in? Rafe says he thinks he remembers when he got stabbed.

Rafe tells Jada he remembers after being stabbed a voice, and says the voice was garbled, but it said "that grave is the least of your worries". Jada can't believe Bobby would say that. Rafe says it was a woman's voice.

Connie's using the dresser instead of the bed, cutting up meat. Cardboard Li's behind her. Connie is sad her plan's coming to an end. Melinda's still working on the rope ad tells her she's becoming good at it. Connie says she can make a living doing it. Melinda says listening to true crime podcasts is paying off. Connie says she can start her own. Melinda asks about her plans for Gabi? Connie turns toward her and says Gabi has to die.

Gabi and EJ are still kissing. He finally pushes her away and says this isn't a good idea since they hate each other. Gabi says they enjoyed the hate sex. EJ reminds her she regretted it the next morning. Gabi says now she hates Stefan (time for hate sex with him?) EJ pushes her hand away and says she's getting a divorce and Stefan can use it against her. Gabi doesn't think one more night with him will make a difference. EJ keeps pushing her away. Gabi wants to break Stefan's heart. EJ says she already did. He says you're just punishing yourself now.

Paulina asks Stefan if EJ died? Stefan says he's fine, but his role as DA is a different matter. He says he has important information. He hates ratting out his brother, but it has to be done (camera moves up to show Stefano's portrait behind him). Paulina tells Stefan if what he says is true it's troubling. Stefan says it's true and he has to do his civic duty even though it's about his brother. Paulina tells Stefan he doesn't seem sad. He smiles in the DiMasion living room and says he's just passing on information. Stefan says it's up to her what to do with information and hangs up.

Roman tells Ava the problem is her living there. Then he says she hasn't paid her rent. Ava didn't realize she was so far behind paying. Roman knows she lost her job and was giving her time. She says it's hard to find a job. Roman has solution, but she may not like it.

Gabi says she came to have fun and not be analyzed. EJ mentions he got into it with Johnny yesterday. Johnny said he was ruining the family with his rage at Eric and Nicole. Gabi says Johnny is preachy. Then EJ showed Gabi his divorce decree. He's not in the mood for warfare. Gabi can't believe he turned her down (wow). EJ doesn't think deep down she she wants to do it either.

Connie is surprised Melinda didn't figure out what she was going to do with Gabi when she was waving the knife around. Melinda reminds her Li didn't want her to kill more people. Connie says Li's way is not working since Gabi is leading her best life. She turns to Li and asks if he agrees? Melinda tries to say something. Connie gets upset that Melinda interrupted Li.

Melinda apologizes to Li. Connie listens to Li about something. Melinda says Li is only joking, then talks to Li and tells him to remind Connie he doesn't want anyone else hurt. Connie gets upset and tells Melinda not to turn Li against her. She turns to Li and says she doesn't want to kill anyone, but with Gabi dead, she can spend more time with him. Connie says Li agrees with her. Melinda says she heard don't kill Gabi. Connie yells she needs her hearing checked and he wants her to whatever to have their happy ending. She turns to Li and says bad days for Gabi. Then turns to Melinda and for you too.

Jada is surprised a woman attacked Rafe and not Bobby. Rafe asks if it's possible since Bobby wrote the letter. Jada says it was a suicide note, but it bothered her since it didn't sound like him. Rafe says maybe a woman framed Bobby, but why? Jada thinks it might be Connie.
Gabi comes into DiMansion living room wearing a robe. Stefan is drinking coffee. She gets mad since he's on her side of the room. Stefan says the tape is gone and to stop doing his side/her side. Gabi walks over and tells him to move. Stefan says he read that Rafe is awake. Gabi says she spent most of the night with him. She fakes a yawn and says she tired.

She lies to Stefan that she was with EJ all night. She doesn't know why she hated him since he was superior DiMera in so many ways. Stefan realizes she's trying to get under his skin. Gabi sits across from him. She says first time with EJ wow and EJ enjoyed sticking it to Stefan. Stefan says he's going to enjoy sticking it to EJ. She asks how? Stefan says EJ is going to get a taste of his own medicine.

EJ's at his office desk when Paulina comes in. He asks what she wants? She tells him he's fired.

Rafe asks who Connie is? Jada says she's Gabi's assistant and she's not sure if he met her. He remembers meeting her. (flashback of Connie talking to Gabi, Rafe and Stefan in Horton Town Square. Connie was pleased Gabi was free and she mentions she knew Li). Jada's excited Connie knew Li and asks if Connie's voice? Rafe isn't sure.

Jada tells him Stephanie talked to Leo about seeing Connie leave Everett's room and Connie said she knew him. Stephanie invited Connie to the memorial, but said she didn't know Everett. Jada says Connie has a connection with either Bobby or Everett and lied about it. Rafe suggests she stabbed me and framed Bobby. They talk and Rafe wonders why Connie would want him dead?

Connie picks up a knife and walks toward Melinda. Melinda says Li wouldn't want you kill me and tries says it's for the best since Li says she's been packing on the pounds. Melinda gets upset and yells at Li. Connie says she'll make it quick. She walks to Melinda with the knife. Melinda pulls the arm no longer attached to bed. Then other arm's no longer attached. She pushes Connie down on bed.

Roman offers Ava her old job back. Ava tells him she heard from a server he was cutting shifts to make that soap opera. He tells her he's offering her job to get his rent money. Then he says he likes having her around (What??) Ava says even after what I did to your family? He says everyone makes mistakes and deserve to be forgiven.

EJ can't believe he's fired. Paulina says he may go to prison. EJ wants to know why? Paulina says because you helped Sloan kidnap Nicole's baby. Paulina says he's still accessory after the fact. She tells him he knew what Sloan did and didn't tell anyone. He says it's not true and it came out at his press conference. EJ wants to know where she got her information? He says Nicole or Eric? Paulina tells him it was Stefan.

Gabi wants to know what he did to EJ? Stefan says he gives as well as he gets. Stefan realizes Gabi doesn't want to save their marriage. She says that's true. Stefan gets upset she would do this after him making one mistake. He says if she had done that he would be mad, but still fight until the bitter end. He says she doesn't love him like he loves her. He gets up and leaves. (Gabi looks like she made a mistake with EJ just my opinion).

Jada doesn't understand why Connie would want to kill him. Jada tells Rafe that she talked to Ava and found out Connie's resume is a lie. Melinda was going to fire her. Then Melinda left town. Rafe asks if anyone has seen Melinda since she was going to Connie's? Jada says no, but she went to Connie's apartment. She didn't do a full search since she got the call he was awake. Rafe suggest Connie did something to Melinda so she wasn't fired.

Rafe asks if Gabi knows about Connie? Jada doesn't think so since Connie still working for her. They do a recap, but don't understand connection. Jada says it's Li Shin. He knew Melinda and Gabi. Jada says Connie's living in Li's apartment. Then she went on about how Bobby knew who killed Li. What if Bobby knew it was Connie? They figure out Connie must have done it all. Rafe needs to contact Gabi. Jada needs to bring Connie in for questioning. Rafe says to take backup.

Melinda and Connie are fighting on the bed. Connie drops the knife. Melinda gets to the front door. There are too many locks. Connie hits Melinda on the head. She passes out and slumps to floor. Blood is on the door.

Stefan's at the pub. Ava asks what he wants? He's surprised to see her. She needed a job. Stefan blames himself since Gabi had Ava fired. He offers Ava a job at the Bistro.

Paulina tells EJ that Stefan told her EJ admitted what he did months ago. Stefan told Gabi and she mentioned it at the press conference. Stefan was going to tell Rafe, but he got attacked. Paulina says Stefan is going to testify against EJ so she has to fire him now. Paulina wonders what EJ did to Stefan?

Jada's at Connie's apartment pounding on door. She has a cop with her. She yells for Connie. No answer. Jada opens the door and walks in. The officer notices blood on the floor. She has the officer call CSU. Jada wonders who blood it is? She follows the blood trail to the back.

Connie arrives at the DiMansion looking for Gabi, and finds her phone. Rafe is calling. Connie hits ignore. Gabi walks in dressed ad is surprised to see her. Connie found out she's still at home and came to see her. Gabi says she's the best assistant. She puts phone in her pocket. Connie asks how Rafe is? Gabi says he's fine. Connie asks if Rafe remembers being stabbed by Bobby/Everett? Gabi says no. Connie is relieved since Rafe won't point the finger at her. (oh my).

Paulina says to EJ you slept with your brother's wife? EJ tells Paulina that Stefan's accusations against him and it's his word against mine. he says it's hearsay and she doesn't want look foolish if the case falls apart. Paulina realizes she has to hire a brilliant DA (in Salem). EJ tells her Melinda is long gone.

Stefan tells Ava he'll put her on the fast track for manager. Ava asks about Gabi and making her mad? Stefan says she slept with EJ. Ava says you're even. Stefan says it happened more than once (poor guy). Stefan knows she doesn't want to save their marriage. He doesn't care what happens to Gabi now.

Gabi asks why Rafe would point finger at Connie? Connie says she stabbed Rafe.

Rafe's trying to call Gabi when Roman walks in. Roman asks Rafe what's wrong? Rafe tells him he and Jada think Gabi's assistant is dangerous.

Jada follows the blood trail to the bedroom door. She opens it and says "Oh my God."

Gabi says you stabbed Rafe?? Connie pulls the knife out of her purse and says Gabi's next.
FYI, Julie Dove (Connie) has a podcast for true crime.

Are the bedrooms in the DiMansion always set at nighttime?. Gabi talked about being nighttime with EJ.
When Stefan talked to Paulina, it was daylight in the living room.

DiMera men are so gullible. Chad thinks the woman is Abby, and Stefan believed Gabi slept with EJ again.

Does Jada find cardboard Li?
Gabi and EJ are cringeworthy. He watched her grow up from a teen, dating his sometimes stepson and having a baby with him. Eww.

I’m praying to the soap gods that this Connie situation is almost over. Melinda must be in a mess doing all her business in that bed. Yikes.
I loved Jada's cop heels shown when she squatted to look at blood samples on the ground and then of course walked on and through the blood spatter. Oh well.

I just don't get the Roman forgiveness towards Ava, but the writers are going to keep pushing this on us and I'm going to keep saying nope nope.

I think by now seeing the room Jada is looking at is just going to be a huge letdown.

I want to purchase an outfit made out of the material that Melinda has been in for the past few weeks. It didn't wrinkle much, it should handle an airplane trip.

Thanks kat for the summary.
Thank you for the summary, kat.

Two couples kiss while sitting on a bed.

Paulina and Roman are in the pub.

Oh my, I'm tired from screening then doing reports for 3 schools today. My mind put those 2 sentences together, and I wondered when the heck Paulina and Roman became a couple?!?!?! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
EJ & Gabi are ick.

I am still not a fan of Jada & Rafe, but dang. She sure put it all together fast. Please let Connie end. I don't think she killed Melinda and she can't kill Gabi.

Kayla would slap the crap out of Roman if she heard him being so nice to Ava. I like Ava, character & actress, but I know she has done bad stuff to the Bradys. But apparently Roman is very forgiving.
Hope used to wear heels as a cop, but they were nothing compared to the ones Jada was wearing. Must be hard chasing criminals down the street!! Gabi makes me sick. She has the morals of an alley cat. Thank goodness Connie's days are about to end. Fiona is next.
There was a decent amount of action today, most of it pointing toward an early exit for Connie, which is good news. This one, her kitchen knife of the day, and her harebrained revenge plots have become more than tiresome. Her only plus she brings is cardboard Li. Maybe, when the Connie insanity is over, Jada could keep him at the police station as a trophy for her and her cops.

The Paulina-EJ nonsense was pretty dumb. Doesn’t the loudmouth mayor realize that the morality levels of most Salem couples is pretty low? Sure, EJ is slime, but his personal conduct is close to par for the course in Salem. Just ask Sami and Nicole.

How could Ava be behind in her rent?? As a privileged Vitali, did she have no need to know about the Salem money tree? As for employment, Ava would be foolish to go back to Stefan Zero. Slinging burgers and EJ chow has to be better than working in the moral swamp that is Stefanworld.

Finally, Rafe is another Salem coma success. No matter what medical experts may say, Salem coma victims always bounce back better than ever. Just ask coma king John Black.
Bugged me no end, the "rent" business. Ava Vitali has trouble finding a job exactly BECAUSE she is a Vitali. Employers don't want mafia trouble. And Roman, of all people, should know that. Why doesn't he hire her......she is a good cook....he has a restaurant there.

Either that, or tell her to change her name, use her maiden name.