Days of our Lives - Monday, October 14, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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Hospital. Steve is on phone with Chad in Paris. Julie told Steve that Chad was there. He asks if Abby remembered anything? Chad reports nothing concrete. He knows why Steve is calling. He's still suspicious, isn't he?

Replay of Fabby telling Mark she and Chad are getting married while Holly eavesdrops. Mark is shocked at the speed of this development. Everything Fabby is doing. It's all for Mom. Holly furrows her brows.

Back to Xander and Maggie as she digests the possibility of a cure. Xander agrees that all real doctors agree that Sarah's chances of walking again are remote. Maggie wants to know what Kristen knows that doctors do not? It's not a what but a who says Xander, "Wilhelm Rolf." Maggie calls him a lunatic (Rolf, not Xander). Xander tells her it is a serum that Kristen will hand over, for a price. Maggie wants to know the price? Xander tells her.

Brady is still in the same clothes at the same table. Eric is back. He says from the look on Eric's face he knows about the ten year deal. Yes he does Brady because you told him last week. Wallowing, Brady says even after he has served his time, Sarah will still be in the wheelchair. Eric isn't there to talk him out of the deal. He's there to talk about him and Fiona.

Sarah replay remembering Fiona driving as she comes in. Unwisely, she instantly confronts Fiona with it. It was you! I finally remember who was driving that night. It was you.

Fiona immediately tries to gaslight her, pointing out she remembered Brady then changed her mind. Sarah reminds her she never actually remembered Brady. Fiona says that doesn't mean he wasn't driving. How could she have anything to do with the accident? Where did Sarah get such an idea? Sarah says from Eric Brady. He told her Fiona and Brady were together that night.

Brady says he guesses Eric heard about him and Fiona. He clarifies they didn't know who each other was when they met and were both in a bad place. Eric doesn't care about that. Was Fiona drinking that night?

Steve didn't want to upset Chad. They are on the same side. Chad is defensive. Steve says Abby is his brother's daughter, he is just looking out for him. Chad gives him the joyous wedding news.

Mark is glad things are progressing but he has to tell her Clyde's latest orders. Fabby suddenly notices Holly and attempts some weak French. Holly inexplicably recognizes her as Abigail.

Maggie calls Kristen delusional. Xander explains that without Sarah's testimony EJ has nothing. Maggie says that sounds like an impossible choice for Sarah to make. Xander tells her Sarah already made it but EJ is threatening her with prison. Maggie is irate now. Xander continues that now Brady is going to prison, Sarah will never walk again, and it's all his fault.

Brady is oh so noble. If Fiona says she wasn't drinking and took a cab home, then that's what happened. Eric pushes. Does Brady remember her drinking? Brady asks why it's so hard to believe two people could hang out and one drink and the other not? Eric says very hard when both are alcoholics. He yells at Brady to tell him the truth. Brady admits Fiona was drinking.

Fiona says she was with Brady that night. Sarah is seething. Why didn't she say anything before now? Fiona didn't want Xander to know about her and Brady, nor did she want to add to his pain. Sarah snaps, or admit you caused it. Fiona doubles down on Brady being the driver. Sarah isn't buying it. Brady wasn't responsible she yells. Fiona says she is letting Eric put ideas in her head and he wasn't there. Sarah hollers but I was, and I finally remember it was you behind the wheel. She urges Fiona to admit it.

Steve is not thrilled at the wedding announcement. He thought it was just about spurring memories. Chad tells him Abby has memories of their love and wants to marry to prod some more. Steve is silent. Chad says he isn't going to give them his congratulations. Steve still has questions. Chad hangs up on him.

Fabby also hangs up on Mark. She wants to know who Holly is? Holly explains the EJ connection and seeing Fabby at the DiMansion. Fabby marvels at the coincidence of running into her in tiny Paris. Nicole lives here now. Holly overheard the wedding plans. But why are they marrying because of her mother?

Mark is talking to himself about Clyde's nefarious Chad hit when Steve walks up behind him.

Mark asks if Steve needs anything? Steve introduces himself. Kayla speaks highly of Mark so he has a favor. He wants Mark to run another test.

Fabby lies, says she was talking to JJ about Jennifer denying her. She says she hopes marrying Chad will prompt her memories to return fully and then Jen will accept her. Fabby tries to escape the conversation. She has to buy a dress. Holly likes shopping. She wants to come with her.

Maggie wants to know how this is Xander's fault? Kristen is the one demanding Sarah lie. Xander actually looks around to check that nobody is listening. He tells Maggie that Sarah doesn't really remember. She convinced herself she had to do it. She made up the story about Brady to save Xander. Maggie is instantly angry. Save him from what? Xander asks if she recalls him with the gun? Maggie sure does, and his line about needing extra security. Xander knows she didn't buy it, and obviously it wasn't true. He was going to use it to kill Brady.

Fiona lied to Eric about being sober. What if she lied about being the driver? Brady goes on about being in the driver's seat and how it was totally him. Eric has an epiphany: What if Fiona pulled an Orpheus?? Brady looks confused. His default face.
Fiona says Sarah never had any memory of that night. Sarah does now. She knows it was Fiona. All this time she has been lying to them. Fiona says this is all the power of suggestion. Eric put this idea in her head. Sarah wants to know how it happened? Fiona must have been drinking too. Fiona says Sarah saw her at the wedding drinking sparkling cider. Sarah says but after, at the bar with Brady. She gets out her phone. She is over Fiona stonewalling her, she's calling Xander.

Fiona snatches the phone. Sarah can't tell him. Fiona will lose him. She just got him back. Sarah yells "you hit me with a car! And then you kept going." Fiona snarls that if Xander finds out the truth she will have nothing. Sarah doesn't care. Fiona tells Sarah she has no idea what her life was like. She was so lonely and miserable, and now after all these years she has a family, she finally has her son. Sarah remarks "and his money?". Fiona says it's not about that. Sarah retorts no it's about her running her over in cold blood.

Fiona crumbles. It was an accident. Yes she was drinking but Brady was so much worse. She thought she was doing the right thing. Sarah is done listening. She demands her phone back. Fiona never meant to hurt her. She took her eyes off the road for one second and Sarah appeared. She was horrified. Sarah says so horrified she couldn't call for help? Fiona says she heard Xander coming so she knew she'd be taken care of. She hates herself for what she has done. Sarah coldly states but not enough to stop Brady taking the fall for it.

Maggie asks if Xander would really have gone that far? Xander can't lie to her. He needed justice for Sarah that she wasn't going to get. Not unless he did something. When Sarah found out, she called the police and said she remembered Brady. Maggie notes that Sarah lied to save Xander from himself. Xander tells her the whole story about drugging Brady and staging a suicide. Maggie is in tears. She told him nothing good could come from his need for revenge. When she saw him with the gun she begged him to let it go. Xander says it was already too late then. If the police hadn't shown up... Maggie doesn't want to think about it. Xander is emotional, saying thanks to him Brady will stay locked up and Sarah will never get the cure.

Eric explains the crash where Adrienne was killed and Maggie was put in the driver's seat. What if Fiona did the same to Brady?

Fabby comes home with a dress and surprises Chad with Holly. Holly says she and her mom are having it out and she's staying at a hotel. Chad says no hotel for Holly! She should stay with them. Fabby isn't into that idea.

Mark tells Steve the first DNA test was conclusive. Steve understands but his niece's return has been rough on the family. Mark still has the samples. Steve has new ones for Fabby and Thomas. Mark trots off to the lab to do a rush test.

Chad points out that they need a witness for the wedding and Abby needs a maid of honor. All good! Fabby is upset.

Xander asks Maggie if she hates him? She could never hate him. But he is his own worst enemy. When he lets himself get consumed by rage it just hurts himself, and the people he loves. Xander knows that now. How will Sarah forgive him? How can he forgive himself? Maggie will go to Kristen and appeal to her as a mother. Xander says she will be appealing to Kristen's heart, but there is no evidence she has one. Maggie has to try. Xander sighs that Maggie is always fixing problems he creates. Maggie says Xander knows how she feels about him, but this she is doing for Sarah. She departs. Xander sits with Victoria and muses that he's gotten them all into another fine mess.

Eric tells Brady to think about it. Fiona was in a panic when she saw it was Sarah. Desperation makes people do terrible things. He then asks what is usually an impossible task, for Brady to search his brain. Incredibly, Brady recalls the one moment he came to that night, when Fiona told him she thought she'd hit someone.

Fiona never wanted Brady in prison. How could she know he'd turn himself in? Sarah explains that Brady is a decent person who wanted to do the right thing, a foreign concept to Fiona. Fiona says she was certain Brady would be in the clear but then Sarah identified him. Sarah says as a last resort to stop Xander from killing him. Which they would not have done if they didn't believe Brady did it. Sarah can't believe she told the police Brady was guilty. She doesn't care if she goes down for perjury. She has to tell the truth. Fiona can't let her do that. She smiles a menacing smile.

Mark has the results. Fabby and Thomas are a match! Steve knows he was the guy to ask. Mark leaves. Steve marvels that he and Kayla are not only husband and wife but mother and son. Mark faked the original results just like he suspected. Whoever that woman is, she is not Abigail. Mark is still on screen but far away. Whether he hears this depends on the plot.

Fabby thought it was just going to be the two of them. Chad couldn't let Holly go to a hotel. Tomorrow is going to be a perfect day!

Eric wants to know what is going on in Brady's head? Brady stutters that he remembered. Fiona was behind the wheel. He didn't do it. He's innocent.

Fiona pushes Sarah towards the door. She is sorry but only Sarah knows the truth. She's very fond of her but she's about to have a terrible accident. Someone will find her at the bottom of the stairs, maybe Maggie, maybe Xander, and assume she lost control of her chair. It's a pity. Nobody will be the wiser. She pushes Sarah towards the stairs, Sarah is trying to find anything to hold on to to stop this. And like a miracle Xander is there. Except for me, he says, staring daggers at his mum. Sarah stares up at him. He already has his reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Such a good show!! Is it tomorrow yet???
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Thanks brisbydog. This was a great day.

Fiona and Sarah were terrific "against" each other today. I love that Xander can't lie to Maggie. They were great too. Sadly, I agree with Xander that appealing to Kristen's heart might be a bit difficult. But Maggie should try.

Will Steve portal to Paris with or just after Dr. Greene? So they all can arrive just as the wedding happens?
Well done, brisbydog!

Agree that the scenes between Xander and Maggie were wonderful.

Sarah did exactly what I hoped she would not, telling Fiona she knew the truth, but it worked out at the last minute.

Fiona, there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide! Xander, do your thing!

So Brady will be freed, eventually, after red tape known as EJ, and Kristen "should" give Xander the magic potion to restore Sarah's mobility.

Now that Holly is staying with Chad and fake Abby, will she get in the way when Mark tries to shoot Chad?

Love Steve's plan with the DNA. Now what?

Will fake Abby and Mark be exposed?

Good show!
I was hoping Holly heard a little more. Maybe about the plan. But talking about her mom should raise questions even if Chad is an idiot.

I knew Steve had to have a plan. Please let this Abigail story end. Though I like the actress so I kind of hope she stays.

Finally Fiona confesses all. Thank goodness Xander showed up when he did. I feel bad for him, to know your mom was going to kill your wife so she didn't have to take responsibility for her actions. Kind of crazy that Brady finally remembered. But I'm glad it's over.
Thanks for the summary.

I have to say the last scene was so very good. Normally I feel like they want you to believe the person might die and we know they won't so there's no real suspense. In this case they did a great job. Would Fiona manage to get thrown down the stairs? Would Sarah find a way to stop it? Would Maggie show up? Extra points for it being Xander.

Holly staying at the apartment is just dumb in my opinion. If I were in Paris as a 17 or 18 year old and my parent let me just stay in a hotel, I'd be all in on that. Holly doesn't seem all that upset with her Mom now, so it's a nice little vacation. Actually I think if they wanted to go that route it would have made more sense for Fabigail to do the inviting because she wanted an excuse not to be alone with Chad. Chad's about to marry his undead wife and he wants a teenager around? C'mon now.

I'm back to hoping Fabigail is really undead Jordan.
Thank goodness — a good episode after all that unbearable B&S b/s. It was great to see the arch witch, Fiona, get totally busted - Sarah remembers, Brady remembers, and Xander busts Fiona in the act of trying to kill Sarah.

Equally busted are dirty Dr. Greene and fake Abigail thanks to suburb detecting by the Patch Man. Greene had best get out of town and Fake Abs should vanish into the depths of non-tourist Paris.

Now, if only Abe gets the news that B&S has been cancelled because all the sponsors have pulled out after hearing how truly awful the new soap actually is.
Thanks, brisbydog. You got a good show plus it was short.

Should we call today Memory Monday since Brady and Sarah got their memories back?

When Dr. Greene came back with the results so fast, I wondered if Steve did something. I started laughing
before Steve said out loud what he did.

It's too bad Steve didn't hear what Dr. Greene said about killing Chad.

Terrific scenes with Brady/Eric and Sarah/Fiona.

I was shocked when Xander admitted to Maggie what his plan was.

The look on Xander's face when he stopped his mother from pushing Sarah down the stairs.

Great ending on today's show. Felt like a Friday with all the cliffhangers.
I can't wait for tomorrow. Xander vs Fiona!
This one should be no contest — the righteous and mighty X-Man against the lying, homicidal Fiona. The only thing that can save her now is that Xander wouldn’t physically harm mummy dearest or he wouldn’t do anything his conscience, Maggie, wouldn’t approve of.