Days of Our Lives - Thursday, July 4, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
39 minutes

It's 4th of July night.

Xander is lifting weights without a shirt. Sarah is looking at all the RSVP for their wedding. Bonnie and Justin are coming. They discuss what he did to Bonnie. He wants to know if Bonnie can let it go, why can't she?

Bonnie and Justin toast to the 4th of July in the K-mansion den. Bonnie says they have more to celebrate than the 4th. She mentions an engagement. Justin says Xander and Sarah. Alex walks in, in his too tight shirt. He asks Justin if he heard the news that he's engaged to Theresa?

Outside shot of the townhouse. Brady opens the door to Theresa. Brady tells Theresa he made a decision that's best for everyone. He hopes she'll agree to it.

Holly is in the DiMansion living room, drinking out of a cup. The phone rings. It's Tate. He's in the Brady Pub. He's sorry he had to hang up fast the night before, then asks if she still wants to run away together.

Alex wants Justin to congratulate him since it's been two days and he hasn't said anything. Bonnie says she didn't tell Justin. She wanted Alex to. Justin says he has to process it. Alex says he wouldn't have to if he liked Theresa. Bonnie butts in and says Justin likes her. Alex says it's because you don't trust her.

Justin wants Alex to be cautious and not rush into it. Alex doesn't want his advice. He's trying to like his father since Victor went with his gut. Justin and Alex keep going on about Theresa and Victor. Alex reminds Justin that Victor gave him power in his will and left half his fortune to him. Justin says as executor of the will he wants Theresa sign an airtight pre-nup.

Brady says it's been an emotional week and she could have lost her life. Theresa talks about when she was with Brady and wanted to be with him and now she doesn't. Brady says this isn't why you're here, it's about their son. Theresa looks at the pamphlet for Lacrosse camp. She's surprised Brady wants to send Tate there. Brady says Tate can work on his skills and be away from Holly. Theresa likes the idea.

Tate wants to know if she wants to spend the summer together? He doesn't want to go to Lacrosse camp. Holly looks around and says his name and asks how will we do that? She talks about being grounded and it's like a tower with a moat around it. (where is everyone now?) Holly is double grounded and not sure how to see him. Tate mentions a plan. He'll call again when it's safe to talk. Holly turns around and Rachel is there. Holly's surprised and asks Rachel to watch a movie with her. Rachel wants to know what she's plotting with her brother?

Sarah tells Xander she has let go of what happened. They discuss about trusting each other with what both of them did. Xander promises he won't ever again be corrupted with money or anything else, except a beautiful woman. They start kissing. There's a knock on the door. Xander puts on a shirt. It's Maggie. She hands an envelope to Xander. She says it's his share of Victor's estate. Xander looks at check and says that's a lot of money.

Maggie is sorry for the delay in getting it to him since Justin had to help with the details. She tells Xander he protected the family from Konstantin and he needs to be rewarded. Xander says thank you, but he can't accept it. Maggie is surprised. Xander says he just promised Sarah he won't be money-driven anymore. Xander says if Victor wanted him to have it he would have done it himself (he did, he did). Maggie says to take it as a wedding gift. Xander still won't take it.

Holly says she wasn't plotting anything with Tate. They just want to be together. Holly says the parents don't want them together and the only way they can. Rachel says by sneaking around. Holly doesn't want Rachel tell anyone. Rachel doesn't want to lie or get into trouble, then turns away and gives Holly a sneaky look. She pulls out her phone and says she's going to call Nicole. Holly takes Rachel's phone.

Aaron is with Tate at the pub looking at a pamphlet of the Lacrosse camp. Aaron is excited about the camp, but can't afford it. Tate says his dad his paying for it. Tate wants Aaron to go in his place. Tate explains after what happened at prom his dad sending him out of town. Tate explains how it will work if Aaron takes his place. Camp doesn't allow visitors and he'll turn off tracking on his phone. Tate talks about how colleges would be after Aaron with the special training (how would that work if Aaron goes as Tate?) Aaron agrees to take Tate's place, but he has to ask his brother first.

Alex can't believe Justin mentioned a pren-up. Justin wants to protect Alex's future heirs. Justin says you're a wealthy man and you need to protect yourself. Alex has flashbacks during conversation of Brady talking about what happened in Greece. Alex says he doesn't need protection and mentions Brady. Theresa isn't marrying him for his money.

Bonnie wants to know about Brady? Alex says Theresa's marrying me for the right reasons. Justin replies then she won't mind signing a pre-nup. Theresa walks in and says pre-nup? Alex says the pre-nup is not his idea. Theresa walks over to him. Justin explains as the family's legal counselor he has to have Alex's best interests as a lawyer and someone who loves him.

Rachel takes back her phone. Holly doesn't want her to call Nicole. Rachel wonders if she's at home. Holly would do anything if Rachel won't talk. Rachel wants to know what? Holly says you'll be a hero for your brother. You don't want him in more trouble. Holly explains she likes Tate and wants to see him. She'll give Rachel her favorite perfume. Rachel says a bribe. Holly says a gift and then sees Brady.

Brady wants to know what's going on? Holly says they're talking about perfume. Brady looks at Rachel and she says perfumes. Holly says Rachel wanted to put some on, but Kristen's not there to ask. Brady says it's time to go see fireworks. Rachel leaves to get some glow sticks. Brady apologizes for how Theresa treated her. He tells her Tate is going to camp and she acts surprised. Brady says only for the summer and they can reevaluate things later and if Holly and Tate prove to be trustworthy, their senior year might be different.

Justin tells Theresa it's not unreasonable to have concerns (Alex has more flashbacks of talking with Brady) Theresa talks about loving Alex and before she knew he was Victor's heir (Alex flashes back). Theresa keeps talking and Alex more flashbacks. She asks Alex if he trusts her? Alex says he trusts her. She wants to know if he wants her to sign a pre-nup? He doesn't answer. She says she thinks she should. She wants people to know she loves him and she's not after his money. Theresa goes on and on and says her heart belongs to him. Justin asks if they want him to draw up papers? Theresa says sure.

Maggie asks Xander if he's sure about not taking the check? He is. Maggie asks Sarah if she wants to talk to him? Sarah says no. Maggie takes back her check. Xander says he's expecting an extravagant wedding gift. Maggie laughs, and says she is proud of him making this decision and she knows Victor is too. She hugs Xander and leaves. Sarah can't believe he did that and it was amazing. Xander wants to earn his money now instead of taking it. He calls it pity with Maggie giving him the check since Victor left him out of his will (no he didn't). Sarah and Xander kiss. He picks her up and carries her to the bedroom.

Tate is on the phone with Holly. He tells her his plan is working since Aaron is taking his place at camp. Tate says they need to find a place where he's in town hidden (DiMera tunnel?). Aaron slaps Tate's arm. Rachel and Brady walk in. Tate tells Brady he told Aaron about the camp. Brady says his mom is ok with him going. Tate wonders why they are there? Rachel says they're going to see fireworks. Brady says he can get two more tickets. Aaron has to go since his mom is having a BBQ at home. Tate says he has to go home and pack for his trip.

Sarah and Xander watch fireworks from their window. Xander says Victoria is asleep. He says they can make more fireworks of their own. They kiss. Sarah looks out window and says it's beautiful. He holds her and says we may not be the richest couple in town, but we are the luckiest. Sarah says the happiest. They kiss.

Bonnie blows a New Year's Eve horn in Justin's ear. She gives him one. Bonnie says it's the birthday of America. Maggie comes in and gives Justin the check. She says Xander turned down the check. Bonnie and Justin are surprised. Maggie says he wants to be his own man.

Brady and Rachel are in Horton Town Square watching fireworks when Alex and Theresa walk up. Theresa talks to Rachel about the fireworks. She says they were better last year. Alex leans over and tells Brady that Theresa agreed to sign a pre-nup. Theresa's not happy. Rachel wants ice cream so she and Brady leave. Theresa's upset Alex told Brady. Alex says don't worry, you weren't supposed to hear that (what a guy). Theresa wants to know what Brady said to him? Alex shrugs it off and says he trusts her, then kisses her. They watch the fireworks, but Theresa looks at Brady.

Rachel wants double scoops. Brady says ok. He says he's going to spoil her since her brother will be gone this summer. Brady asks if Rachel will miss Tate. She says yes, but not like Holly will.

Holly and Tate meet up in the small park area. (how did she escape the tower?) Holly asks if everything a go? Tate says yes. His mom agrees and Aaron taking his spot at camp. Holly says they can spend the summer together. Tate says no on will ever know. They kiss. Camera goes back and someone is watching from the bushes.
When Tate and Holly talked at the park about no one will ever know their secret. I thought except someone in
the bushes. Then the camera showed some looking at them.

Will Theresa actually sign the pre-nup? Will she use the pawn card and make John steal it?

What will Xander do once he knows he's Victor's heir and will his mother want some of it?

Why did Brady buy tickets to see fireworks if they're just in Horton Town Square? It's Salem.
Finally a good use of flashbacks, all brief and in Alex's head showing he does actually have doubts.

What an evolution for Xander, from coming on obsessed with seizing Titan and taking money anyway he could get it, to turning it down because he wants to make his own way. I assume Victor was keeping tabs on him last year and saw some of this change. I like the tale of two Alexanders that Ron is showing us, one who has matured and one who is a vapid waste of space.
What is Theresa's end game if she signs the pre-nup? Just her belief that Alex will share whatever he has anyway? And, they better hurry while he still has access to funds. I really hope they make Theresa pay back all that Alex has spent, since he didn't know the money wasn't his.
I’m going to give the writers credit for making Alex super offensive and jerky so his fall from the Kiriakis throne is extra dramatic and painful. He deserves it. I can’t believe the way he’s thrown the man who raised him completely over for a painting of Victor. It’s unhinged. He should be in a room next to Everett/Bobby at Bayview. They better give us a scene where he crawls across broken glass to apologize to Justin.

Tate and Holly think they can hide Tate all summer? Is he going to live in the DiMera tunnels and never see daylight? Won’t scouts at the camp be impressed and then offer “Tate Black” scholarships? Won’t his parents expect to see social media pics of him at camp? We live in the most photographed culture ever. The coaches wouldn’t be sending video of Tate’s progress? This plan is, of course, bound to fail. Holly should have asked Rachel for advice. The little one is smarter than both teens combined.

And countdown to a Holly pregnancy. There’s no way these two don’t start hooking up once they have a safe place to canoodle 24/7. For sure, they can’t think their way through birth control options.
I also assumed the secret room would be where they stash Tate. Perfect because Holly is confined to the house anyway and there is a seedy bed in the corner where both Stefan/Gabi and Ted/Kate made out.

The way Alex sneered at Justin and called him just his cousin was disgusting. I pray that Justin does not insta forgive him when this comes out. And Theresa was so fake, her pawing at him and declarations were completely insincere. I guess she thinks he is dumb enough that she can just set up a joint account and help herself once they are wed.

I was interested to learn it is still the same week as the failed Maggie wedding/Kon shooting/Theresa double boink. So if she is pregnant she won't know yet. I presume she would know it was Brady's but have to pass it off as Alex's to continue the charade, despite being in "love" with Brady and wanting to be with him and their child.
Is the Horton cabin still available and rebuilt after the last few fires? They could go there.
The Horton cabin didn't burn. That was the other one in Mammoth Falls that Ben and Claire set on fire.
Aaron taking his [Tate] spot at camp
What could possibly go wrong with this plan?? :rotfl:
Why did Brady buy tickets to see fireworks if they're just in Horton Town Square? It's Salem.
In some places, they sell tickets to areas that have "premium" seating/viewing sections for fireworks. Could've been something like that.
but neither Holly nor Tate is a Horton or even Horton adjacent.
Holly is Horton-adjacent. She's Maggie's granddaughter and the Hortons still consider Maggie part of the family. Holly has an ornament on the tree, which is as good as a key to the Horton cabin. :)
Great job, Kat, thank you!

Tate didn't think his "grand plan" through. If Aaron were to actually get a college scholarship based on his mad lacrosse skills, he can't prove he is Tate Black with the paperwork he would need. The scheme would have to end. And does Tate have enough money of his own to rent a place for the summer where he won't be recognized and where Holly could get to/from within a reasonable amount of time so as to not arouse suspicion?

I also thought of the famous cabin where Ben took Ciara, among other history there.

Rachel is Kristen's daughter through and through. Finley Rose Slater (Rachel) is still bringing it. A strong performer. How far will she go to get what she wants lest she blow up Tate and Holly's relationship?

I respect Xander's decision to be his own man, but that money would secure Victoria's future. However, he and Sarah do seem content in their small apartment, and he hopes to make The Salem Spectator very successful. More power to them. I honestly didn't think they were a good couple before, but in the recent past, I changed my mind. I enjoy their scenes together very much.

Still hate the way Alex treats Justin. Wait til the truth comes out. Someone will be eating crow.

The question of the day is definitely "who is watching Tate and Holly"?
That's a good guess. I wasn't sure.

Tate, this is a horrible plan. So Aaron is going to play as you, so Tate Black will get scholarship opportunities, not Aaron.

Thought for sure stupid Alex was going to say no to Justin about a pre-nup after Theresa agreed to it. Of course a pre-nup should still give her pretty good consolation prize.

Xander, I don't know how many zeroes were on that check but can't believe he turned it down. Can't wait for him to find out truth.
Yeah, the ticket things made me wonder. If there was a special place to watch the fireworks, why was everyone hanging around the square watching? I saw customers, servers, and other. Seemed like a very good viewing spot. Don't know why you'd need to get tickets to Horton Town Square. I thought maybe there was a carnival or something that might need tickets, but why would Brady think that would interest Tate? But, Salem is its own world.
It was a big day for all the Xander fans out there — two shirtless scenes, pumping iron, and high mindedly refusing part of Victor’s estate. The X-Man is certainly on his way to becoming Salem’s finest citizen.

In contrast, Alex the clueless wonder, continues to play the fool with his foolish faith in gold digging Gwennie T. How could poor Justin have such an idiot for a son?

Elsewhere, Aaron’s stock is way up. Thanks to the Tot’s Holly fixation, he’s on his way to a top lacrosse camp, a scholarship to a leading school, and eventually a great, high-paying job. Meanwhile the Tot will be stuck in Salem, probably playing the role of one of its clueless men just like his dad.