Days of our Lives - Thursday, November 2,2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
36 minutes. Save time, EJ and Nicole get married, Li signs over his shares, Gabi and Stefan fire EJ.

How all that happens.

Chad wants to get into a tux. Chad and EJ discuss the wedding food, blaming it on a pregnant woman. They poke fun at each other.

Eric pouting in the town square about Nicole getting married. Nicole comes up they have a soap stupid discussion.

Johnny and Holly have a dumb conversation about the man of Holly’s dreams.

Li and Gabi, as Gabi tries to convince Li she’s been kidnapped.

Stefan runs to the secret part of the park; he is thrilled that someone made it because this person is the key to his plan’s success. It’s Rolf!!!!

Nicole and Eric have a silly conversation about the upcoming wedding. And Holly, how she wants mommy to marry Eric.

Holly and Johnny continue their stupid conversation, that ends with Holly telling Johnny that her crush is EJ.

EJ and Chad talk about Stephanie and how much she wants to get married and he doesn’t and how they are brothers.

Rolf wants to know why he should help Stefan? Rolf has grievances.

Nicole and Eric continue their award-winning conversation about Holly missing Eric but adoring EJ. Nicole tries to justify her feelings for EJ. It’s really a history lesson for anyone just turning in for the first time because they heard about the great story-telling abilities. Nicole admits that if the baby was Eric’s, she wouldn’t be marrying EJ. Conversation moves to adoption. I’m not falling for these star-crossed lovers, for the 999th time. Sorry, not investing in them.

More Johnny and Holly, and Holly loves EJ story. Stupid crush. As they have this conversation, EJ walks in. Did he hear anything?

Li is freaking out on the phone at the apartment. Rolf appears. Rolf knows of the kidnapping of Gabi. The story is about DiMera shares and control of Gabi’s shares. More history for those of you just tuning in to watch this fantastically written show. Li discusses with Rolf about his session with Marlena.

Eric drops in on his mom. Eric has seen/spoken with Belle. Belle is doing well. Shawn has gone to rehab. Belle is encouraged.

EJ and Holly talk about the wedding. Johnny grins like a fool. Apparently, EJ heard nothing. Johnny tells Holly to avoid adult males till she’s 18. Holly then continues to talk to herself as her mom Nicole comes in.

Rolf and Li chat. Gabi walks in, she played Li. She flaunts it. Stefan comes in. He’s recorded Li’s conversation with Rolf where Li confessed to crimes against humanity. Now the brain trust of the DiMera shares decide to blackmail Li. Sign over your shares or the tape goes to Rafe.

Holly and Nicole have a dumb conversation about overhearing. Johnny and EJ talk about how this is EJ’s last wedding. Nicole leaves to get dressed.

Marlena and Eric talk. Eric is upset that Nicole is getting married to EJ. Marlena tells him that he knew it was coming. Eric now goes off on EJ and how horrible he is. A talk of sailing ships and lost loves and sorry I dozed off. If the baby had been his, he’d be the one marrying Nicole.

Chad appears and wants to know where everyone is? Chanel is off visiting her sister Lani in prison. Nicole and EJ appear. Nicole is wearing a skin tight wedding dress.

Li signs over his shares, calls the DiMera brain trust (Stefan and Gabi) disgusting and orders them out of the apartment.

Chad starts the wedding ceremony. Elvis Junior DiMera takes Nicole Stella Walker to be his wife. Holly is making goo goo eyes towards Johnny through this ceremony, and suddenly it is Holly and Johnny getting married, teen love, so fun. Meanwhile, Nicole spaces out.

Eric tries to convince himself he’s happy with Sloan. Eric wants his mom to make his feeling for Nicole go away.

Chad asks Nicole AGAIN if she wants to marry EJ. This time she answers the question with an "I do."

Eric calls Sloan from outside his mom’s office.

Rings appear, Johnny does the job masterfully. The rings go on the fingers. EJ and Nicole are pronounced man and wife.

Rolf and Li have a short conversation, then Rolf leaves the apartment; Li gets angry.

Gabi and Stefan walk into the wedding and fire EJ.
My personal favorite is that whoever wrote this masterpiece didn't even get EJ's name correct.
I bet Days doesn't even know what it is.

EJ's birth name was John Black, Jr. (John, Jr.), until the truth came out. Then he was known as Elvis Aaron Banks. When he came to Salem as an adult, he was now known as EJ (EJ Wells) to keep his identity a secret from the viewers for a while. I think Elvis Junior is what they were going for (like JJ being called Jack Jr., even though his legal name is Jack Patrick), but as to EJ's legal name, all we know for sure is that his first name is Elvis.

I'd venture to guess his legal name is now Elvis Aaron DiMera.

I'm still disappointed Susan and Edmund didn't have a bunch of kids with Elvis inspired names: Aaron, Presley, Priscilla, Lisa Marie, Gladys, Vernon, Jesse, Garon, Grace (for Graceland), Memphis, Tupelo, etc.

FYI: Riley Keough (Lisa Marie's daughter) named her baby (a girl) Tupelo Storm. Tupelo for where Elvis was born, and Storm was Riley's brother's middle name. (her brother Ben died in 2020)

Lisa Marie's one twin daughter has two middle names from the family: Aaron (Elvis' middle name) and Love (Elvis' mother's middle name). The other twin's one middle name is Ann (Priscilla's middle name). Finley Aaron Love Lockwood and Harper Vivienne Ann Lockwood.
Robin, Kudos for even being able to decipher the nonsense that was all over the place. Was this all written by an 8th grade journalism class in "penning a soap opera"?

A very pregnant woman, close to delivery date, wears a skin tight dress? Teenage angst galore as Holly attempts to hide her crush on older man Johnny, so claims it is EJ? And Johnny advises her to stick to the high school guys til she turns 18. Gabi calls Li, asking him to help, she has been kidnapped. (Yep, and kidnappers always give unlimited access to cell phone). And then Rolf is pulled in to get Li to talk of his evil doings....Stefan records, and bingo, Li signs over his shares. Sheesh.

Bet those writers were laughing themselves silly as they came up with one idiotic idea after another, or perhaps followed the orders of the "exec producer" wonder he finally got fired.

The actors had to be really embarrassed having to participate in the silliness we viewed today. Give them a lot of credit.
Thank you, Robin!

Eric saying he would be with Nicole "in a heartbeat" if that was his baby (well, we know it is, the truth will out eventually, esp. if the kid has a perpetual scowl.) speaks volumes about everything. He and Sloan will be kaput in no time, anyway.

It is so easy to kinda root for Li now, after that story he told about his first true love and how his father ruined it for him, and now Gabi and Stefan's plot. They are really evil and don't like them anymore. I did a bit, for a while, but not anymore. Despicable them!

Holly is so unlikable. Making up the story about her crush on EJ, pleeeeez! Her dress today was not "proper attire," no matter what EJ said.

Nicole looked beautiful today. She does love EJ, but not like she did/does Eric. Same way Chad loves Stephanie, but not the way he did Abby. Pushed-down feelings never have a good result.
Wow, Salem is just full of people who can perform weddings.! Who needs a minister or Justice of the Peace? Stand on the corner, ask the first person passing by, and & your lover are in luck......married in 2 minutes.

The show has gone overboard with so many citizens getting online ability to marry couples. If the budget won't allow any $$ for an extra to act as the presider, then why not have the couple just come in, announce they got married! Thus, no one needed to perform the nuptials.
I didn't put it in, but Chad did kick EJ out of his house so he could go online and complete the online course so he could marry them.

Still, you aren't that far off. But you'd think Chad would have gotten EJ's name correct. But such a minor detail. Like dying without a will so your incarcerated ex can move into your house and kick everyone out.
Thanks for the summary.

So I can't even remember now why Nicole and Eric broke up after they stuck it to Rafe. In my head Eric is responsible for the break up though so did he take any responsibility on why he's not the one marrying Nicole? He's ridiculous which is a bummer because the actor is good and super cute.
Oh, it was Xander who squealed, at first only saying Nicole had cheated on Eric, but eventually, and gleefully says he was the guy. it turned out Sami had paid Xander a million dollars to tell Eric what had happened between him & Nicole, and to do it in public. Xander kept needling Eric about how much Nicole had enjoyed it, finally Eric punches him. And yes, it was a heartbroken Eric, who shed tears first, who called it a day with Nicole, he left her.
I think Eric & Nicole broke up because he totally blamed her for Jada's abortion. Which I still can't believe stuck. I thought she'd be lying. But I am sick to death of Eric & Nicole.

Holly is annoying as all get out. Is she going to get Johnny drunk and get in bed with him?

I really wish baby was EJ's. He treats Nicole better than Eric did.
Regarding the name game, Elvis Aaron DiMera makes the most sense. “Elvis Junior” was Bo Brady’s insulting name for EJ.

As for the Gabi-Zero plot, the coconspirators have lost their minds. They’ve already alienated the lethal Kristen and now they’ve kicked the mentally unstable Li while he was down and ruined the potentially dangerous EJ’s wedding day. They‘ll be lucky if they get through the month unscathed.

Finally, it’s to be hoped that Nicole doesn’t look at the Days fiftieth anniversary book. How would she feel if she sees photos from the romantic, elaborate Bo-Hope and Steve-Kayla weddings and compares them to the bargain-basement, non-alcoholic ceremony that she’s just had?
Thanks, robin.

No interruptions during the wedding, but how long will the marriage last once they find out that Eric is the baby daddy?

Nice to see Eric with Marlena.

Did Eric contact Sloan so they can get married ASAP too?

So, Li got tricked to sign over his shares. Will he seek revenge?

Holly told a bunch of lies today. She told Johnny she had a crush on his dad. She told Nicole she has a role in the
school play. What a kid.