Days of Our Lives - Thu., Aug. 29, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Horton House - Chad calls "Abby" and says her name out loud. He tucked in the kids and is heading "home." Thomas overheard and wants to know to whom his dad was speaking? He asks about Chad tucking them in but he's never home when they wakes up. Chad says he is helping a visiting friend who was in an accident and that's why he's sleeping at the DiMansion. That house is bigger and has staff, so she can't stay at the Horton House. Thomas asks if the woman is his girlfriend? He says no.

Square - Dr Mark Greene is talking to "Abby" on the phone and is glad Chad bought that they didn't know each other because otherwise there would be "big trouble". Felicity overheard and wants to know who's in trouble? He says Aaron is in trouble for lying about how he paid for lacrosse camp. Felicity doesn't like lying. Mark says lying is bad. They talk about their parents and how he's in charge (after eating an apple fritter). They hug; Mark's one-shot suggests conflict.

Pub - Kristen is looking at a story on her laptop. She's mad Brady turned himself in when she had his back. Ava walks up talking about empty promises. Kristen is genuinely sorry but was over a barrel. Ava's worried about Gabi's wrath. Kristen of all people says that she should have thought of those consequences before sleeping with her brother. She gets a reply from "Melinda".

Cardboard Li's Apartment - In the living area, Connie has Melinda's phone. Kristen is texting her. In the bedroom, Melinda is struggling against the ropes and looking at Cardboard Li. In the living room, Connie replies and then brings Melinda food. She tries to feed her. Melinda thinks the food is poisoned, Connie says Li wants her to keep Melinda alive. Connie continues to blame murdering Li on Gabi, Stefan, and Melinda. She has further plans for Gabi. Connie tells Cardboard Li she's trying to feed her. Melinda's phone gets a text from Kristen asking for details. She replies.

DiMansion Living Room - Gabi is dividing the room with tape à la Lucy Ricardo or Pope Alexander VI. Stefan still wants to work things out. Gabi leaves. EJ comes in and doesn't like the redecorations. He wants Gabi and Stefan's marriage to fall apart quietly. Stefan says that the staff still quotes Nicole's quips against EJ. Stefan blames EJ for Gabi's current reaction. (That fight happened "yesterday".) EJ owns "half this house" so Gabi's in for a rude awakening if she tries to take it. They snipe about Ava (EJ is still salty about the kidnapping-his-mother stuff.) EJ is looking forward to Gabi's fight and won't be an ally.

DiMansion Hallway - Gabi knocks on the door to the Murder Bedroom. "Abby" answers. Gabi introduces herself but doesn't believe it. They dance around some of their history as friends, enemies, frenemies. They talk about her DID and how Stefan technically raped her. Gabi doesn't need apologies. "Abby" plays it straight. Gabi tells her to be careful about with whom she allies in this house. It's clear she's mad at Stefan. They end the talk on friendly-ish terms.

Pub - Connie-as-Melinda's reply is a harsh criticism of Kristen's murdering her daughter and a resignation. She and Ava talk about dedicated Melinda is. Kristen has noted Melinda is in the office before her often and Ava notes she puts the company first even - but she stops. Ava has a flashback. Kristen wants to know what she meant, but Ava doesn't share because it's DiMera business and she doesn't work there anymore. Ava doesn't relent. Kristen stalks out.

DiMansion Murder Bedroom - Chad arrives and tells "Abby" about his talk with Thomas.

DiMansion Entryway - Connie arrives and gives Gabi something for a big meeting tomorrow. They talk about Stefan's cheating. Connie suggests Gabi repay him in kind.

Cardboard Li's Bedroom - Melinda is screaming for help and talking to Cardboard Li about how crazy Connie is. Melinda recognizes her slipping grip on reality.

Pub Entryway - Connie and Ava pass each other. Connie calls her a homewrecker and Ava calls her a psycho. They talk about DiMera where Connie still definitely works. Ava knows Melinda was going to fire Connie.

Cardboard Li's Bedroom - Melinda's ropes seem to be slipping, as her grip on reality (Cardboard Li is making snarky comments).

DiMansion Entryway/Living Room - Gabi listens through the door as EJ tells Stefan he hopes Gabi takes everything but the house, and that his enemy's enemy is his friend, and that math works out to Gabi being EJ's new BFF. Gabi recalls (audio-only, nicely done) Connie's remark about sleeping with someone else.

DiMansion Murder Bedroom - "Abby" and Chad talk in circles about her lack of memory and how he has to lie to his kids. She's worried about causing them trauma. She suggests he move out. END
Great job, as always, Jason!

Jason, I am glad you picked up on Mark's conflicted look when hugging Felicity. Makes me believe that he was forced into this. "Abby" also looks conflicted and genuinely concerned about the kids. I think there has to be more than meets the eye with this whole situation and more complex than Clyde just putting a plan into motion.

Loved Melinda today. I really hope she can break free before Connie returns. First place she needs to go is the cop shop and tell Jada, then Kristen. Maybe then Connie will come under suspicion for Bobby/Everett's murder and then perhaps Li's murder and the attempt on Rafe. If the Salem brain is being used, and that is a big if.

Thomas is adorable and really looks like Chad. You would think that Chad would know by now to NOT use Abby's name at all on the phone.

But, then again, everyone in Salem talks to themselves quite loud, where anyone can pop up and hear them, like Fiona in the square the other day.

Also, eavesdropping is one of Salemites' favorite hobbies.

Anyone else agree that Gabi is going to seek out EJ as her bedroom conquest and then blab to Stefan and anyone who will listen? Will "being even" count?
It was a pretty good episode. I thought EJ owned the house outright and took everything Stefan had of value, but I'll roll with what was said today.

Melinda is doing a great job. EJ, Stefan, Gabi, Mark, and "Abby" turned in excellent performances. I was hoping Melinda would see a vision of Li as well.

I liked Ava mentioning, but not returning to, her psychotic roots. I finally believe she's changed. (But she still shouldn't be friends with Roman.)

I like Gabi and Stefan and want them to move past the lying. But like Camila Banus (ex-Gabi), Cherie Jimenez (current Gabi) seems to have chemistry with several people, and Dan Feuerriegel (EJ) has shown this, too. So they could be fun for a minute.

I, however, am fully down with whatever the Greenes are doing to the DiMeras. Drag 'em, drain 'em, destroy 'em. Way past overplayed. But the conflict in their performances was great today.
I thought EJ owned the house outright and took everything Stefan had of value, but I'll roll with what was said today.
I was thinking the same thing. I thought the last we had heard, EJ fully owned the DiMansion through some scheme/blackmail/deal.

Tina noted this back on 4/9/24:
EJ pulled some magical legal maneuver that wasn't explained for more than thirty seconds and claimed ownership from Gabi. He waved some papers in her face and was suddenly the owner. He kicked Gabi out. I'm not sure whether his claim was for himself or DiMera Enterprises. My guess is for himself. They haven't talked again about the house ownership changing hands with control of DiMera.
I knew Chad was lying through his teeth when he told Thomas he was going to be honest with him. Can't wait for him to find out "Abby" is fake. Hopefully before he tells the kids. I know Fabby (fake Abby) doesn't want to deal with kids.

So is Li gonna start talking to Melinda? Hopefully Ava will put 2 and 2 together and help Melinda.

I hope Gabi doesn't sleep with EJ. You know it will be a miraculous pregnancy.
Hopefully Ava will put 2 and 2 together and help Melinda.
I'm hoping this, too. And then Melinda can find a loophole that allows Ava to come back to work - perhaps causing Kristen some turmoil.

I'm not hating business Kristen as much as I hate obsessed-with-Brady Kristen.
Thanks, Jason.

Who's going to save Melinda? Will Ava finally tell Kristen that Melinda was going to fire Connie?

It was strange to hear Melinda talk to cardboard Li.

Very odd to see Gabi put tape around the house to make Stefan stayed on his side.

I laughed when EJ talked about Stefan having Jake's heart and that's why he slept with Ava.

I laughed again when EJ said he has to stock up on popcorn.

Nice to see Thomas and Felicity.
Anyone know when Connie will be gone? Julie Dove (Connie) does a darn good job making the character thoroughly unlikeable and not quite in her right mind. Amazing that with all the medical folks around no one seems to have a clue. But past time for Connie to fly away on her broomstick.

Just wish Salem's citizens would not disappear as often as they do. Where did Roman & Kate go? Steve? Julie? ....

Yes, I know..........the writers don't seem able to write for them all to be around unless they are part of a group of 4 or 5 involved in one storyline.
Why can't Steve walk into a place, spot Chad & Abby, stop and say hello, nice to see ya, and go sit elsewhere?

Why can't several of the citizens show up to have a drink at the Pub? all sitting in different places, but greeting each other here and there. Have dinner, take a walk sit on a park bench, run into friends.

I can see Days doesn't do huge get-togethers anymore. Budgets cause problems. But why not have a day where some are there in morning, some afternoon, (thus not being there all day) so short scenes could be filmed around.........Bonnie runs into whoever while shopping, Stefan comes out of a shop, says hit to the browsing John & Marlena, Gabi come out of a place as Maggie is going in, .........short scenes, sprinkled here and there throughout the week...........just like happens in life.........
Agree about Dan Feuerriegel’s EJ. With him in the role, EJ’s nastiness and immorality really comes through. When James Scott had the part, his remarkable good looks often disguised Elvis’s true nature.
I, however, am fully down with whatever the Greenes are doing to the DiMeras. Drag 'em, drain 'em, destroy 'em. Way past overplayed. But the conflict in their performances was great today.
I’d agree except that Chad is the least important DiMera who is outranked by Elvis, Kritter Kristen, and Zero. How much can be gained by messing with him? Also, it’s not just Chad dirty Dr. Greene is defrauding — his cute little children are also part of the picture.
his cute little children are also part of the picture
Not so far, and Mark's accomplice and her alleged new face seem concerned about this aspect. Honestly they're playing as more likeable and human than Chad lately.

Also let's not forget Chad has done his share of dirty deals and even done time as DiMera CEO.