Days of Our Lives - Thursday, November 21, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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After three days of not watching, thrilled to be back! And today there is cake, but no cupcakes! Enjoy! 40:34 with ads

University Hospital: Kayla is pretending to be engrossed in something when Maggie comes up to her. She wants to know what has taken so long? It has been a full 24 hours and Sarah is not line dancing yet! What has Kayla to say for herself? Kayla points out that she illegally injected an unknown substance into Sarah and they have no clue if it will even work. Kristen comes in at this point demanding to know why Kayla is not keeping her appraised of Sarah’s private medical status? Kayla and Maggie stare incredulously at her.

Xander is with Sarah. He reports that when he put Victoria to bed last night she was demanding Mama over and over again. Sarah is missing Victoria as much as Victoria is missing her. Xander thinks it was a protest from little Victoria against him being the one to tuck her in. Sarah asks if he sang her a lullaby? Xander reports that he sang her eight lullabies. Sarah says that explains it; Victoria was traumatized. Xander is offended.

Has Sarah not heard his rendition of the Britney Spears classic “Hit me baby one more time”? It apparently crushes at karaoke. He offers to give Sarah a rendition right now but she puts her hand firmly over his mouth. She says that just because she is stuck in this bed does not mean she won’t call for help. Xander says hopefully she won’t be stuck in the bed much longer. Sarah says she still doesn’t feel anything. What if the serum doesn’t work?

Brady is at the pub. Ava wanders by. Brady offers to buy her coffee. Ava can buy her own. She sits down with her back to him. Brady is befuddled: Did he do something wrong? Ava says no, but his jerk of a son certainly did. Brady and I are both confused as to why she is punishing Brady for that.

Holly and Tate are having some boring teen chitter chatter in the Square. Tate has missed their hanging out vibe. Holly didn’t think they’d get a second chance. Tate says or a third or fourth. It’s literally been a year guys, you are not exactly Bo and Hope here. Tate is glad they don’t have to hide from their parents anymore. Holly actually found that exciting. She is bored already lol. Me too, Holly. Tate lays a bland kiss on her just as Sophia walks by and notes it did not take Tate long too move on.

Brady wants to know why Ava called his son a bad word? Ava says because she is a lady and doesn’t want to say what she really thinks. Brady sits down and asks for the lowdown. Ava rants about poor Sophia coming to her a wreck. Brady asks if Tate broke up with her? Ava clarifies that Sophia dumped him. Brady does not understand why Tate is the bad ‘un then. Ava says because Sophia dumped him because Tate called her by Holly’s name in bed. Brady is reflecting on how many times that probably has happened to him as we return to the teen set.

Sophia notes how predictable it is that he ran back to Holly. Tate does a few mealy mouth apologies. Sophia brushes him off. She wishes them all the best. She tells Holly that when she does finally "give it up" to him, not to be surprised when he calls out her name. Tate takes Holly away, both of them glaring at Sophia like she is the bad one here.

Kayla explains to Kristen that she is not at liberty to discuss Sarah with her. She is not family. Kristen points out that she provided the drug and has the right to be kept in the loop. Kayla disagrees. Maggie tells Kristen that there is no improvement, no reduced swelling, no change. Kristen asks if they have made Sarah try walking yet? Kayla says they do not want to further her injury. Kristen says with that drug there is no need to be cautious, one needs to take the bull by the horns and that is what she is going to do.

Kristen flounces off in the direction of Sarah’s room. Kayla tries to stop her but Maggie tells her to let her go. Kayla notes that Kristen is a lunatic. Maggie agrees, but Xander can handle her, and she is willing to give Kristen a modicum of grace right now as she gave up the serum with no strings attached. Kayla says Maggie is a very good woman. Maggie adds though that if Kristen has got Sarah’s hopes up for nothing she will tear the Jezebel from limb to limb. Go Mags!

Xander feels it in his soul that Sarah will walk again. She needs to give it time. Kristen bursts in, tosses her crap on Sarah’s bed and says it is time to get this show on the road. She rips off Sarah’s blanket and tells “Xandy” to make himself useful and grab one arm while she grabs the other and they can hoist her up. Sarah has the best facial expressions as she says “what is happening?”

Sophia is eating a huge piece of cake. Aaron comes by and notes the size. Sophia says she is rewarding herself for not committing murder. Aaron wants to know what happened? Sophia tells him the "good news" that Holly and Tate are back together. (I know we don’t do combo names on this board but these two scream to be called "Hate")

Tate is pretending to do homework at the K-Mansion. Holly is bringing snacks. She notes how awkward it was to run into Sophia. She feels bad for her, but what was that weird thing she said about Tate saying her name in bed? Tate looks wildly interested in his book. He tells Holly that Sophia said that because that’s what he did to her.

Back with Brady and Ava discussing the same thing. I wish these two would stop talking about teenagers’ sex lives, it is so wildly inappropriate. Brady blathers on about how Tate was trying to give Sophia a shot. Ava says he should not have slept with her if he had feelings for somebody else. Brady agrees (like he has never done that?? No no never) but says Tate is a teenager so can’t make mature decisions. He points out that they are not teens and both of them have made gross mistakes with their love lives.

Brady thinks he should have been more observant, but he has been distracted by Sarah’s situation. Ava finally admits that it is not Brady’s fault and she is sorry she lashed out at him. Brady gets that she cares about her employee she has known for a few weeks. Ava changes the subject to Sarah and asks if the serum is working? Brady says they are waiting and hoping for the best.

Kristen is not one for waiting, she is still trying to bodily remove Sarah from the bed. Xander is trying to bodily remove Kristen from Sarah. Kristen tells him not to yell at her. She is just trying to help. Xander says by forcing Sarah to walk before she is ready? Kristen looks at Sarah and asks why she is wimping out about this? If she wants to walk again she needs to push herself, show some gumption and courage and get on with the business of living. Xander thanks Kristen for the "deranged pep talk" (lol) but they are good. At this point he basically picks up Kristen and tosses her out the door, Kristen is still shouting at Sarah to get on her feet. Xander tells her thanks for stopping by. Sarah is still eye bugging.

Aaron is so bewildered. He can’t keep up with the teen drama! Holly just told him that Sophia and Tate were the couple. Sophia says they were, for five seconds. Aaron wants to know what happened? Sophia says he went running back to true love Holly. Aaron thought that Tate was really into Sophia. Sophia thought so too, but then his true feelings came out in the worst possible way at the worst possible time. Aaron can’t think about when and where that might be. Sophia tells him to take a guess. Aaron does a vomit face which has me hysterically laughing and says ohhhh noooo. Sophia glumly says oh yes. She eats more cake.

And here we go with the THIRD couple discussing Tate’s bedroom faux pas. Holly has her hands on her hips and asks if he is joking? She asks how Sophia reacted? She is smirking though. Tate says that Sophia told him to go to hell and stormed out. Holly’s wee brain is working. When Tate came to her last night, she assumed he broke up with her. Was it the other way around? Tate says yeah, but why does that matter? Holly wonders if he only got back with her because things were over with Sophia?

Kayla and Maggie are now with Xander and Sarah. Kayla is clarifying that Kristen thought she could force Sarah to walk by hoisting her onto her feet. Sarah says and Kristen called her a wimp. Xander pipes in that he had to drag her out before she did any more damage. Kayla is confused as to why Kristen cares about Sarah’s recovery, given she only cares about herself historically. Maggie thinks that Kristen does not care about Sarah a bit, she cares about Brady. Kristen wants the serum to work so she can score points with him. Sarah sagely nods in agreement.

Brady tells Ava that Sarah is a really good person. Ava once helped Gwen disguise herself as Sarah so she could keep Sarah captive on an island as Kristen’s prisoner, but she is pretending to care here. Brady really hopes the serum works. Ava is bored with this conversation and wants to go. Brady is sorry being defensive about the teen sitch. He thinks it is sweet how protective she is of Sophia.

Sophia reminds Ava of herself, she acts all tough because she doesn’t want to let people see how vulnerable she is. She is sorry for laying into Brady over typical stupid teenage behaviors. Brady understands. Ava thanks him for understanding. This is boring. Are they still good? They nod a bit. It is important for Ava that they are friends. She doesn’t want to feel sorry for herself, she has a good job and a roof over her head but she misses her son, and other things (sex with boring Harris?). She is grateful for his friendship. Brady is grateful too. He pulls her into a hug predictably timed so Kristen can come in and demand to know what is going on.

Kayla is trying to put together the warped logic that Kristen stands a better chance with Brady if Sarah walks again. Sarah thinks that Kristen might have helped a little bit; the idea that she should push herself might not be a bad one. Xander, Maggie and Kayla all soap stare.
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Xander asks if Sarah is sure about this? Sarah has always thought of herself as fearless, and it is time to prove it. Maggie cautions that there is a difference between fearless and reckless. Sarah knows, but she is going to be ok. She looks Xander in the eyes and asks him to help her try this. Xander says he will not let her fall, no matter what. He looks at Kayla for reassurance. Kayla nods assent. Sarah whips off the blankets and Xander picks her up and places her on her feet. We get a shot of those non slip hospital socks I am sadly too familiar with these days. Sarah immediately crumples and Xander has to hold her upright. She looks defeated.

Sophia is continuing her sad Tate tale to a captivated (captive?) Aaron. She is relaying how she told Tate to get stuffed and got the heck out of there. Aaron can’t believe Tate did that. He must have been freaked out. Sophia points out what about her? Aaron concedes yes, way worse. Sophia eats more cake. Her life sucks. Aaron says at least her brother isn’t sitting in jail charged with attempted murder. This plotline has evaded Sophia. She says that is crazy. Aaron says that his family is incredibly screwed up right now. Sophia says she has nowhere else to be so lay it on her. I really like these two together.

And back to the bland teens. Tate is saying Holly wasn’t his back up plan, he meant every word he said. All he ever wanted was to be with her, from the first time he met her in the park. He thinks about her all the time. Holly is basking in this speech. Tate hopes he believes him. Holly does. They smash their faces together. Holly asks if he wants to go up to her room.

Brady tells Kristen she walked in on a friendly hug. Kristen did not know he and Ava were friends. Brady says they are. Kristen wants to know what interests they share? Ava says they just like to talk. Kristen is not impressed. She tells Brady she was just checking in on Sarah. Rolf thinks it will be successful but Sarah needs to have the right attitude.

Brady thinks he should go over later today. Kristen thinks he should go over now, Sarah is down and has a defeatist attitude. Brady means so much to Sarah (since when?) and his presence would make a huge difference to her recovery. Brady should go and encourage Sarah to have the right attitude. Brady does not acknowledge this transparent ploy to remove him from Ava and trots off to the hospital. Kristen turns her malevolent gaze to Ava. Ava suddenly wants to get to the Bistro, nothing that since Kristen’s brother has skipped town she now runs the place. Kristen grabs her arm and says Ava is not going anywhere.

Sarah is back in bed with Maggie holding her hands. She notes what a big fail that was. Maggie is glad she didn’t hurt herself. Sarah is fine physically, she is drained emotionally. She is worried she is letting Xander down. Maggie asks why she would say that? Sarah replies that ever since Xander found out his mother caused the accident, he has all this guilt in his eyes, like it is somehow his fault. Maggie says it isn’t. Sarah knows that, but she thinks the only way he will let go of the guilt is if she walks again. And she worries if she doesn’t make a full recovery, that Xander won’t either.

Xander is taking out his anger on a coffee pot. Brady exits the elevator and asks if he is ok? Xander lies that he is good. Brady tells him he ran into Kristen and that the serum has not worked yet. Xander concurs that it has not worked yet, despite Kristen’s best efforts to drag her out of bed and force her to her feet. Brady is appalled, Kristen did not mention that part. Xander was going to throw her out a window but Sarah thought Kristen had a point, so when she left they gave it a go.

Xander tells Brady how he boosted Sarah to her feet and then she collapsed in his arms. Brady, for once the voice of sanity, points out that it has not been that long and that the serum may still work. Xander knows, but it is so hard watching Sarah go through this. He would trade places with her in a heartbeat. Brady knows Sarah doesn’t deserve this, and he is so sorry for them both. Xander looks at him and says that he is the one who is sorry.

Ava asks Kristen if there is a problem? There sure is if Ava is moving in on Brady. Ava has a nasty habit of moving in on "other women’s men". She cites Kayla and Gabi. Going after her BFF’s man is just an extra low though. Ava tells her that they are no longer friends after Kristen fired her. Kristen counters that Gabi gave her no choice. Also Kristen saved her life once, Ava should show her some more respect and stop throwing herself at the man Kristen loves.

Ava goes off on her stating that she and Brady are just friends and Brady was giving her a friendly hug because she was upset about somebody she cares about with a broken heart. Kristen sneers, she gets it. She can’t blame her for asking. Ava says that was not asking, it was threatening. Kristen was just doing her due diligence. She assumed since Stefan left town she was looking for another home to wreck.

Ava laughs in her face, this from the woman who wrecks lives, and by the way there is no home to wreck because Kristen and Brady are not together. Kristen says technically no, but they share a child, and since she so generously gave up that serum it is just a matter of time before they are back together. Ava mocks her with "not what I’ve heard". Kristen gets her evil face and wants to know what that is supposed to mean? Ava laughs in her face again.

Aaron has told Sophia the whole saga off screen, ending with now Mark is in prison he will be looking after Felicity and himself (Cat?? Why isn’t she staying with him and taking on any of this burden?). Sophia is so sorry. And could their mom really be alive? Aaron doesn’t want to get his hopes up. Sophia is so sorry, her love life is nothing compared to what he is going through. She gives him the cake. He needs it more than she does. Aaron asks if the cake helped with her heartbreak? Sophia says not even a little. Aaron shovels some in anyway. They smile at each other. I’m into this. I hope Aaron pretends to be her baby daddy when she is inevitably up the duff.

Tate doesn’t want to rush things. He wants to do things right every step of the way. When they are finally together he wants it to be special. He wants to take her on a proper date. Their last one was New Year’s Eve and it didn’t go well. He wants to take her to dinner, movie, dancing, all the normal couple things. Holly can get behind that. Once they have done all that then they can see what happens. That sounds perfect to them both. Yawn.

Aaron has finished the cake. Sophia asks if it helped? It actually did, but talking to her helped as well. He should go and study. Sophia says he should, but does he want to. She says he could go study or they could go and do something fun. Aaron is astounded that she wants to hang out with him. They’ve known each other since third grade and she has never asked him to hang out before. She says that they have never had sucky lives in common before. She says the bad words (Body/Soul) and says they could go to her place and watch that. Aaron is not that keen but Sophia convinces him that there are "hot girls" in it (Chanel and Joy?).

Tate can’t concentrate. They decide to take a study break. Some music suddenly plays but I think only we hear it. Tate says that they can cross dancing off their list. They do some soulless swaying together and rub noses.

Kristen wants to know what Ava’s snide comment meant? What did Brady tell her? Ava says that Brady told her why Kristen gave up the serum. That she only did it because Brady told her there was a zero chance of them getting back together if she did not. And when Ava pointed out that Kristen might be expecting a future with him, Brady said that he made no promises. Kristen is incensed, why would Brady share their business with the likes of Ava? Ava says because they are friends, and friends confide in each other. And from one former friend to another, she would not get her hopes up if she were Kristen. She goes out, smiling at Kristen’s distress.

Xander is sorry for so many things, obviously, but blaming Brady for Sarah’s accident is high on the list. Brady says he was going through hell and angry and needed to lash out and he gets it. And last time he checked he is still in one piece so no harm done. Xander says of course there was harm done, but Brady has been so kind to them, especially going out of his way to get them the serum. Brady says that Sarah deserves to walk again. Xander agrees that she does, but Brady has been instrumental in making that possible, and he is so grateful. And to prove it, he wants to offer Brady his job back at Basic Black.

Brady is a bit surprised but he will take Xander up on it. Xander says that’s the least he can do, especially since Brady also got Kristen to drop her demands for Titan. Brady notes that that was more of a miracle than the serum might be. He is surprised that Xander even considered that deal. Xander says Brady knows well that he spent most of his adult life wanting to be CEO of that company, but he would give up everything if it meant Sarah could walk again. And the serum is their last chance. If it doesn’t work… he starts to get emotional and Brady lays a hand on his shoulder. He assures him that it will work and tells him to hang in there. They look soulfully at each other.

Sarah asks Maggie to check on Xander and make sure he is ok. Sarah is kind of hungry and asks Maggie to bring over her fruit salad. Maggie brings over the tray and dumps the food and water bottle on Sarah’s lap. Sarah reacts. She felt it. She felt the water bottle hit her leg! Maggie hugs her and they both are excited. End of show!
Really good show after three duds in a row.

I really enjoyed Xander and Brady today. So much history, mostly bad, between them, and Xander's apology was very needed. I hope now that we can see these two have a better relationship, something I have been hoping for since they had those wonderful scenes after Victor's death.

Holly and Tate are pointless, and he still looks every bit his real age. Sophia was the only thing that made him interesting, and now she is making Aaron interesting. I imagine he will pretend to be her baby daddy when she is inevitably pregnant in a month or so.

Ava mocking Kristen was fantastic. Finally, Brady has somehow managed to glom on to a woman who will not be intimidated by her. Wonder how Ava will fare against Rachel though?

Xander and Sarah were very sweet in that first scene. I've missed them having moments together. And she felt Maggie throw a water bottle on her leg! I hope this is the start of the end of the paralysis story and we can move on to Philip vs Xander, which I feel will be highly entertaining stuff.
Nicely done, brisbydog!

Agree about Xander and Brady. When people act like adults, it works!

I think Aaron and Sophia are cute together and hope there is NO pregnancy as a result of Tate and Sophia's romps. I don't like Tate and Holly together, their history is not great. Aren't they going to be seniors? They need to concentrate on their studies and what comes next, not hitting the sheets. Holly should not ever take Tate to her room in the mansion, that is disrespectful to Maggie.

That was some slab of cake! I was drooling :)

While I did enjoy Ava taunting Kristen, she made things bad for Brady. Now, thinking Brady will never even try to get back with her, Kristen might not be so generous with Brady's visits with Rachel.

Great scenes with Xander and Sarah, and that last scene was so hopeful. It is, obviously, a slow-moving serum, patience is the key. Having any type of sensation in the leg is a good sign.
Good job Brisby. I was up really early this a.m. so watched the show before the summary was truly did a good job covering it all.

That said, am wondering if the show is trying to turn Ava into someone like Kayla perhaps? Ava has done much "bad" it seems hard to believe such a big change would come about. But.....since they fired Nicole.......guess they want a similar character on board.

Also hope for NO pregnancy for Sophia/Tate. There really are other teen storylines besides a pregnancy. Put on the thinking caps. (A shame the show has to rely on actors in their 20s to portray teens.....but that is the way it goes when school come first if you want to graduate and not be a drop out. Tis fine....
Brady is reflecting on how many times that probably has happened to him as we return to the teen set.
:rotfl: or as we say on other social sites 1732213504126.png.
Kayla notes that Kristen is a lunatic.
A dangerous thing to say about her boss. (DiMera has a board seat and exercises its power flagrantly.)
(I know we don’t do combo names on this board but these two scream to be called "Hate")
As we say elsewhere, I "stan" this combo name. (That means I like it and advocate for it.)
He tells Holly that Sophia said that because that’s what he did to her.
I don't care for these two together, but I like that Tate is being honest with her.
Brady gets that she cares about her employee she has known for a few weeks.
I was just noting that this might work better (I'm okay with it but many aren't) if Ava mentioned that Sophia's been a rockstar or the best waitress or everyone's favorite server or something. Or even a little more of the "I see myself in her and I want her to have better than I did" or something.
Sophia reminds Ava of herself, she acts all tough because she doesn’t want to let people see how vulnerable she is.
Oh wow I spoke too soon. Score one for the New Exec Producer. (I refuse to give re-Ron credit for writing a strong woman who's not psychotic.)

Here's the sequence of Aaron's face - I think the gif I made is too big to fit here.

aaron vemoji 1.jpgaaron vemoji 2.jpgaaron vemoji 3.jpgaaron vemoji 4.jpgaaron vemoji 5.jpgaaron vemoji 6.jpg
She notes what a big fail that was.
I'm no physical therapist, but a patient doesn't immediately jump to walking. Sarah's a doctor and should know this. How about pushing something with her feet first?
Ava should show her some more respect and stop throwing herself at the man Kristen loves.
I was wondering how long it'd be until Krazy Kristen resurfaced.

Really good show, I'm jealous!! Sophia and Aaron really work. This show needs less in-crowd writing and more new faces that start out connected to others. Tate is Brady's son and a Donovan-Black-Kiriakis-Brady but what else does he have going for him? Ditto Holly. They're in love because they're in love. The only trauma they share is that which they inflicted on each other. As per, the more interesting characters are the ones (Sophia and Aaron) whom we're not supposed to care about.
I loved the look on Aaron's face when he realized what Sophia meant.

I can't believe Tate told Holly that he said her name while in bed with Sophia. Glad Holly saying was I your backup plan only lasted one sentence.

Kristen is just a horrible human and her obsession with a man who used to be a child she bounced on her knee is beyond ridiculous.

Hoping Sarah will be walking tomorrow.
Dr. Kritter’s bedside manner really does leave something to be desired — “Get out bed — now!” Of course, Dr. Daniel Jonas drooling on patients was arguably worse. Speaking of Dr. Kritter, it was a bad day for her — tossed out of a hospital room by Xander and seeing Ava embrace Brady.

If Ava goes all moral about Tater Tot again, perhaps Brady might mention the lack of morality in causing the death of old Dad Brady.

Finally, why should Ava take any guff from the Kritter? TPTB should really bring back the actor who plays Cousin Angelo Vitali who could pay a call on the Kritter to forcefully remind her of the proper etiquette required when speaking to a member of the exalted Vitali family.
Thanks, brisbydog.

Xander and Brady were the best part of today's show. I'm glad Brady is back with Basic Black.

What's wrong with Kristen? She thinks after a day the serum would make Sarah walk. If and
when Sarah walks, will Kristen expect Brady to to want her again?

Aaron makes the strangest faces.

Happy news at the end when Sarah felt the bottle hit her leg.
Thanks for the summary.

I like Sophia and Aaron. Holly and Tate can be shipped off to military school for all I care. And what's with these teens just absently throwing around having sex where their parents/guardians are? Also getting a little creeped out at Ava and Brady talking about the teens' sex life.