Days of our Lives - Monday, November 25, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
36 minutes

Rafe in his kitchen drinking a beer. Javi comes in and grabs a beer and they discuss Rafe not going back to work. Rafe explains Jada is.

Nighttime at the police station, Jada is working and Paulina comes in all upset and demanding to know what Jada is doing?

Marlena's on the phone wishing someone a happy birthday and good luck with the writing as Leo, still in his amazing flowery blue suit, comes in wanting to know what her rate is for walk-in is as nothing is going right for him today. (Edit to add it is Will she is wishing a Happy Birthday)

Johnny mopes in bed. EJ knocks and walks in. About the poisoning, Johnny isn’t feeling too bad. With the sleeping around, Johnny is doing poorly. Whine whine whine.

Joy is begging Alex and his abs to not tell anyone, and a replay of Chanel knocking at the door. Chanel wants in, she has to tell Alex something. Alex has to tell her something and Joy is panicking.

Marlena believes Leo is a bit over-reactive. He goes on and on, Marlena asks for what happened? Leo says his career and love life have all gone up in smoke. He ruined his relationship with Javi.

Rafe tells Javi the story of leaving the police station, and then he noticed Javi stayed out all night.

EJ and Johnny talk about Johnny’s one time transgression, AGAIN. Johnny continues to WHINE WHINE WHINE.

Chanel tells Alex and Joy that the Department of Health has determined that Sweet Bits did NOT make the cupcakes. The fact that Joy's eyes remain in her head as she rolls them through this scene is amazing.

Javi tells Rafe the name of his last night really hot but went to frozen levels guy is Leo Stark. Rafe remembers Leo and Javi flirting in the Small Bar. Then he makes the huge mistake of asking Javi what did Leo do?

Meanwhile in Marlena’s office, she is breaking down the story that has already be explained to her. You accused Javier of being Lady Whistleblower?? Leo explains he is no longer Lady Whistleblower. He's upset that that the person pretending to be Lady Whistleblower is ruining his name.

Jada assures Paulina they are looking everywhere. Paulina is rude and demands results, then threatens pulling the commissioner job

Johnny whine whine whines to his dad. EJ assures Johnny that he doesn’t a poker face. Johnny worries that Chanel will find out another way.

Joy asks about Johnny to break Alex Abs from spilling the story. Chanel says that Johnny was talking in his sleep about her. Alex purses his abs.

Jada and Paulina discuss the poisoned cupcakes. Jada tells Paulina to take this job and stuff it or let me work it.

Rafe finds Javi’s story amusing. Javi finds himself smitten with Leo.

Leo explains his reasoning for blaming Javi. Then how Javi explained how wrong Leo was. Leo wants to know why he has a PhD in self-sabotage?

Javi is talking off Rafe’s ear about how bad Leo is. Rafe calls Javi’s bluff and wants to know if Javi is the new Lady Whistleblower?

EJ and Johnny continue to talk about Johnny's problem and more whining takes place. Johnny wants to come clean now.

Chanel explains about Johnny talking of her in his sleep. Alex’s abs enjoy this scene. Alex tells Chanel that he won’t be well enough to come to work tomorrow. Chanel reminds him that tomorrow is Thanksgiving. (Yet not a soul in Salem is prepping for the meal that we see today) Chanel leaves. Joy thanks him, but Alex Abs tells Joy he didn’t do it for her, he did it for Chanel.

EJ has words of wisdom about sleeping with other women, being such a pro about this. Apparently in EJ’s mind, sleeping one time with someone else while married is just a speed bump, it’s not a cliff. Great morals there, EJ.

Paulina asks for forgiveness for her abrasive tone. She is just worried about her Abe. Jada assures Paulina that they will find Hattie.

Rafe pushes Javi on if he was/is/will be Lady Whistleblower? Beatrice Shoehorn would be Javi’s name if he was to be a gossip columnist. Javi likes Leo. He explains why and he is missing him (Leo) already. Rafe tells Javi that while he is hurting now, he really dodged a bullet with Leo.

Marlena is going to offer some advice to Leo. Leo is thrilled because her advice is always terrific and Leo loves the way she says it in this hoity-toity yet mensch-y kind a way. Marlena has never heard herself described in this way. She thinks that Leo was so hurt by Dimitri that he sabotages his relationship with people. Leo wants to make it stop. Marlena tells him to remain in therapy. Leo says that is great and good but is there something in the more now I could do? Marlena tells Leo to apologize.

Jada is on the phone with the health department about not carrot cake but cupcakes. Rafe has transported to Jada’s office. He brought Jada some coffee and a meal. Jada asks for help with a helicopter mayor.

Paulina approaches Marlena, thinking she’s Hattie, and makes a citizen’s arrest. Marlena is confused.

Alex, his abs, and Joy rehash Joy sleeping with Johnny.

Chanel walks in on Johnny and EJ and she tells them about Sweet Bits being in the clear. She tells Johnny that Alex, his Abs, and Joy were working on lines. Johnny is “upset” that Joy was with Alex.

Leo appears at Javi’s house with flowers and an apology.

Paulina is upset that Hattie is walking around with a cupcake. It’s actually an almond croissant. Paulina goes into meltdown; Marlena offers her a cup of tea.

Jada and Rafe discuss Javi’s love life. How Javi and Leo had a short-term crash and burn relationship.

Leo makes a long and typical Leo apology. Javi says no to Leo’s apology and shoves him out the door.

Joy makes another plea for Alex’s abs to remain quiet. She says give it time and both she and Johnny will have forgotten about it. (not so subtle anvils falling all over the apartment)

Chanel explains how hard it is to make friends and not mistakes when you come to a new town, and to give Joy and Alex’s abs some time to figure it out. Johnny starts to tell Chanel, but typical DiMera, fails miserably.
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Thank you, Robin!

Between Alex and Johnny, we know they work out, enough! Alex should have put a shirt on when Joy came in. Attention, wardrobe!

I don't know how Chanel picked up on vibes between Alex and Joy, I never did. There are no vibes there. Did Alex really think, as a friend, he would be helping the situation by telling Chanel about Johnny and Joy?

Sorry, Paulina, you should not have jumped on Marlena thinking she was Hattie. As if Hattie would make herself visible if she is guilty, and I say if since we don't know for certain. Maybe it would be too easy for it to be her.

Javi's pride will go before his fall. We know he is still interested in Leo despite what he did, but he wants to make him suffer for a while.

Paulina sure came into Jada's office with words and attitude blazing. Saying she was sorry did not excuse her tirade, she got out what she wanted to get out.

Sure, one can just walk into a therapist's office and plop down on the chair and talk. In Leo's case, squawk. Were those fancy pajamas again? As I said before, even his pajamas make a statement.
Thanks for the write-up. I'm happy that I'm finally all caught up! But not happy about this episode's quality. Other than Leo's chat with Marlena, and I guess Rafe's with Javi, this was a dreadful bore. These days, it seems everyone's too busy to do their jobs (looking at you, Paulina) and more involved in the loves lives either of Johnny and Joy/Chanel or the teens.
The police have nothing to do besides look for a cupcake poisoner.
Well, to be honest, this is almost beyond the ability of Salem PD. The poisoner could stand in the town square with a cup of coffee and a sign saying "Hi, I poisoned the Body and Soul cast" and Salem's finest still couldn't find them.
Paulina is the most annoying character. Besides how she talked to Jada, which was absolutely disrespectful, but seriously thought Marlena was Hattie. Ugh. Annoying.

I like Johnny & Chanel, so I hate this story. I wish Joy didn't sleep with a guy she met 2 hours ago. Please don't be pregnant.
It’s time for a mayoral recall election that would liberate Salem from Paulina. First she harasses Jada and then attempts to arrest Marlena. Who does she think she is? Rafe for mayor!

Fie on Javier for not giving Leo and his begonia bouquet a second chance. Who does he think he is? Does he really think that he can do better in Salem?

The next time Johnny goes on a guilt trip about cheating once on his cookie-baking wife, EJ should tell him about what happened when Sami learned of his brief affair with the former Ms. Perfect. How would Johnny react if he heard that this screechy mom had taken his father’s money and gave away his favorite race car? Then because he was broke, EJ got into drug dealing, which resulted in him getting shot by a Clyde flunky.

Finally, let’s ship out Joy and bring back Chloe. I’d rather watch Shaggy Phil pursue the diva than see Joy engage in foolish conversation with shirtless Alex.
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Thanks, robin.

Paulina needs to visit Bayview for a few days. First, she accused Jada not doing a good job. Then she assumed
Marlena was Hattie.

Is Hattie the poisoner or someone else? Did Clyde hire someone to do it?

And where is Hattie? Is she in Salem or close by?

Marlena suggested to Leo that he should apologize to Javi. I don't think bringing flowers to someone and telling that
person he wants a relationship is a way to apologize.

Will Johnny listen to his dad and not tell Chanel what he did? Will Chanel find out another way what Johnny did or
maybe didn't do?
Leo loves the way she says it in this hoity-toity yet mensch-y kind a way. Marlena has never heard herself described in this way.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

They really don't know what to do with Paulina. Not that their stories for others are great, but they really stretch it with her.

The show needs to re-invest in thinks. Or at least daydreams which are cheaper. Instead of telling dopes like Alex about your secret sexcapades, perhaps just think about them, Ms Wesley?
So far, we don't know if they actually did sleep together. They may only think they did.
We don't know for sure yet that they had sex, but based on the evidence we have been presented with (Johnny going to Joy's room and Johnny taking his ring off), the probability that Johnny cheated on Chanel is very high.

It's possible that they didn't have sex, but it's also possible that Johnny cheated on Chanel even if he didn't actually have sexual intercourse with Joy. For example, if Johnny and Joy took a shower together, but Johnny left before they had sex, that would still be cheating for a married man.

(Maybe it wouldn't be cheating if it was a situation where they had to shower together for some reason or a coed locker room shower, but obviously this would have been in Joy's room if it happened.)