Days of Our Lives - Thursday, July 11, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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So many short choppy scenes.

Kayla arrives at Julie’s, they discuss that Doug is upstairs watching Yellowstone, that western on Peacock. Kayla and Steve love it too, they are totally hooked. After that ad break we are on to business, Kayla is concerned about Chad, she can’t reach him. Julie tells her he is not available because he is at Abby’s grave.

Replay of yesterday’s scene. Jack still thinks this is ghastly. Some extra wants to open the coffin. Jack asks Chad if he is sure?

Back to Kerry and Leo making out. That is the entire scene.

Jada arrives at Marlena’s townhouse. Jada declines tea. Marlena tells her that she can guess why she is here. She just saw Bobby at Bayview and he is eager to see Jada again. Did Jada go?

Bobby’s room. There is a knock at the door. Bobby hopes it is Jada, but it is Crazy Connie. Bobby looks intrigued.

Marlena tells Jada that Stephanie told her that she had asked Jada to visit. Jada reports that she had no luck getting Everett out. Jada asks if Bobby told Marlena anything else? Marlena says no, and says this must be difficult for Jada. Jada says yes, but not in the way she thinks. Bobby gave her info about one of her cases, he claimed he knows who murdered Li Shin.

Connie is waiting for Bobby to say hello but he is busy having that same flashback of seeing her sobbing, blood covered, in the park. When he is done with that he asks if he knows her? Connie introduces herself but Bobby says he has never heard of her. Connie asks what about Li Shin, does that ring any bells?

Kayla and Julie are swilling tea. Kayla says Julie has been Chad’s sounding board. Julie tells her that Chad has been a wreck, reliving Abby’s death. She says that Chad told her it was Kayla’s idea to exhume the body. Kayla says that she thought that the speculation would end if Chad saw that Abby was in the grave. She feels better now she knows where Chad is. She was worried about him when she heard it had hit a snag. Julie says it wasn’t a snag, it was a person.

Jack needs a moment, he thinks when they open the coffin they will find out Clyde is a liar and relive the pain all over again. Chad says but what if Abby is alive? Jack agrees to let them open the coffin. The guys whip off the top. As expected, it is pristine and empty.

Leo has Kerry on the bed but he whips back and says he needs a minute. He isn’t sure if he wants them to sleep together after all.

Julie tells Kayla that Jack was horrified, then furious. Kayla says can you imagine getting a random phone call from City Hall saying they are digging up your daughter’s grave? Julie says once Jack saw the video he wanted to know too. Kayla can’t believe they are having this conversation. She declared Abby dead. However, she would be foolish, given all the returns from the dead in her own family, to discount the possibility. Julie says they have been gone a long time. She wonders what is going on.

Jack thinks they opened the wrong coffin. Chad says no, it is Abby’s. They send the drones away and stand over the empty casket.

Jada is recapping to Marlena about Bobby’s tale of Li’s murder. They agree that conversations with Bobby are like a chess match. Jada wants to know if Bobby is a separate personality with his own motivations. She wants Marlena’s professional opinion about alters, can they function as separate identities and ability to manipulate? Is Bobby just stringing her along to keep her coming to Bayview?

Bobby pretends not to remember the murder. He reads lots of stories as a journalist. Connie asks if he knew nothing about Li’s murder why did he tell the police he did?

Leo doesn’t want to have sex. He thinks they should stop. Kerry is crushed. Leo tells him he is incredibly hot and irresistible but Leo wants to resist. He isn’t feeling much of a spark after all. He worries he has lost a fan. Kerry says no he still loves Lady Whistleblower. Leo offers to buy him dinner but Kerry isn’t after that. Leo kisses him once more to "be sure" but he is not that into the idea. Kerry departs. Leo wonders what is wrong with him?

Doug has joined Kayla and Julie and they natter about Yellowstone some more. Doug wants to know why Kayla is there? Julie says that she didn’t share with Doug, but now that Jack knows, there is something he needs to hear.

Jack surmises that if Abby’s body isn’t here, then…. He trails off. Rafe arrives and sees the empty coffin. He assumes that Abby’s grave has been desecrated and swears he will return her to her final resting place. Chad says that they don’t know if this was her final resting place.

Jada concludes with Marlena that Bobby might not know anything and is just taunting her with information about Li to keep her visiting him. Marlena offers to help but Jada says she is on it. Marlena says to keep her updated, Li was a client of hers and she would like to see him get justice.

Connie tells Bobby she overheard Jada tell Rafe about how her ex husband knew who killed Li. She tracked him down as she was very fond of Li and wanted him to get justice. She was thrilled about Gil being named as the killer and now wonders if Bobby has another version? Bobby says what he knows is between him and Jada. Connie presses, she thinks that Bobby was talking about her.

Marlena hears a noise at the door and opens it cautiously. It is Leo in his pink pants, matching Marlena’s hot pink jacket. He desperately needs to see Marlena. So he came to her home? Leo doesn’t need a session right now, but wants to book one for tomorrow but her office is closed. Something happened to him tonight and he is freaking out. Marlena has no plans so tells him to stay and they will talk.

Doug has been updated and Kayla is telling him that they might find out the truth at the graveyard. Julie worries about Doug, but he has seen many returns from the dead and is unfazed.

Jada comes along to the graveyard group, she heard a notice about a possible grave robbery. Rafe tells Jack and Chad to go home and he will handle it. First order will be to see if the grave was tampered with. He will let them know if he finds anything. The boys leave and Jada returns, asking Rafe what is going on?

Bobby plays dumb but Connie has put two and two together and realized the guy who saw her in the park was Bobby. She wants to assure him she had nothing to do with killing Li and wonders how he got that impression? Bobby says well, she was covered in blood and said "I’m so sorry Li, I didn’t mean to do it”. Other than that, he can’t think of anything else that would have given him that impression.
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Leo is wailing about his use of the words "not feeling that spark", and throwing out a hot young guy. It is not him. He rambles on and Marlena tells him to stay on topic. Marlena says he needs to consider that his reaction was all about Dimitri. He hurt Leo very badly, and his reaction is now to be frightened and his need for flight kicked in. Leo says so he was protecting himself?

He thought he was over Dimitri, but maybe he is not. Does this mean he will never be attracted to another man? Is he straight now? Marlena says NO!! She thinks he just needs to let himself heal, and he will find another man. Leo says he will be patient with himself. He sees the time and realizes he is missing Drag Race and has to rush. Marlena would hate for him to miss it. Would he like to watch it here?

Connie tells Bobby he must stop seeing Jada. Bobby says that won’t happen, she will keep coming around as long as she thinks he has information. Connie says he needs to stop her then. Bobby won’t do that. Connie says because he has the hots for her. Bobby says that is none of her business.

Is Connie planning to kill him to shut him up? Connie says nobody knows she is there. Bobby says there are a ton of cameras tracking her visit. He says that he is playing the long game with Jada, he has time. Connie says Jada is hot for Rafe and no matter what he does she will be going home to him.

Jada and Rafe contemplate the empty coffin and wonder if Abby could be alive. They wonder about Clyde’s motivations. Rafe says Clyde is a sadistic psycho, so he doesn’t need them. He knows Chad and Jack are now hoping she is alive and they can find her.

Chad and Jack are filling in Doug, Julie and Kayla on the empty coffin. Kayla worries that Clyde stole Abby’s body to keep the hoax going. Julie says or Abby could be alive!

Marlena and Leo are watching Drag Race. Marlena is confused about the show and Leo is explaining it to her. They giggle together.

Julie and Doug are alone. Julie says Chad has never stopped mourning Abby, he is in hell, hoping it is true and fearing it isn’t. If it is true, she has missed years with her children. Doug tells her to calm down. Julie is so sad that Chad and Abby had such a little amount of time together, while she and Doug have had years and years. Did she ever tell Doug how much she loves him? Doug says no, she never did.

Julie said it was the first time she set eyes on him. She was lost. Then they had so many trials and misconnections, but they finally got there. So many passionate kisses. Doug had to change to deserve her. Julie says he brought out the best in her. They are a good team and partners. They raised Hope together, says Doug. Julie says for a man who grew up in an orphanage he was such a wonderful father, he never let anybody in the family down. He showed her the whole world, they had so many adventures. Their love outlasted time. Doug says that she had better give him another kiss. She does and they hold each other.

Jack and Chad are at the pub watching the video again. They decide they need to find the woman in the video.

Jada says if Clyde tampered with the grave then he moved Abby somewhere else. Rafe says the other possibility is that Abby was never there to begin with. Jada says it is so sad, her heart goes out to Jack and Chad. Rafe snarks that Jada should talk to Bobby, maybe he will have insight as he has been so helpful lately. Jada is offended. Rafe says that was insensitive. Jada says she is planning a return visit to see if Bobby will name the killer. She hopes to prove Rafe wrong.

Connie laughs at Bobby, that he thinks that by helping her solve Li’s murder he thinks Jada will fall in his arms and declare her undying love. She tells him that he is just part of the job. When she is done she will go back to her boyfriend, the one with only one personality. She checked out his chart on the way in, then offers him a deal. He keeps her name (which he didn’t know until she told him) out of this, and she will take care of Rafe.
Ok, this whole "Bring back Connie" story is just too ridiculous. We know that security is lax in Salem's medical institutions, but, come on! She read his medical file???? Hopefully, this is a very short-term story and Bobby will use the info to help Jada save Rafe.

The Abby returns anvils are really dropping, but is Dimitri returning, too?
Thank you brisbydog for the write up. I TOTALLY agree Doug and Julie should have ended the show.

I thought that the person playing Connie won some sort of contest? That it was for a walk on role that has morphed into this beyond stupid storyline regarding Li? And how horrible must Salem PD be that not only did they arrest, charge the DA convict Gabi, but two other people had been in the room with in minutes of the killing and yet never questioned? Now we have to deal with it for another day or so before wedding episode stories take over pushing this back till we hope they've forgotten about it and then, TA DA it's back in all of it's horrible glory.
Agree, Connie just doesn't seem to be the right person for this part, . but she has been an actress for some time, so perhaps the role on Days wasn't a good fit for her.......or perhaps it was the directing???

And she was always a huge fan of Days, so it was double thrill to get the part.
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Days had plenty of time to make that Doug/Julie scene be the end of the show today. A shame they fell down on the job. Connie's threat to take care of the "commish" could have come before it.

Today was Doug's final appearance on Days of Our Lives. Rest in peace Bill Hayes.
The Doug and Julie scene was so sweet. I agree it should have ended the show. I miss him.

I love Leo and Marlena's friendship, both personally and professionally. I'm enjoying their scenes together.

I'm happy for the actress that plays Connie. I can tell she is living out a dream of hers. I just wish the writers had come up with a better story for her to portray. This one is just not good, and I hate that for her.
Ugh. I do not want Abigail to be alive but don't think I'm getting my wish. I love Kayla but how many has she declared dead that turn out to be not so dead? I love how everyone keeps alluding to well crazy things happen here.

I love Leo! Glad he stopped. He and Marlena watching Drag Race was funny.

If Clyde knew Abigail was alive why didn't he say anything to keep himself out of jail? This whole Abigail story makes no sense. I was surprised when they killed her because seemed like she was really dead.

Rafe was mean & petty to Jada which is unRrafe like.

Really? Connie is going to off the commish? How many people has this crazy lady killed? Maybe Li wasn't her first?

If today was the last day we see Doug it was absolutely beautiful. I was about in tears. So special since they are actually married. Loved it. Going to miss Doug.
Days had plenty of time to make that Doug/Julie scene be the end of the show today. A shame they fell down on the job. Connie's threat to take care of the "commish" could have come before it.

Today was Doug's final appearance on Days of Our Lives. Rest in peace Bill Hayes.
I agree it would have been a nice way to end today’s show. It will definitely be one of the most sentimental and touching scenes for Days history.
My one request is to start ending the episodes with the classic Days of Our Lives music theme they used to always play. It was more dramatic. Sometimes they would end it with other music. But the most recent music they end the show adds nothing to the experience of watching Days. It is generic and doesn’t have the soul of Days like the classic theme.
Ok, this whole "Bring back Connie" story is just too ridiculous. We know that security is lax in Salem's medical institutions, but, come on! She read his medical file????
Especially since a lot of places have electronic systems now. There’s not a lot of printing stuff. Connie doesn’t look like she has Wendy Shin hacking skills.

And even then, she’s in an office or nursing station rifling through files unobserved? How does she know her way around?
Thanks, brisbydog.

Can Connie kill Bobby or Bobby kill Connie? Or kill each other? That would solve a lot of problems.

Why didn't the Salem PD know Mayor Price let Chad dig up Abby's grave? Oh wait it's the Salem PD. :)

I have to agree with Leo. I didn't feel a spark with Kerry either.

Why did the writer send John away so Leo can spend home time with Marlena? Maybe the actor had
other things he had to do.

Will the Salem PD find proof Abby was or wasn't in the coffin? See above.

Sorry Peacock. I'm not watching "Yellowstone". I heard it's not a good show for me to watch.

Nice scene with Doug and Julie. I'm glad Bill Hayes (Doug) could do one more show.