Days of Our Lives - Thursday, October 17, 2024


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2024
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41:25, excellent show, zero Body and Soul!

Salem High, Sophia heard "some lady" was arrested for the hit and run. Tate is thrilled his dad is cleared, but for some reason he has not been released yet.

Brady, still in that salmon shirt, is in his cell. EJ has brought him some company! It is a very contrite looking Fiona.

Xander is staring at the Konstantin purchased Victor portrait. Sarah wheels in. He turns, he looks a mess. Sarah asks if he was having a chat with his dad? Xander says, more with himself, wondering how the son of Victor Kiriakis could be such a gullible fool. Sarah assures him that he is not a fool, everybody thought Brady was culpable. Xander says and we all thought my mum was godsent to help us through a difficult time, but she turned out to be the cause of it all. He of all people should have known better. She’s a horrible mother. A drunk, a liar, heartless. He should have known that she could never change.

Paris. Fabby in her crazy cut-out dress is still on the phone with Mark, wanting to know what Clyde’s latest demand is? She finally concedes that she doesn’t need to know. Mark can take care of it, and she will do her part: marry Chad, get her hands on the DiMera accounts, and give the money to Clyde. Chad is staring at a photo of himself and real Abby (Marci Miller). Kayla’s "SHE’S NOT ABBY" text is still visible, but it is unclear if he sees it. Fabby is admiring her lace wedding gown. It is really pretty. She gives herself a pep talk. This is all for Mom. Remember, this is all for Mom.

Chad opens the door to Holly, he tells her to get comfy while Abby gets ready. They are so glad to have her as maid of honor and witness. Holly is excited too. Things are still awkward with Nicole but at least they are talking. Chad shares that he lost his own mom when he was Holly’s age. He wishes he had had more time. Fixing her relationship with her mom is important. Holly says at least that is one relationship that is fixed.

Sophia is confused as to why Brady is still in jail. Tate has no idea. He thinks it is a dumb red tape thing. He is so relieved. Not just for his dad but his grandparents, sister and himself. Sophia is sure he will be home soon. She asks who the actual suspect is? Tate tells her it is Sarah Kiriakis’ mother-in-law, and Xander Kiriakis’ mother. Sophia is all whoa. Tate continues that her name is Fiona Cook. Sophia knows that b-word!

Brady didn’t know that escorting prisoners to lock up was part of EJ’s duties. EJ shrugs, two birds. He thinks they have unfinished business. Brady wasn’t expecting his grand apology until he was released, but he will take it now. EJ is not there to release him or apologize. He says things are still murky as the finger has been pointed at them both. So he thought he would bring them together for a chat. He urges them to have "oodles of fun" and departs.

Brady goes to the bars and tells Fiona to look at him. She asks if they really have to do this? Oh yes says Brady, they really do. When he met her he thought she was kind, and fun, and misunderstood. How could he have been so wrong? He keeps thinking about the night of the accident. How she told him not to jump to conclusions. She made him feel innocent. And that is because she knew he was. His question is how could she do that to Sarah? Fiona is shaking in abject misery.

Xander sits with Sarah, and she takes his hand. He is teetering between breaking down and holding it together. All Fiona has done his whole life has disappoint him; when she abandoned him, he was just a little boy, but even then, some part of him understood that it was the best thing that could happen to him. And yet, when she showed up in Salem claiming to have changed, he forgot about all the bad times and the terrible disappointments and turned back into that stupid little boy who wanted his mum.

Sarah is so sorry. She encouraged Fiona to come to them. Xander cups her head and tells her she did nothing wrong, her heart was in the right place, like it always is. When she first showed up at their almost wedding, and told him he was Victor’s son and heir, he felt so vindicated, so self-important. And then she worked her way into their lives. From then on, he let himself only see what he wanted to see; his mum who had somehow transformed into a person of character, somebody he could trust. Sarah says of course he saw her that way, she was very good at playing that part.

Xander thinks he should have seen through it. He knows who she is, who she was, how she treated him as a child, how she abandoned him without looking back. How could he not see the signs that she is the same heartless drunk that she has always been? Sarah assures him it wasn’t obvious; she hid it well. Xander is her son, he should have known. He suddenly realizes that he left Fiona alone with Victoria, he trusted her with their little girl. What was he thinking? Sarah tells him Fiona never hurt Victoria, she hurt Xander, and that breaks her heart.

Xander tells her it’s not about him: all Fiona did was remind him how awful she is, but Sarah, look what she did to her? And she hurt Sarah because he deluded himself because he so desperately wanted to believe that she had changed. He allowed this to happen. He will never forgive himself. Sarah is stroking his face; his eyes are filled with tears. This is heartbreaking.

Sarah begs Xander not to blame himself. He had nothing to do with her accident. Xander says of course he did. He deluded himself. He should have known his mother wasn’t sober, that she was the same wretched human being she has always been, who clearly, he gestures at himself in disgust, passed down all her wretched genes to him. Sarah tells him to stop. Xander points out that he was so enraged at Brady he was going to murder him, and then Sarah had to lie to the police to save him from himself. And now Sarah might have to face the consequences for that.

Sarah says she will not face perjury charges; when EJ threatened her, she did not remember, but now she does. They have proof, Fiona confessed to both her and Xander. Xander points out that they have no idea what Fiona is saying to the cops. He realizes that Jada showed up to arrest Fiona before they had a chance to call 911, how did she know?

Sarah says it must have been Eric, he was grilling her about the accident, maybe he went to the police? Xander tells her they must go and set the record straight, get Brady out of jail, and not just because he doesn’t deserve to be there, but because it is the only way to get the serum from Kristen. And that is the priority. After that, when Sarah is all better, by God, we will make my mum pay for what she has done.

Fiona says this was the last thing she wanted for him or Sarah. Brady wants to know then why she hit Sarah and left her to die, why did she let him take the fall, and what did he do to deserve this? Fiona tells him he didn’t deserve this, he needs to understand, she wasn’t even drunk that night, just tipsy, and thought it was safer for her to drive him home. Brady said it would have been safer to call a cab. Fiona knows that now. She thought they’d be ok.

It was so dark, and Sarah appeared out of nowhere. It happened so fast and when she realized she had hit somebody she panicked, and then when she saw it was Sarah she panicked even more, knowing if Xander found out it would be the end of their relationship forever. Brady snarks so better to ruin my life over yours?

Fiona says it wasn’t premeditated, he was passed out in the car next to her, and then she waited for help to come for Sarah before she left her, and her mind was racing, her world was about to end, and Brady was blissfully ignorant. Then the idea formed in her mind. She had researched the Maggie frame up so that’s how she got the idea. The cruel and heartless idea, to drive him home and put him in the driver’s seat. Brady said she put him in hell. And now it is her turn.

Tate is confused as to how Sophia knows Xander’s mum. Sophia recaps Fiona being nice to her and feeding her cheesecake, and that she was kind of lonely. They talked about Tate a bit. Tate wants to know what Sophia told Fiona about him?

Chad wants to know if Holly is talking about Tate? She is. She kind of misses him but she will get over it, there are other guys out there. It’s not what she wants, but even if she could get over Tate taking Brady’s side, he won’t forgive her for breaking into Brady’s briefcase. And her ex-BFF is making a move on him. Chad is sorry about all this teen drama. Holly is excited about Chad’s wedding. She can’t wait for them to fall in love all over again. Fabby enters at this moment in the pretty lace wedding gown.

Sophia wants to know what the big deal is? She just told Fiona she liked Tate, and he was seeing somebody else. Fiona gave her a big tip and told her to keep quiet about serving her a martini. Tate repeats that part. Sophia thought it was playful, but when she ran into Fiona in the square, and she mentioned Tate by name, Fiona freaked out on her. She lost it, because she lived with Holly’s family, and then she threatened Sophia. She thought it was about keeping them from knowing she wasn’t sober, but now she knows she also mowed down Sarah when she was smashed out of her mind.
Fiona prayed nobody would identify his car or implicate Brady. Brady understands, setting him up was her failsafe, but she was ok with him thinking he was guilty of this for the rest of his life. Fiona tells him that when Sarah originally woke up ok after surgery, she was fully intending to put the record straight, but when they realized she was paralyzed she couldn’t. Oh, you could have, says Brady, you just decided not to.

Sarah and Xander sit down with EJ. They need to talk. EJ starts saying that if they are there to defend Fiona, not to bother. Xander interrupts with no, she can rot in hell for all he cares. He wants Brady released now they have Fiona in custody. EJ can’t see how the two things are related. Sarah tells him that Brady is innocent. Xander says that Sarah remembers that Brady is the driver. EJ doubles down that he has her sworn statement saying that Brady was the driver, so which version is he supposed to believe?

Fabby twirls around. Chad goes to hug her. Fabby thanks Holly for coming and tells her to go and get her bouquet. Fabby says they need an officiant. He goes to his phone to send a text, and would have seen the Kayla text, but there is a knock at the door and there is JJ. He and Chad hug. Fabby isn’t so enthusiastic about this turn of events.

JJ looks at Fabby. He must be her brother. Does she remember him at all? Nope. She wishes she did. She feels a "familiar energy". JJ says that’s a start. Chad says since Jack and Jennifer couldn’t make it, he called JJ, who got ordained and flew from South Africa. JJ says there are no words for how much it means to see his sister again. He is sorry that their mom and dad aren’t here, mom is still having a hard time with this, but he is so happy to have her back.

Xander says no matter what EJ’s personal issues are with Brady, he doesn’t deserve to be behind bars. Sarah reiterates that she told EJ that she wasn’t sure of her memory of Brady behind the wheel. She is sure now, it was Fiona, not Brady. EJ is aware of Sarah’s ever-changing story, which makes her just about as reliable a witness as drunken Brady.

Xander wants to know what that means? EJ says Brady didn’t remember, he confessed, then unconfessed, and says he now remembers that he wasn’t the driver. Xander asks what more does EJ need? EJ laughs evilly. Does Xander not see why he would be a tad bit skeptical about this? He is supposed to believe that Brady’s memory was restored at the precise moment that Sarah’s came back.

Xander tells him to listen to him. Why would they put so much effort into making EJ believe this? Does he think he wants to believe his mother is a monster? EJ looks contemplatively at Sarah. He thinks there is some reason that Sarah changed her story and why the two of them are so desperate to get Brady released. Until he knows the whole truth, he will not be setting Brady free.

Fiona says when Brady’s car vanished and EJ released him, she was so relieved. And she is so sorry Xander tried to take the law into his own hands. But she stopped that too. Brady asks if he is supposed to thank her? Her son almost broke his legs for something that she did. Wait, he did thank her, and she replied by throwing Sarah’s injury back in his face, when she knew it was something she had done. Fiona says when she came to see him yesterday, she was so close to confessing everything. The secret has been killing her.

Does she expect him to feel sorry for her? Fiona doesn’t, but she does want him to know she cares about him. Brady just shakes his head. Fiona says they were two lost souls who found each other when they needed somebody, and that means so much to her. She had to pretend she hated him, but the truth is the only person she hates is herself.

Sophia is sorry, if she had known who Fiona was, she would have told him. Tate says she didn’t know. Sophia mentions Holly digging up dirt on Brady. Tate says that Holly didn’t know either. Sophia expects Holly to come crawling back to her now she knows Brady did not run over her precious Aunt Sarah. Tate doesn’t think so.

Holly comes out and greets JJ. Fabby wants to get on with it. JJ gets out his phone. He is a novice to the whole wedding ceremony thing so needs to read along. Chad wants to play some music on his own phone, Fabby goes to get it and sees the Kayla text. Uh-oh face. Fabby quickly deletes the text. She lies that the phone is dead. JJ is worried about her, she seems pale. Fabby says she is just a nervous bride.

Xander says this is ridiculous, it should be obvious why they want this. Brady is his family and Sarah’s friend, and she feels bad that her testimony got him arrested. Sarah says he can’t prosecute two suspects, he must let one of them go. EJ points out that he has already released Brady once, and he is not going to do so again until he is 100% certain he is innocent.

Xander says but he is innocent, and his mother is guilty; didn’t the police take her statement? EJ demurs not yet. Xander wants to know why not? EJ says that it is a thing called due process, that Xander should be quite familiar with. Fiona is entitled to have her lawyer present. Xander says whatever, Sarah remembers, and apparently Brady remembers, and he will give EJ his testimony right now.

EJ scoffs that Xander was not an eyewitness. Xander says not to the accident, but Fiona just confessed to him after he stopped her pushing Sarah down the stairs to keep her quiet. How’s that for a witness? Xander tells EJ it is time to let this one go, Brady didn’t do it. Sarah points out that she was the victim of this crime, Brady does not deserve to be one too. EJ needs to let him go.

Brady asks Fiona if she really expects him to believe she cares about him? If his brother had not pressured him to remember what happened the truth would never have come out, and she would not have said a word. Fiona sobs a bit. He tells her he never wants to hear from her or see her face again. He is sorry he ever met her. He returns to his cot. Fiona is shaking and crying, a mess of guilt and I think, mostly self-pity.

Tate wants to ask Sophia a favor. He doesn’t know what the hold up is clearing Brady, but maybe what Sophia knows might help. Would she talk to the police on his behalf? Sophia says she would do anything for Tate and his family. Tate is impressed. Sophia says Brady is so lucky to have Tate. Tate says he is lucky to have a friend like Sophia. They hug.

JJ says that it is an honor and privilege to be here to do this, unconventional though it may be. He loads up the cheat sheet on his phone. He begins the marriage ceremony, and apparently, he committed the whole thing to memory fast. He gets to the bit about anybody having issues with it and they all look around and laugh. We skip to the vows.

Chad takes Abigail to be his lawful spouse to have and hold from this day forward, sickness and health. Fabby takes Chad to be her lawful spouse too. Chad is looking at her with adoration as she says the full vows. JJ tells Chad to put the ring on Fabby’s finger. Chad says With this ring, I thee wed. Fabby looks squirrelly (and it is national squirrel month!) Fabby weds Chad too.

JJ is thrilled to pronounce them married by the power invested in him by the all mighty internet. They kiss. Holly and JJ exchange happy looks. Chad is beyond thrilled and happy. Fabby wishes she could say that the memories came flooding back, but she can honestly say that she feels closer to Chad than she ever has before. Chad pulls her into an embrace.

Xander and Sarah are alone in the interrogation room. EJ apparently stormed out without saying anything. Xander thinks that they should have just told him everything. Sarah says what, that his sister is blackmailing them and that Xander tried to kill Brady? No, EJ does not need all that information. Xander shakes his head. Of course not. Sarah hopes that EJ knows he must do the right thing, she prays that is what he is doing.

Neat fade-in from Xander’s face to Fiona’s. She is hunched over hugging a pillow. EJ stalks in. He tells Brady to get up. It is his lucky day; he is dropping the charges against him. Fiona looks quivery and sort of happy. EJ tells Brady to get out of his sight before he changes his mind. Brady grabs his dingy white jacket and starts to go, he looks at Fiona, she gives him a wan half smile. He leaves.

Tate is about to kiss Sophia but the bell rings. He is so sorry; lunch is over, and she never got a chance to eat. He thanks her for everything. She tells him to let her know about talking to the police or testifying, whatever he needs. Tate looks after her reflectively.

JJ wants to make a toast to the bride and groom. He was nervous about seeing her after he heard about Jennifer’s reaction, but now he is sorry he did not reach out sooner, even if it was just to video chat or talk on the phone. Holly has a flash to Fabby lying to her that she was talking to JJ on the phone. Holly says Wait, what do you mean? Didn’t you two just talk on the phone last night? Close ups of JJ and Chad confused, Fabby trying to come up with a lie.
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I don't think he is. He knows he can't win with nailing Brady, and at least everybody is in agreement about Fiona, he just wanted somebody to give him a win in court, and this is a sure thing. He can even add attempted murder charges now.
Great job, brisbydog!

Yes, it was, indeed, a good show!

It was wonderful seeing JJ again. Doesn't seem like he felt any negative vibes with fake Abby.

If Chad did see that text, "SHE'S NOT ABBY!," and fake Abby deleted it, maybe he will notice that if he checks his phone. But thinking that he did not see it, as he went ahead with the wedding. Yet who knows? He was angry at Steve, but the text was from Kayla. Maybe he figured she was just backing him up. I really thought this wedding would be stopped in its tracks.

Tate was saved by the bell when his kiss with Sophia was interrupted. I was surprised that she said she would tell all if need be, after being threatened by Fiona. Looks like that won't have to happen now.

EJ proved, again, how slimy he can be. Even with a confession by Fiona, he thought Brady was still guilty.

I don't believe that Kristen yet knows that Brady is free. I sure hope he goes to see her immediately so she doesn't pay Sarah a visit. Better yet, text her!

Serena Scott Thomas/Fiona (one year younger than her actress sister Kristen Scott Thomas) was as good as ever today. While I want Fiona to be punished, that means we won't see this incredible talented lady on screen soon.

I bet there will be a cliffhanger tomorrow with Mark knocking at the door and someone opening it, then that is all we get til Monday.
I was not on board with this Tate recast but I admit it, he works for me with Sophia. I really like her. I feel like Holly needs one of those bad boy types to temper her abrasive personality.

Nooo, we want Xander to get to Kristen first to report that Brady is free and get the cure, although we all know Kristen won't keep her word anyway.

I hope this is not it for Fiona. I have so many more questions about her past with Victor that we never got answered.
Paul Telfer (Xander) was so good today, and Tuesday too. He is doing the full range of anger, sorrow, guilt and outrage this week. I hope he gets at least a nomination this year, he has not been recognized by the Emmys since his nom in 2019 (which admittably, was his best year until this one)
EJ is being such a slimeball but thankfully he did release Brady.

Good lord, wouldn't Kayla call Chad when she didn't get a response? Telling him she's Fabigail is pretty important. Hopefully Holly is going to blow it up now. Can't believe they got married if JJ is in fact ordained. Was nice to see him though. Was thinking Chad did see the text then contacted JJ to fake the wedding. South Africa to Paris in DOOL time probably 10 minutes.

Tate - saved by the bell. (from kissing Sophia)
Nooo, we want Xander to get to Kristen first to report that Brady is free and get the cure, although we all know Kristen won't keep her word anyway.
I think Kristen wants a guilt-ridden, self-loathing Brady who owes her, out of prison. Any other version of him can stay locked up—at least that way, she won’t have to worry about him hooking up with other women.
Paul Telfer (Xander) was so good today, and Tuesday too. He is doing the full range of anger, sorrow, guilt and outrage this week. I hope he gets at least a nomination this year, he has not been recognized by the Emmys since his nom in 2019 (which admittably, was his best year until this one)
Agree — Paul Telfer (Xander) did a fine job portraying the anguished son who realizes that his mother is a lying lowlife.

Idiot EJ was smart to drop charges against Brady. When talking to Xander, he wasn’t dealing with a pitiful, powerless supplicant. Behind the X-Man were Kiriakis money and lawyers who would have crushed Elvis like an eggshell and made him look like a fool in the process.

Over in Paris, the fraudulent Chad-Fabby wedding went off without a hitch — no Steve charging in at the last moment to halt the proceedings. It was good to see JJ again. He did a fine job as the instant minister. Unfortunately for him, his efforts will be for nothing.

Finally, things are looking up for Sophia, who seems to be the only beneficiary of the whole Brady-Fiona mess.
Thanks brisbydog.

Another great show and excellent scenes with Paul Telfer (Xander).

Poor Xander. Now he feels guilty about what happened to Sarah since he didn't make Fiona leave town when she came.

Poor Brady, he's had to wear that shirt for two or three Salem days. I bet it's rather stinky. Thank goodness, EJ let him
out of jail at the end.

Why hasn't Chad wondered when he looked at his wedding picture with Abby that this person is taller?

Why do Mark and his sister think they can get the DiMera money after she's married to Chad? It won't be an easy process
and if I remember, Abby didn't want the DiMera money.

Drat and darn, the woman saw Kayla's message that she wasn't Abigail, and Chad didn't.

Nice to see JJ.

Poor Chad. He married that woman. <ha ha ha>

Is a marriage legal without a license?

Good for Holly speaking up about the woman lying to her about talking to JJ. It was actually her real brother.

Tomorrow should be an interesting day when the woman tries to figure out what to say after Holly said what she did.
I wish Brady got better stories because the actor is great. I wonder why Fiona doesn't get to hang in the office for days.
Brady was arrested, in his Miami vice wear, on September 27th. He started wearing it the day before. That's 3 full weeks today for that outfit