Days of Our Lives - Thu., Aug. 22, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Horton House - Julie is downstairs. Chad comes down after kissing the kids. He took Jack and Jennifer to the airport. They discuss how Jennifer reacted to "Abby". (She heard it from Doug.) They talk about how the test is so ironclad and how Jennifer's reaction was so disappointing. They have to be strong for the kids and Julie will help Chad balance these issues.

DiMansion - "Abby" is on the phone saying "Jack and Jennifer Deveraux" are gone so she has one less thing about which to worry. EJ enters and startles her. She ends her call and he introduces himself as her other brother-in-law. EJ knows she has no memory but he info dumps on her about Stefan. There is animosity between EJ and Stefan/Gabi, including the false conviction. She calls him the idiot brother; he says her opinion of him wasn't always so low. She laughs, hopes they didn't sleep together too. EJ's reaction is priceless as she realizes they have slept together.

DiMera Offices (Night Establishing Shot) - Gabi is hunting for pillow covers on the phone as Stefan walks in. She's loyal but tired of being disappointed by those whom she trusts. She calls security but then says Stefan's no threat. (She's doing a great job.) Gabi visited Rafe. Gabi can not move past this. Stefan gets weepy as he tells her that she's the love of his life, and he would give anything to go back in time and take back this mistake. He wants her to come home so they can work this out. She agrees to come home.

Brady Pub - Roman brings Ava coffee; she laments being fired. He sits down with her, and they recap about her "one moment of weakness" with Stefan. Roman gets the dirt on how the secret was blabbed. They discuss Connie's false résumé. Connie is being fired. They discuss if this was why Harris left, it wasn't. Ava trusts Roman but laments how she proved what Kayla has always thought about her is true.

Cardboard Li's Apartment - Melinda is unconscious on the couch. Connie comes in with a bag of hardware supplies to dispose of Melinda's body. Melinda's not dead. Connie wonders how when she gave her the same dose she gave Bobby/Everett. Li talks Connie out of killing Melinda.

DiMansion - "Abby" and EJ discuss the other brothers, you know, the ones Abby didn't sleep with, including Tony and the dead André. "Abby" asks how André died, but before he can reveal the answer, Chad enters and is brought to speed on the conversation. Chad gets angry, Abby flees.

DiMera Offices - Gabi will come home with Stefan, who babbles about forgiveness. Gabi reminds him that she will not be putting this behind her and will in fact be packing her bags at home.

DiMansion Study - EJ is having a drink when Gabi and Stefan storm in (thank goodness they didn't crash the two cars they must have driven on the way from the office). Gabi loudly announces Stefan's infidelity as EJ smirks and giggles. He plans to change the locks. EJ's smug attitude convinces Gabi to stick around.

DiMansion, Chad's old bedroom - "Abby" is looking at her phone when Chad enters. "Abby" laments all the terrible things "she" did. Chad tells her that the bad things weren't the whole picture. She is going to stay in this room, with the hope that it will bring back memories.

Pub - Roman's "sure that [Kayla] has her reasons" for feeling as she does about Ava, but he believes in forgiveness.

Cardboard Li's Apartment - Melinda is tied to the bed as she comes to. Connie tells her that she and Li will be taking good care of her. END
script today written by the fired guy's wife.

Had to laugh when Gabi, who was all set to pack her bags and leave, changed her mind after EJ began his rant......and decided she will stay.

Glad "Li" talked Connie out of ending Melinda's life, but when will we be seeing Connie GONE from Salem?

Hated seeing Stefan grovel.......but will say all the cast is doing great !
I think I prefer Julie being Chad's mom to Kate being Chad's mom.

It was nice to see "real" Li today instead of just stiff ole boring Li.

Wonder how long it will take for people to miss Melinda? Ava is the only one who knows where she went. Guessing Halloween trick or treaters find her in mid-November???

Thanks Jason
Roman and Ava hanging out: Disgusting
Roman not getting why Kayla might not like Ava: Revolting
EJ telling Fake Abby all about the DiMera brothers: Hysterical, especially forgetting Jake, who she almost slept with too
EJ snickering during Gabi and Stefan's blow out: Fantastic. How I have missed him
Real Li back: Makes Connie scenes almost bearable
Chad: Wants to believe this too much. Poor sap.

All in all not awful. I prefer Connie to Body & Soul, not a high barometer but there it is.
Bravo, Jason!

Let's hope Connie isn't a fan of "Misery," or Melinda will soon be hobbling. This has just gone too far, and so farfetched. Well, Melinda has a nice outfit on, anyway. Love the blue!

Agree that I prefer Connie to Body and Soul, lesser of two evils.

Maybe Connie can star in a spin-off: Bloody and Ghoul.

Have to admit that I found EJ to be very entertaining today, spilling the tea to "Abby." And both indiscretions were with different actresses portraying Abby. Kate Mansi was Abby when she was caught with EJ in the shower by Sami at Horton Cabin, and Marci Miller was Abby when her DID was present, and she had the affair with Stefan. And both EJ and Stefan were also played by other actors then.

It was funny when "Abby" called herself the family *bleep*.

Guessing Gabi will make Stefan's life unbearable now.

Will Roman offer Ava her old job back?
Thanks Jason.

I want to slap the people in Salem because the test the woman took doesn't prove she's Abby.

Nice to see "live" Li today.

Maybe someone at the hardware store will report Connie since she bought things to dispose of a body.

EJ was being EJ telling "Abby" she slept with Stefan and himself.

It's good the DiMera mansion has so many rooms since Gabi doesn't want to move out.

Gabi mentioned she visited Rafe today.

Roman must be lonely since Kate is doing the soap show since he talked to Ava.
It was not a bad day for the viewers — no Body and Soul b/s and an appearance by both cardboard and real Li. (Bring back the real, living Li.)

It also wasn’t a bad day for EJ — appalling fake Abigail with tales of real Abigail’s sinful past. Maybe, if he adds details of their sordid adventures in the athletic club shower and Horton cabin, she’ll forget Clyde’s vicious scheme and flee into the night. He was also was able to witness Zero groveling as Gabba-Gabba heaped nastiness all over him. Unfortunately, he overlayed his hand and Gabi decided to stick around to spite him.

Zero was truly pathetic today, abjectly groveling to the horrid Gabi and begging for her forgiveness, Obviously, Gabba-Gabba has never heard of the concept of “forgiving those who trespass against us.”

Thanks to real Li for saving Melinda from the awful Connie. Hopefully, this is the first step toward the end of this unspeakable weirdo. The sooner she’s history the better.

Finally, fie on Roman for having a cozy chat with the woman who killed his own father. Caroline would not have been pleased.
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Thanks for the write up. I’ll admit I FF’ed through most of yesterday and Tuesday’s episodes. The Body and Soul stuff is just not interesting. Connie is actually growing on me. At least pretty much everyone realizes she’s a little off.

I’m very curious who “Abby” is working with. I want it to be someone other than Clyde. Time to bring in some new villain that has an ax to grind with the DiMeras. There’s a prime opportunity to expand the plot and have some business deal that happened off camera years ago come back to haunt them. Show some consequences for the rotating siblings as CEO. Wishful thinking!