Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
34 minutes

It's Tuesday. Two guys are not wearing shirts.

It's a new day in Salem with B&S here and there.

Javi is shirtless, putting down two plates for breakfast. Gabi comes in. She assumes one plate for her. Shirtless Kerry walks in. He kisses Javi.

Abe and Paulina having breakfast. Abe is enjoying his crispy bacon. There's a knock on the door. Paulina says come in. It's Leo. He takes a piece of Abe's bacon. Leo has an update about B&S. He wrote the exit story for Faith since Chanel's leaving. Leo then says that he's writing in Charlemagne again and they need to rehire Hattie. Abe isn't happy.

Outside shot of the police station. JJ comes into the bullpen and talks to Shawn. Shawn welcomes JJ back to the Salem PD. Jada it was OK for them to be partners.

Jada's in her office rereading the text Rafe (EJ) sent. She tries calling Rafe.

EJ's in the DiMera living room carrying a tray of food. He ignores Jada's call. The secret door opens. EJ is surprised to see Rafe.

Leo's not happy Abe said no. He goes to the door and says he already wrote the scene. <Cassandra and Rhett's wedding. Charlemagne returns from being held captive in an Amazon jungle for 3 months. Charlemagne is pregnant with Rhett's baby. He explains how, about stolen eggs and such> Paulina asks how Charlemagne got to the jungle after falling down the elevator shaft? Leo comes up with lots of tunnels. He explains he already told Hattie she had the job. Abe and Paulina discuss why she can't come back. Leo says it's not Hattie's fault bad things happened, even with Johnny and Chanel. He then brings up Lady W.

Javi introduces Gabi and Kerry. She's glad to meet Kerry, but not over breakfast. Gabi talks about discretion. Javi then gives JJ's money clip to Gabi. JJ left behind after spending the night. She plans to take the clip to JJ. Javi hands her a big book for Jada's wedding. He wants her to take it to Jada. Gabi leaves.

JJ talks to Shawn about his breakup with Belle. Shawn tells JJ that Belle's the new DA and they will be working together.

EJ asks if he's Arnold? He says yes. EJ was afraid Rafe escaped. Arnold says he's still tied up downstairs since he stopped in and looked. EJ wants to know why he's there?

Jada leaves Rafe a message, she wants to hear his voice.

Javi and Kerry sit down for breakfast and are now wearing t-shirts. They discuss taking things slow even though Kerry was there since yesterday at lunch. Javi's phone beeps. He was alerted the new Lady W column posted. Javi reads it out loud. The column discusses how fast Leo will bury the show. Kerry laughs. Javi looks at him and says it was mean. He says if someone doesn't like the show, they should stop watching it. Kerry says he's been watching it for years (sounds familiar). Javi says when you're invested for years, you care. Kerry says Leo ruined the show and a million other people think the same thing. Kerry says you criticize it because you love it and how it could be. (Wow).

Paulina discusses how Lady W did all the bad things like the cupcakes and Johnny/Chanel. Leo says no, but Lady W ruined the story with spoilers and his personal life. He goes on and on about how Lady W ruined all the stories he wrote ahead of time <yawn> Leo wants to sue Lady W if he knew who it was. Abe says he may know.

Gabi walks into the police station and gives JJ his money clip. They talk about if he missed it or not. JJ says maybe he left it on purpose to go back to her house.

Arnold had to leave the motel since it only had three TV channels. EJ says to use his phone, but Arnold can't get a data plan since he's supposed to be dead. Arnold is bored. EJ gets upset since the former police commissioner is downstairs and the current commissioner keeps calling Rafe's phone. EJ wants to trust Rafe not telling people where he was, but he doesn't trust Jada not putting him in jail.

Shawn enters Jada's office. They discuss the text Rafe sent. He doesn't use XOXO. He hasn't contacted her and he won't answer his phone. Shawn tells Jada to call Steve since he might know how to reach him.

Abe tells them how Chad found out Lady W is getting money sent to Rochester, NY. Leo says now they just have to find her.

Kerry enters the kitchen wearing a hoodie. The back has "I (symbol of heart) Rochester." (That's a clue). Kerry got the hoodie from his aunt. He wants to know more of Lady W's column. Javi doesn't want to since he doesn't like what's written about Leo. Kerry doesn't know why Javi wants to be friends with Leo. Javi thinks he's jealous.

Gabi and JJ discuss if she took any money. He could get his cuffs. Gabi pulls out the big book for Jada's wedding and gives it to JJ.

Jada finds out from Steve that Rafe isn't on a case. She and Shawn discuss what Rafe told her at the New Year's Eve party. Jada remembers EJ told her what the text said.

Arnold still won't take EJ's money to go back to Argentina or go to the motel. He wants to stay at the mansion. EJ doesn't want him town since people would think he's Rafe. Arnold is ok with that.

Javi tries to convince Kerry he's only friends with Leo. Kerry's not happy. Javi says it's the new year. Kerry's not happy how his date went with Leo. Javi says some people have chemistry and others don't. Kerry kisses Javi.

Leo says he's sending Rafe to Rochester to find Lady W. Abe says not since the show can't afford it. Paulina will pay for it since she knows how those kind of people work. She says if Rafe works on that case he won't be in Jada's cases.

JJ can't believe all the caterers in town. Gabi says they have to decide since the wedding is in two weeks. Shawn comes out. Gabi wants to give the planner to Jada. Shawn says she's not here.

EJ and Arnold discuss him impersonating Rafe. Arnold says he will keep Jada off the scent and EJ can figure out what to do with Rafe. Doorbell rings. (who can it be?) Arnold wants to answer. EJ says no. He gives Arnold the tray of food and has him take it Rafe. EJ says don't make a sound.

EJ finds Jada at the door. She wants to talk to him. EJ doesn't have time. She walks in to the living room. Arnold's gone. Jada says she called Steve and Rafe's not on a case. She doesn't believe what EJ said about the call.

Javi and Kerry are kissing. Kerry takes off his jacket. Javi reminds him they want to take it slow. He doesn't want to end like Leo and take it slow. Kerry says ok. He has to go to work. He leaves his Rochester hoodie behind for Javi. He can wear it and think of him. Javi puts it on.

Leo leaves to talk to Rafe. He asks about Hattie. Abe says he'll talk to Kate. Leo takes another piece of bacon and leaves. Abe realizes Leo took all of his bacon.

Gabi wants to know where Jada went? Shawn won't say. Gabi leaves the book with JJ. They plan to see each other later. Gabi leaves. Shawn talks to JJ about Gabi. JJ asks if everything's ok? Shawn didn't want to talk in front of Gabi because Jada is concerned about Rafe.

Jada tells EJ she knows he knows where Rafe is (that's a fact). She knows EJ was acting strange with her and Rafe at the party. EJ implies maybe Rafe left town to be alone and that's why made up the text from Steve. Maybe Rafe has cold feet about the wedding. Jada isn't leaving. She knows he knows something.

Abe talks to Kate on the phone. He tells her Leo's idea about bringing Hattie back. Abe tells her he can hear her. They will talk about it in person. Abe says they're close to finding out who Lady W is. He steals a piece of Paulina's bacon.

Javi is eating bacon. There's a knock on the door. It's Leo, he wants to see Rafe.

JJ talks about Steve not sending Rafe on a case. Shawn says Jada went to see EJ since he's mixed up in this.

Jada reminds EJ he threatened her after he lost his job. She asks if he did something to Rafe? EJ says he can't help her. Jada wants to take EJ to the station. He's not leaving and she needs a warrant. He tries to push her out the door. The secret door opens in the living room and Arnold comes out.
He’s not a head writer at Beyond the Gates though. Hopefully, he won’t be in charge.

It figures that his personal angst over response to criticism is the worst part of the show. Surely, he’s made enough money to pay a therapist instead of torturing us with this nonsense.
but Arnold can't get a data plan since he's supposed to be dead
Ok, this made me laugh. Nothing works in Salem the way it's supposed to, except this? I love it, +1 for ReRon.
Surely, he’s made enough money to pay a therapist instead of torturing us with this nonsense.
Well said, but the evidence suggests otherwise.
Thanks for writing up this nonsensical filler of an episode. After the past few decent shows, I guess it was bound to happen that we'd be stuck with a lame one. Not at all liking any of the Kerry/B&S stuff. Leo's "storyline" with Javi is getting boring, and the FakeRafe stuff is something none of us asked for.

Oh, and I don't feel sorry for Re-Ron, if that was his intention. This terrible episode and terrible writing perfectly explains why.
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Javi is annoying. Kerry is a waste of space.
Are they ever, and their opening shirtless scene was totally barfworthy. Are the writers trying to drive viewers away so they won’t see the dreary filler that follows. EJ gets the line of the day for calling Arnold a “disobedient dolt.” He sure is, and he never learns. His first time around he ignored DiMera orders to leave town and narrowly escaped death in a jail cell. This time, he’s again tempting fate by not listening to EJ.
Today was definitely one that if you skipped, count yourself lucky. However, it was sort of funny watching loud mouth Paulina just sit there unable to talk when Leo was running his mouth. The look on her face is the one most of us have when she's taking center stage.

So Kerry's motivation in being the new Lady Whistleblower is that he feels like Leo has destroyed his favorite show. Not sure why he would be behind the tainted cupcakes.

Surprisingly, I'm team Gabi-JJ. There's far more chemistry there than she had with Stefan. It's also just nice to have Casey Moss (JJ) back on our screens. He's a character I sort of forgot about while he was away but am glad to see again.

Jada definitely saw FakeRafe. Her head snap to EJ at the end was a full on "oh no you didn't!" without saying a word.