Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
39 minutes

It's Tuesday. Johnny has two flashbacks of seeing Alex's back in bed. It's nighttime in Salem.

New outside shot of the hospital. Chanel's reading magazine in the hospital bed. Johnny comes in. Chanel was worried since he didn't answer her texts. Johnny asks Chanel what happened? She said she threw her back out. Johnny has a flashback of seeing Alex having sex with someone. Johnny asks how it happened?

Jada meets Stephanie at the pub. Stephanie asks about Rafe. Jada says Rafe turned in and is probably reading in bed. It takes a awhile, but Stephanie blurts out she slept with Alex.

Leo's in his hotel room writing a sex scene for the soap. There's a knock on the door. It's Marlena, but Leo thinks it's Hattie and he closes door.

Outside shot of police station with bug noise. Replay of Brady remembering Fiona was driving car with a flashback of Fiona driving.

Replay of Fiona pushing Sarah out of the bedroom. Fiona knows Sarah is the only one who knows the truth. Sarah mentions Eric. Outside the bedroom door, Fiona is ready to push Sarah down the stairs and no one will know what happened. An arm reaches out. It's Xander and he says he would know. Xander wants to know why Fiona is threatening to kill Sarah? Sarah says Fiona's the one who put me in the chair and didn't want anyone to find out.

Chanel tells Johnny she went to Sweet Bits before filming. When she bent down to tie her shoe, her back went out. Johnny isn't very concerned. Chanel mentions she never had problem with her back before. She says her scenes were cut and she couldn't even rehearse the them. Johnny remembers seeing Alex again. Johnny says Chanel. Then Alex walks in. He slaps Johnny's back and asks Chanel how's she feeling?

Jada's surprised Stephanie slept with Alex and thought they agreed just to be friends. Stephanie explains she was at hospital to do PR work. Chanel was running late and she rehearsed a love scene with Alex. Then one thing led to another. Stephanie is mortified when Jada says they had sex on the set in a hospital bed.

Brady tells Eric he remembers. He was in the passenger seat of the car. Brady says Fiona must have moved him to the driver's seat (the Orpheus maneuver). Eric is glad he remembered since in 12 hours he would have accepted the plea. Brady thanks Eric for helping him remember.

Xander tells Fiona to get away from his wife. Fiona backs away. Xander kneels by Sarah and asks what happened? (he's so concerned). Sarah tells Xander she remembers Fiona being in the driver's seat. Xander asks if she's sure? Sarah says yes and Fiona admitted it. Xander stands up and asks if true? Fiona, looking guilty, says yes, it's true.

Leo's talking to himself in his room, knowing someone is at the door. Knocking on the door. Leo tells Hattie to leave him alone. Marlena tries to explain who she is. Leo won't open door unless she answers questions only his therapist would know. Leo finally opens the door and explains Hattie was mad at him. Marlena came by to discuss the soap opera.

Chanel tells Alex she's doped up and that her back is better. Alex said he would have been by sooner except he did scenes with Bonnie. Johnny tells Alex he seems to be in a good mood. Alex says it's because Bonnie wasn't fired. He says Kate is ok with their scene being filmed later. Chanel says she should be better tomorrow. Johnny blurts out they will be undressing each other in no time.

Jada tries to reassure Stephanie since they were lovers before. Stephanie's not sure about anything since they wanted to be just friends. They couldn't talk about it since there was a PR crisis when Hattie walked off the set. Stephanie says her job is dealing with fallout, but why can't she do that in her life?

Angry Xander starts to talk to Fiona, when Victoria cries. Fiona wants to go to her. Xander tells Sarah to take care of Victoria. Xander wants Fiona to tell him what happened before she tells the cops.

Brady talks about how his dad didn't believe what happened and Eric kept digging to get to the truth. Brady might not have remembered if Eric didn't find out Fiona was there. He talks about how he cared for her and she helped after the accident. She told him not to talk to the police. Brady mentions Fiona came by and was going to confess something, but Kristen showed up. He's worried what Kristen has planned to get him out.
Xander and Fiona enter the K-Mansion den. Xander is trying to understand how Fiona hit Sarah and put Brady in the driver's seat. Fiona says it was an accident. Xander says she was drunk. She says not as much as Brady. Xander does dialogue for the jury, the driver was less sloshed than the drunk passenger. (good stuff) Fiona says she stayed with Sarah, but she heard him coming. She says she wouldn't have left her. Xander yells that she did leave and fled the scene. Then blaming someone else. Xander realizes how much help she gave them and he gets angrier. He tells her how he wanted to hurt Brady, then calls her a coward. She says she couldn't tell say anything because of him.

Leo's surprised Marlena's there for the soap opera and not his unpaid bill. She came by because Leo sent Abe a text. Leo checks his phone. He finds one text about product placement and Arrow eating a Kit Kat. He finally finds the text. Leo tells her Hattie left without doing her last scene and mentions how it's undramatic talking about a character dying off camera. (oh my) Leo says he has a better idea. He wants Marlena fall down an elevator shaft.

Chanel doesn't understand Johnny. He doesn't want her to rush back to work. Chanel says it costs money when they don't film when they need to. Alex finally leaves. Chanel wants Johnny to tell her what's wrong.

Jada tells Stephanie she needs to be talking to Alex about this; it could be the start of something great. Stephanie is worried that it won't be and it ruins their friendship.

Brady says Sarah said he was driving the car. He thinks he was protecting Fiona. Eric says Sarah had no idea you were with Fiona, and not to worry about that now and get her behind bars where she belongs.

Fiona tells Xander he was the best thing in her life. She talks about how she cared for him, then she'd be off drunk, not able to come home. Fiona knew she was a bad mother and he would be better off without her. She came to the wedding to give herself a second chance. Xander says he thought he was like Titus, but he was like her being a liar. Fiona is glad he's not an addict. She was afraid Xander wouldn't forgive her if he thought she was still drinking. Xander knows is an illness and she fell off the wagon, but she didn't have to drive drunk, then leave Sarah in the street and frame an innocent man. He says that's what he can't forgive.

Jada is with Eric and Brady at the police station. She asks Brady if he's sure what happened? He says yes. Jada says they need credible eyewitness testimony. Eric says to talk to Fiona and Sarah.

Fiona explains how desperate she was and lifetime of feeling lonely. Xander says he'd feel something for her if she hadn't just tried to kill Sarah. Fiona says she wouldn't have done it. (really?) They yell at each other and she says she was panicked. Xander's surprised she didn't run off like she usually did. She didn't want to lose him. Xander says she's lost him now. For good. Forever. (his face is so sad).

Marlena tells Leo she's not interested. She wondered why Abe didn't ask her? Leo says you turned him down before. He says the is set down from her office and it wouldn't take long. Leo says the viewers would be upset if they don't see Charlemagne plunge to her death.

Johnny tells Chanel nothing is wrong. He says he's had a long day and wants to go home. Chanel is worried that Johnny's no longer ok with the love scene and being jealous. Johnny says no. They aren't really having sex. (nope not them)

Alex is outside his apartment when Stephanie comes home. He wants to talk about what happened. Stephanie agrees.

Johnny and Chanel are at home. He tucks her into bed. Chanel wants him to come to bed. Johnny says he has scenes to block. He'll bring her water so she can take her pill.

Alex and Stephanie are in his apartment. he explains when they did the scene he didn't know that would happen. Stephanie calls Leo a romantic. Stephanie says they have a physical attraction, but it's not enough for a relationship. They agree again just to be friends. Stephanie doesn't want to risk their friendship. Long pause.

Marlena tells Leo she doesn't want to do it. Leo talks about how bad his life will be if the show is a failure before it begins. Marlena says she knows when she's being manipulated. Leo asks about how much money? Marlena says they argued so much she could have done the scene. She finally agrees to do it, but only one scene. She says her sister Samantha was the actress. She gets a call from Eric to come down to the station for good news.

After Eric hangs up, Brady is worried it's too soon to tell others. Eric knows the charges will be dropped. He wonders if Xander knew about Fiona? Brady says he didn't know since Xander wanted to kill him.

Xander says he had rage against Brady, but now he doesn't feel anything like that. He says it's rage, disgust, shock, heartache, and shame. He never thought he would have to call the cops on his mother. Jada walks in and says he won't have to. She tells him she knows what's going on, then she puts handcuffs on Fiona.

Johnny's in the DiMansion living room getting a drink. He talks to Stefano's portrait and calls him Nonno. He tells him he walked in on his wife having sex with her on screen co-star. Then they acted like nothing happened. They lie and mock me in my face. He was going to talk to her, but Alex came in. Chanel made him feel like a fool for being jealous. He throws his drink out the room into the foyer.

Alex is glad they talked. Stephanie agrees. Alex says she needs to get to bed. She yawns. They say goodnight. He leans down and kisses her. She kisses him back.

Leo's talking to Abe on phone. He says Marlena will do it, but only one scene. Leo says he has an idea to bring Charlemagne back one day.

Marlena's hugging Eric. She's happy about the wonderful news. She'll hug Brady when the handcuffs are off. Brady is excited and getting 10 years back of his life. Marlena said Sarah has said she thought she knew the person who was driving. Marlena assumed it was Brady. Brady is happy both of them are in his corner and now he was stay in treatment and get the most out of his second chance.

Jada's reading Fiona her rights. Sarah rolls in. She says she thought she was going a good deed inviting Fiona to the wedding. Sarah calls herself an idiot (that's Chad) for trusting Fiona with Victoria. Fiona apologizes and says she's sorry. Before she leaves, she tells Xander she loves him. (unsure if she tells Xander and Sarah she loved them both) When Jada takes Fiona away, Sarah holds Xander's hand. Xander cries.
I had summary ready to post the handyman came 15 minutes early.

Wonderful scenes with Xander and Fiona.

We had angry Xander and at the end, sad Xander. So much emotion.

Is Johnny going to his DiMera side? Let's hope not since he'll have to get a strange haircut.

Johnny was wearing a green shirt. He reminded me of Peter Pan since I saw the play a couple of weeks ago.
Another good episode, usually I can't stand Eric but he has been used well in this story. I appreciate that he even had a moment where he and Brady thought about how this is going to hit Xander, once Brady established he had no idea his own mother was the real culprit. I hope Sarah has the good sense to just say she saw Brady's face in the passenger seat, that will get her out from the perjury threat.

Marlena agreeing to do Hattie's last scene was kind of sweet. Alex and Stephanie were just kinda there. They don't irritate me the way he and Theresa did, but I have zero interest in them. Johnny is an idiot. Poor Chanel.

The best scenes were Xander vs Fiona. You could just feel his sadness and grief that she was, in the end, everything he thought she was. I like very much that Xander admitted that he is also a felon, liar and reprobate. As long as he keeps acknowledging his awful past and his current failings, I'm good with him. He and Fiona were amazing today. I hope this is not the last we see of her. I still have so many questions, particulary about how she and Victor hooked up, and what went down with him and his brother. Speaking of, we got a Titus mention! I like that he is still "Dad" to Xander, unlike Alex who immediately relegated poor Justin to his first name.

I wanted the last scene to continue. What on earth does Sarah say to Xander now? What does he say to her? They both will be sick with guilt, her for bringing Fiona into their lives, him for being her son. I look forward to them talking to Brady too.
She [Marlena] says her sister Samantha was the actress.
YAY! Shout out to my girl Samantha Evans!

Nice job, Kat!

Kristen has to be notified immediately before she does something to Sarah. Once she knows Brady is free, she won't have to put her plan in motion. Xander should be able to get the magic potion now. But nothing is simple in Salem. This could drag on. Duh plot.

Funny comment about Johnny's green shirt. He is acting too much like a DiMera. If he told Chanel that "he saw her and Alex," he won't be a green-eyed monster in a green shirt, but he is assuming, and we all know what THAT means (Odd Couple reference). He is acting very odd, Chanel noticed this, and he will just go on acting like this without being honest with her about what he "saw." As I said before, he will accuse her without benefit of explanation, she will move out to Paulina's, and who knows what will happen with Body & Soul.

Loved Leo testing Marlena to make sure she wasn't Hattie, and that line, "All you have to do is fall on a mattress," something like that. That was gracious of Marlena, and that one scene should be the end of it. But Leo mentioned bringing the character back "someday."

Paul Telfer/Xander was better than ever today, on an emotional rollercoaster. He truly wanted to believe that his mother changed, and he and Sarah trusted her. She SHOULD be ashamed.

Agree that Eric did a good job getting to the bottom of this mess.

Why can't Alex and Stephanie just start dating again instead of trying to be just friends? It doesn't work!
Well today was wonderful. Only a tiny bit of Body & Soul and Fiona actually admitted all that she did. Those scenes were great. Finally. I only wish it could have been Drake Hogestyn (John) saving Brady.

Am hating the Johnny & Chanel garbage. I like them. Johnny keeps seeing it in his head, but does he not see the woman's arm is white? Just hate that he thinks she's lying to him.

I liked Stephanie & Alex. And if I remember right, for Alex it was love at first sight.

Now hopefully the Abigail story will wrap up too.
Although we don't say negative things about the actors, I feel that Deidre Hall's character Marlena, had a lot of character Hattie in her acting today. She was kind of over exaggerating some of her words like Hattie does. Just an observation.
Xander's scene with Fibona was heartbreaking. The actor needs to submit that for an Emmy consideration.

Hope we don't have to go on forever about Johnny, Chanel and Alex. It is pure drivel.

Actually enjoyed today's episode

On Hattie mannerisms mentioned in this, wild IDEA, but could Hattie have broken into Marlena's office, incapacitated her, snooped into Marlena's files, and set this up as a scam? Far fetched, yes but who knows?
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I hate the Johnny jealousy plot. If he plots revenge instead of confronting Chanel, he deserves to get divorced. How could he not see the difference between Chanel and Stephanie, even if all he saw was a leg or an arm? They look nothing alike: skin tone, body shape. This is dumb.

But everything else was good—even Alex and Stephanie. I wish they’d never broken up. I didn’t like her with Chad or the already-forgotten Everett. I liked who Alex was when he was with her. I agree: just put them together.