Days of Our Lives - Tues., August 27, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
38 minutes

Outside shot of hospital. Replay of Tate and Holly bumping into Brady. Brady looks at Tate and asks if he's alright? Tate says it's just a sprain. Brady finally wakes up and asks if he got hurt at camp? He's upset no one called him. Before Tate can explain, Brady sees Holly and asks why she's there? Tate says it happened on Smith Island.

Maggie's with Sarah adjusting her pillow. Sarah's leaving message for Xander. She wonders where he is. Sarah hangs up and is surprised he's still not back. Maggie asks if she bores her? Sarah is worried about Xander since he feels helpless seeing her this way. She says Xander is obsessed finding who hit her.

Xander and Jada are in the square. He's excited she has a suspect and wants to know who hit Sarah. Jada tells him he'll find out when an arrest is made. Xander says a monster hit her. Jada won't talk to him about it. She turns to leave and he grabs her arm. Xander says she will.

Outside shot of townhouse. Marlena walks into the apartment. She remembers her talk with Jada about Brady's car being stolen.

In the DiMera living room, Kristen's on phone with someone. She thanks the person for getting the job done quickly, then hangs up and turns to Stefano's portrait. She says Brady's car is now flat as a pancake. She continues and says Brady is Rachel's father and she did what she did to protect her family. EJ walks in and asks what she did to protect the family?

Kristen lies and says she had to fire Ava. She goes on that Gabi found out Ava slept with Stefan. Gabi wanted Ava fired or she'll take Gabi Chic away. EJ said he would have fired both of them. Kristen says she will protect father's legacy and do anything to do it. EJ doesn't believe her.

John returns home. He saw his father and they played games. He came home because Marlena left him a message.

Tate tells Brady he didn't go to camp since he was at the Horton's cabin. Brady asks why? Tate says to spend time with Holly. He admits he lied all summer about it.

Maggie talks about the car accident her parents had when they died and she couldn't use her legs. She admits to Sarah she wanted to die with them. Maggie says she was angry and scared. She tells Sarah she can be angry too. Sarah says Xander is angry for the both of them and she's worried. She's scared when they find person that hit her what Xander will do to them.

Jada looks at her arm where Xander is holding her. She explains she knows what he's going through. Xander doesn't think so. Jada reminds him about Rafe. Jada tells Xander she will find and arrest the person. Then she says unless he wants to get arrested to get his hands off of her. Xander lets her go. He's not sure why he did that. She reminds him the time she's dealing with him she can't do her job. Jada walks away. Xander wants to know what's going on? She has to speak to the DA first to continue. Jada understands when the love of your life in hospital. She tells him to see Sarah.

Sarah asks Maggie how she dealt with it when she couldn't walk? Maggie said when she woke up the doctor said her parents died and her legs were crushed. She wished she died too. Later, she knew she had to keep the farm going for them. She said it wasn't easy, but she had to learn. Maggie remembered a graduation dance she couldn't dance on the floor, but she could dance in her heart. She knew even without the surgery to walk she would have had a full life. Maggie gets on the bed and holds Sarah. She tells Sarah not to give up. Maggie tells Sarah she's a wonderful doctor, wife, mother and her daughter. She says if she doesn't heal like they want her too, Sarah has a lot to be grateful for. Sarah is grateful to have love of her, Xander and her daughter.

EJ tells Kristen the story she told was unconvincing. Kristen laughs. She tells him if he doesn't believe it then talk to Gabi. EJ tells her if she doesn't want anyone to know her secrets she shouldn't talk to father out loud (that's a fact). He says he's sure father knows all already.

Brady still doesn't understand since Holly has been in Salem all summer. She says she's been sneaking up to the cabin. Brady thinks they went there to do more than talking. Tate tries to explain. Brady wants to talk to him alone. Holly leaves. Tate tells Brady he wanted to be with Holly even though his mom didn't want him to. Tate wants to know how much trouble he's in?

John and Marlena talk about how Brady's was car stolen out of the garage. Marlena said Brady didn't tell her. John asks when it happened? Marlena said she saw Jada in the garage. John's surprised Jada's interested in Brady's car, until he realizes it might be about Sarah's accident. They look at each other. John is concerned Brady didn't tell them about his car being stolen. Marlena says he told Kristen. John thinks Kristen got rid of the car since she can do that. Marlena says Brady wouldn't have left Sarah there if he hit her. John says unless he's been drinking (bingo).

Brady and Tate are sitting down. Tate has told him about Aaron talking his place at camp. Tate reminds him he didn't want to go and Aaron is getting something out of the camp. Brady realizes Tate came by ferry to see his mom before she left. Tate said he was going to tell them before he left, but he thought Brady didn't want him around. He kept lying because of what would happen if someone found out. Tate asks if he ever lied so someone won't find out? Brady remembers talking to Kristen when she took his car. Tate asks Brady where he went? Xander gets off the elevator.
Maggie gets off the bed. Sarah gets upset she won't be a good mom. She won't be able to keep up with Victoria when she starts walking and running. Maggie says she'll find a way. Holly comes in. She hugs Maggie. Sarah says two visits in one day. She's very lucky. Holly admits to Maggie she lied to her about going to movie with friend later. She admits Tate has been spending the summer at Smith Island. Maggie asks if Tate broke in? Holly says she took the key and put it back. She had to take key again since Tate locked himself out. Maggie says that's why she couldn't find key the other night. Holly asks what night?

Kristen asks EJ if he had better things to do? He says yes, but he overheard her talking out loud. EJ wonders what else Kristen wants since she's CEO of DiMera? EJ figures out Brady. Jada walks in. She needs to talk to EJ about Sarah's case. Kristen walks out, but stands outside door to listen. Jada tells EJ she has suspect and wants to know how to proceed. She tells him about a car that vanished. The owner said it was stolen, but didn't fill out a police report. The person said the car was stolen before the accident, but someone saw car that night in the wrong parking space. EJ says you have circumstantial evidence with no proof. Jada wants to know if he wants to indict with what she has? Kristen looks pleased with herself since the car is gone.

John and Marlena talk about Brady and if he's drinking. Marlena said she had concerns when John was gone. She didn't want to talk to Brady, but she had Paul do it. Paul found out Brady was struggling and he was going to more meetings. John asks Marlena what she thinks? Marlena said she should have done more, especially after what happened to Eric when he drank.

Xander's surprised to see Tate. Tate says he was gone and now he's back, then says he's sorry about what happened to Sarah and hopes they find the person. Xander says the police have a suspect. He goes on and he hopes the police hurry up and find him.

EJ wants to know the name of the suspect? Jada says Brady Black. EJ says arrest him. Kristen looks upset. Jada figures out EJ is happy it's Brady. He talks about the feud with the families. EJ thinks they can get a conviction on the evidence they have. He tells Jada to arrest Brady and read him his Miranda rights. Jada leaves EJ and sees Kristen in foyer. Kristen's on her phone. Jada knows Kristen was eavesdropping and that Brady is Rachel's father. Jada wants to know if Kristen knows anything? Kristen says no and walks away.

Maggie explains to Holly that Xander and Sarah were going to cabin on their wedding night. Maggie couldn't find the key and Sarah was coming over to help look for it. Holly realizes it was the same night of the accident. She gets upset and says it's her fault that Sarah was hurt. Holly is upset. Sarah tells her it wasn't her fault. Holly says if she and Tate weren't sneaking around Sarah would be fine then runs out of the room. Xander comes in room and asks what happened?

John tells Marlena she's not responsible for what happened. He says if Brady was involved he has to man up and own it. Marlena says he hasn't done that. John gets up and he has to confront Brady.

Tate is talking to Brady about Sarah and what kind of person would hit her and keep going. Tate's glad they have a suspect. Brady isn't listening. He finally tells Tate he knows he's changing the subject. Tate tells Brady his mother wanted him away from Holly and not him. He reminds Brady they could date in school and that nothing bad happened when he was with Holly. Tate will take any punishment as long as he can still see Holly. Brady gets a text from Kristen. She says the police are going to arrest him and to RUN. Tate can't get Brady to answer him. Brady asks if Holly can take him home? He has to go somewhere else, then leaves.

Holly comes up to Tate. Tate tells her while he was talking to his dad he started acting weird. He's not sure if he's in trouble or not. Holly is upset and tells Tate that Sarah was in the accident because of them.

Xander tells Maggie and Sarah he's not going to blame Holly. He blames the driver. He tells Sarah he was late because he saw Jada and she has a suspect. He doesn't know who it is.

Kristen walks back in living room and asks EJ what Jada wanted? EJ said Jada wanted the go ahead and arrest someone for Sarah's accident. He goes on and tells her it's your baby's daddy, but he thinks she already knew what was going on.

John's calling Brady. He wants to talk to him.

Outside shot of police station. Jada's on the phone telling someone she needs an arrest warrant for Sarah's accident. Brady walks in and says there's no need for that, he's here.
Really good show today. I love when all plots are intermingled like this. Written by one of the upcoming new head writers Jeanne Marie Ford.

Brady is really the world's worst parent. And that is saying a lot when his baby mommas are Kristen and Theresa. He ditches his kid at the hospital and goes to turn himself in without even giving Tate a heads up.

Very much liked Holly realizing that she was partly to blame for Sarah's plight, and Xander not blaming her. The old Xander would have turned on her and Tate.

Jada is a wonderful officer. Her compassion to Xander helped diffuse him once again. I get why Sarah is worried as Xander has a history of going nuts to protect her, but thankfully Jada is the right person to get through to him. He always responds better to women though.

EJ figuring out Kristen's entire scheme to protect Brady in ten seconds was fabulous. I have missed him.

Sarah and Maggie were the highlight today again. Wonderful use of history.

Forgot John and Marlena! These are good parents who know their wayward child! Really liked how fast they figured it out.
Thanks, Kat.........I really liked the conversation between Maggie & Sarah......Maggie talking about her own accident, not being able to walk, etc. Sorry she never mentioned Mickey.........and the red shoes. (that was when I began watching Days. )

I liked Maggie talking of the graduation dance, she is on crutches and the band begins playing the Twist......that is when she may not have joined in on the floor, but danced in her heart!

(I was good at that dance, taught a lot of my friends)
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EJ did have great advice. Don't talk about your secrets out loud. He is a putz for having Brady arrested on that evidence. I mean, it is true but Brady wasn't driving. Hating this. But very glad Brady didn't take Kristen's advice and went to turn himself in.

Glad the Tate/Holly sneaking around is done.

John did put 2 and 2 together pretty quick with Brady's missing car. Fiona better fess up.
What proof do they have right now on Brady? He drives a grey car that's missing? Even Justin should be able to defeat that amazing evidence, or lack of evidence.

thanks kat for the summary.
There is no evidence against Brady and thanks to Kritter Kristen there won’t be any. There’s now no proof Brady’s car was involved. Even if that could be proved, there’s no proof that he was driving it. And without any evidence to support it, Brady’s confession is an insufficient basis to bring charges. There is also no reasonable expectation that more evidence against Brady will be found, meaning that inept D.A. EJ is headed for another courtroom defeat. (It will be an easy win for Justin.)

Poor Holly needs a crash course in proximate cause and chain of causation. The events that are causing her fevered imagination to think she’s to blame for Sarah’s injuries are too remote from the incident in question to be relevant. (EJ probably wouldn’t know this either.)

There was at least one positive today. Poor, deluded Brady is so awash in his own problems that he hasn’t got the heart to drop the hammer on the Tot for his lacrosse camp deception, meaning that true love jut might eventually win out in the end. (EJ also knows nothing about true love, just the twisted DiMera variety.)
But doesn’t the missing car actually work against Brady? Granted, it would be an oxymoron for him to confess to the crime after getting rid of the car. The disposal of the car could be seen as an attempt to destroy evidence or avoid detection, which might suggest a deliberate effort to conceal the crime.
Great job, Kat!

I thought the way they handled the cabin's missing key and Holly horrified that her actions set this tragic accident in motion was very well done. Mature reactions from Sarah, Maggie and Xander. But I have a feeling that Holly will feel so guilty, she will break up with Tate and decide to move to Paris to be with Nicole, Eric and Jude. Could happen.

Really glad the lacrosse camp storyline is ending, but Aaron still can't accept a scholarship under false pretenses. And how will his brother, Dr. Mark Greene, deal with this? Not that he is a choir boy, as we now know.

While I admire Brady for going to the cop shop, there is still no evidence/proof, Kristen said the car was flattened out and not a problem anymore. So what will EJ build a case on?

Good to see John again and how he mentioned his father.
Holly realizes it was the same night of the accident. She gets upset and says it's her fault that Sarah was hurt
Wow, I can't believe they played this beat. Score 1 for re-Ron's team (current tally -7,019,023). Now I want to see Tate react, again not in a "he needs punishment" way, but in a "wow my selfish lying hurt people" way. (And of course I'm not suggesting he has legal or even moral culpability in the accident.)
EJ figuring out Kristen's entire scheme to protect Brady in ten seconds was fabulous. I have missed him.
I thought so, too. Smart characters move plots, and they were both smart this week. I also liked the Jada/Xander stuff.

Can they keep up this pace?
Seems like everyone got a piece of the Salem Brain today. John & Marlena, EJ, Jada, Holly. Nice when more than just the viewer can figure out what is happening!

Also, Jada is becoming a strong character. I kind of like her in this commissioner role. She’s doing the job better than most who have held the title. Maybe when Rafe finally wakes up he’ll decide he’s done with law enforcement and she can keep the job. Then they can have a relationship outside of work.