Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, December 16th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Episode #10,976 Director – Albert Alarr

The tension all over Salem today is so thick, one can cut it with the proverbial knife. Philip is getting a latte at the Pub, when in comes Lucas. Neither has had much sleep, as evidently the bone marrow transplant has occurred, and both are anxious to see their mom. Phil congratulates Lucas on his engagement, talks of how selfless Chloe doesn’t want anyone fawning over her “gift” to their mom, mentioning how when he dated her, she was always like that. Lucas is not too happy with Philip’s bragging of how he used to date Lucas’s fiancée. Phil apologizes, Lucas talks of how happy they are going to be, Chloe is perfect for him, Phil comments the 4th time must be the charm (Lucas previously wed Nicole, Carrie & Sami). Yep, Lucas is happy.
We now see Dr. Dan coming into Chloe to do a checkup. It is amazing that Chloe already has her makeup on., hair arranged becomingly, and even her nails are polished that ugly black or dark purple to perfection. One would never know she was just thru surgery. Fantastic hospital! Chloe asks if someone else can’t do it. . He is checking her blood pressure, or something, evidently looking at some monitor, she accuses him of not looking at her. Dan seems to get a bit upset, then tells her she is an engaged woman, and he doesn’t know what kind of drama she has cooked up between them, but nothing is going on, and he wants no part of it. She claims she has no idea what he is talking about. Philip walks in, interrupting this exchange, Dan leaves, Phil thanks Chloe, telling her how proud Lucas is. Out in the hall, Lucas arrives, Daniel tells him his brother is in there, is rather curt and abrupt with him, and leaves, it has been a long night. Lucas goes in, Philip is gone, he kisses Chloe on her cheek, thanks her, too, everyone has to wait a few more hours before seeing Kate. He has a surprise, hauls out the engagement ring, he managed to get it sized to exactly fit her finger, and puts it on, fits perfectly. He hugs her, saying they will be so happy. Chloe embraces him saying she loves him, too, and is happy. (tho her face says something different).
Daniel talks to someone on the phone, as he enters the doctor’s lounge, saying they won’t know anything for a few hours, & will talk later, and lays down on a cot. He tosses and turns, and we see his dream. Coming down the hall, spotting Chloe, pushing her hair aside as he nibbles on her neck, starting to kiss her, she jumps on him, straddling his waist with her legs,kissing him back, he carries her into a room, throws her on the hospital bed, and begins to ……..I think in romance novels they say “ravage her”. LOL. Daniel wakes up abruptly, sweating.

Golddigger Melanie walks into the vistor’s room at the jail to a waiting Nick. She tells him she had to come visit him, couldn’t stay away any more. Nick just stares, saying something about her never answering all the letters he wrote. She blames Maggie, lying that Maggie did not want her having any contact with Nick, saying it would be better for her. Nick says he only wrote saying he was sorry for all he had done, hoping she can forgive him. Of course she does, otherwise she would not be there. She says she did a lot of horrible things herself. Nick mentions he has a gift for her, then asks her a couple questions, Melanie pretends to get into a huff, and starts to walk out. Nick stops her, telling her he had papers drawn up, giving her all of the rights to his invention. Mel says it is not viable, according to Phil, Nick says he worked out the kinks, and if Titan won’t take it up, another company will. Mel thinks Uncle Mickey won’t let this gift go thru, but Nick has gotten another lawyer, it is all legally squared away, she only has to sign these papers.

Stephanie comes in to see Max, and today, it is their turn to be the Bickering Bickersons. She wants to tell him about moving on, he explodes saying she wasted no time, put the pedal to the metal. He has 3 words for her, Philip, Titan, vault, & mentions how she was about ready to score with Philip when the door was opened. Stephanie realizes it was Melanie, the two are shouting at each other, she is trying to tell him how HE dumped her, how she noted something about Phil that was attractive to her. But the yelling and blaming continues, Max won’t even listen to a bad word about his sister, Chelsea walks in, Stephanie leaves. Now Chelsea chides Max a bit, but offers an ear, he doesn’t want it, claiming he will never love anyone again. She finally gets him to smile a bit, as he realizes he sounded like someone in a romance novel.

Rafe wakes up, groaning, to find a concerned Sami watching him. He staggers out of bed to the sofa, wants his phone so he can see if their location has been compromised. Sami keeps grabbing the phone away from him, protesting she doesn’t want to move, that Rafe was sure he ditched his attacker, wasn’t followed. Rafe tells her that it was someone within the FBI itself who fingered him, Sami wonders if it was Hilda or Derek. Rafe assures her if it was them, she would already be dead. He finally is able to call the only other person who knows where she is, and reports back to her that they are to stay put. Sami is hovering, he is grimacing, (has a monumental hangover, lol). She changes his bandage, says her sewing job looks pretty good. He feels a bit better, and even later he is dressed, she is helping him lay on the sofa, teasing him about the things he said while boozing it up yesterday. How he told her to stay away from EJ, and that it was nice to know he cares about her, or rather cares what happens to her. He wants to take a shower, but can barely walk. (So much for how much protection he can give her). She worries about the bandage, but helps him to the bathroom door. Later he comes out, staggering slightly, wrapped in the expected towel.She comments on how good a hot shower makes one feel. She is glad he is feeling better. He turns to her, just saying, Sami? Thank you.

Stephanie runs into Philip at the Pub, he tells her she really left him hanging yesterday. She apologizes, saying she felt she owed it to Max to tell him what was going on, and she can truthfully say that what was between her and Max is over and laid to rest. (Philip does look sooooooo cute, I have to say). He leans across the table to kiss her, and as their lips are about to meet, there is Melanie once more with her “Ahem”. Stephanie tells her to take her cheap mascara and get lost, but Mel thinks there are a few things the 3 of them need to discuss about her new position at Titan. Philip smiles sarcastically, saying he doesn’t get it…….”you want to tell me about YOUR position at MY company???? And Melanie replies, oh so sweetly, that she does, cuz…..things between us…….are about to change.

One comment........Stephanie is wearing a beautiful that she SHOULD have been wearing to work yesterday. LOL
Thanks for the write up!

I think it was kind of petty of Stephanie to rub it Max's face that she's "moving on." I'm glad she's wearing work appropriate clothes for a change!
Thanks for the writeup, Barb. I don't believe I'm going to be able to watch the part about Daniel's dream. That sounds even worse than when he was examining Chloe and I couldn't look then either. :sick:

Just when you think Nick's decisions can't get any worse, they do. I wonder what kind of leverage Melanie is going to have with Titan, now that she has control of Nick's project. Philip should just dump the whole thing and tell her to get lost but that's not likely to happen. lol
I did not get that Stephanie was rubbing it into Max's face. Au contraire, Max lit into her the minute she walked in the door, ranting on and on over what Melanie had lied to him about Steph & Philip in the vault. Being about to kiss is not "about to score". She reminded him that HE is the one who dumped her, and then later that most of the trouble between them was caused by Melanie. As she told him, he did not want her, but did not want her with anyone else either.

All I can say is.......please let Victor confront this twit Melanie. Egads.........
Daniel's dream was another "uncomfortable" moment in time. However, Daniel accusing Chloe of having this "drama between us", as tho he was Mr. Innocent, was truly disgusting.
I turned it off after a few minutes but did hear Daniel's comment to Chloe. The man felt her up and seems to be accusing her of not liking it.
I did not get that Stephanie was rubbing it into Max's face. Au contraire, Max lit into her the minute she walked in the door, ranting on and on over what Melanie had lied to him about Steph & Philip in the vault. Being about to kiss is not "about to score". She reminded him that HE is the one who dumped her, and then later that most of the trouble between them was caused by Melanie. As she told him, he did not want her, but did not want her with anyone else either.

All I can say is.......please let Victor confront this twit Melanie. Egads.........

Ok, I must have read it wrong. Thanks for clarifying for me! I like Stephanie and Philip. I just hope she doesn't do the obsessive/slalker thing she did with Max.
Thanks Barb. Good show!

Sami actually spoke at a normal decibel level. No screaming, whining, or crying. She was actually human.

I am glad they had some crossover today between Philip, Lucas, and Chloe. Lately they've had Philip isolated with Stephanie and Melanie, so it was nice to see the crossover. I liked the fact that Philip acknowledged the engagement and that Lucas grudginingly acknowledged Philip and Chloe's past. It could have been played tongue in cheek, and Jay seemed to be aiming for that, but Bryan didn't pull off the potentially comic aspect of the interchange. Did you notice that Philip said this new relationship just fell in his lap. They were alluding to the time Stephanie got drunk at the Cheatin' Heart and literally fell into Philip's lap. Cute.

I thought Stephanie and Max's argument seemed very realistic. He really had no right to be angry with her. It shows that he still has feelings for her, despite his protests.

It was nice to see Nick again. Another fine performance.

And Daniel keeps getting scuzzier and scuzzier. Now he's playing mind games with Chloe on top of everything. If Chloe wanted a different doctor to examine her, that's her right.
He is still in the credits, and I believe we will still be seeing him in January