Days of our Lives - Monday July 4, 2022


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New day? Abigail’s funeral everyone is gathering in Salem

Chad reading the paper on her tablet as a female voice over reads the obituary of Abigail listing immediate family who will miss her, husband Chad, children, Thomas and Charlotte, parents Jack and Jennifer, brother Jack Patrick, and half-sister Gwen. The voiceover continues listing EVERYONE in town who is related.

Will and Sonny show up at Marlena’s to comfort Chad.

Steve reads the obituary at the pub. Kayla is barely holding it together. Jennifer wrote the obituary. Kayla was up all night and she can’t think of anything to say at the funeral, doesn’t know why she agreed to even speak.

Anna and Tony at the DiMera house try to make sense of the murder. EJ tells them they have to come together as a family to make sense of things. EJ tells that Chad is happier at John and Marlena’s it’s too much to stay here where it happened.

Sonny and Will talk. Arianna is with Gabi, wonder what Li thinks of taking on a pre-teen. Chad talks of his love at first site with Abigail but she thought Chad was a total jerk. Sonny wants to know how they can help make the day easier. The boys go to the DiMansion to help Chad get dressed for the funeral. They leave without telling Marlena or John.

Kate comes to see Lucas

Jennifer has lost a necklace Abigail gave her for Christmas. She asks JJ if he’s seen it. Gwen calls to tell the family how sorry she is. JJ is outraged, tells Jack that Gwen can take her fake sympathy and shove it.

Kate comments that at least Lucas has cleaned up his hotel room since her last visit. Lucas recaps his blackout. Kate accuses if you watched Kate and Lucas last week, you’ve seen this scene. Will knocks on the door and stops this insanity.

Kayla can’t write about how much she loved Abigail. But all she can do is remember how she said Abigail the last time, dying in her ER. Kayla can’t believe she couldn’t save Abigail’s life, she’s saved so many others.

JJ says Gwen isn’t sorry about Abigail, she hated her. JJ is most of the fans. Jack explodes That’s enough and storms out.

Will drops in on Lucas, wanted to see his dad before the funeral. Hugs his grandmother, Kate leaves. Lucas asks how was your trip. Long, who would want to hurt Abigail?? Will thinks Abigail’s murder had something to do with “mom's” (Sami’s) kidnapping.

Jack storms into the pub. Tells Steve and Kayla that he had to leave because Gwen called, and JJ didn’t react well. Jack then grills Steve about who killed his daughter.

Anna asks more questions of EJ about what happened that night than Salem Police have.

Will tells Lucas that Abigail reached out to Will, to compare notes about Abigail’s murder. Abigail called Will moments before her death. Will thinks that he wasn’t Abigail’s only call that night and what if she called someone else who was close to the kidnapping and they wanted to silence her. (why are we just finding out about this? Why didn’t Will come forward to the police the moment he heard about Abigail’s death? Why haven’t the police, oh wait it’s Salem, looked at Abigail’s phone to see who she talked with in her last few hours?)

Jack can’t believe that Steve doesn’t have any news yet. Jack is upset. Kayla mentions the jewelry, but Steve doesn’t think that robbery is the motive, because nothing else of value was taken. Steve says the way she is attacked was this was a personal murder. Using a knife makes it personal. Jack wants to know why? What possible motive could there be.

Chad walks into his living room. Tony envelopes him into a big hug, followed by Anna. Anna asks how Thomas and Charlotte are doing, they are doing okay. The kids are going to the funeral. Marlena thinks it’s a good idea, because the kids can’t believe their mother is dead.

JJ is upset that he has hurt his father. Jennifer is comforting. They discuss Gwen. Jack really wanted both of his girls to make up and be pals. (that is a pie in the sky thinking) Jennifer told Jack that he will support his take on Gwen, but Jennifer will NEVER trust Gwen ever again. JJ says but I’m still here. Jennifer says that parents will love their children always, even if sometimes there is disappointment.

Kate wanders over to the Johnson table and offers her condolences. Kate grills Steve on investigating the case. Kate is amazed they are discussing this today. Steve is amazed Kate doesn’t understand given what she’s going through with Philip. Kate retorts yes, but shouldn’t you be celebrating Abigail’s life.

Kidnapper and murderer, the same person, then that means EJ killed Abigail, says Lucas. Will blows that theory out of the water. Lucas and Will hug and part.

The DiMeras talk, Chad goes to get dressed.

Kayla and Steve continue to talk about Kayla’s part of the funeral. Steve signs to Kayla, I love you. Steve says I didn’t say a word, but I spoke from my heart. That’s what you need to do.

Jack and JJ try to talk. Each apologize to each other. Jack tells JJ he is okay to be angry about Gwen. JJ says but he is angry about Abigail, why did this happen?

Anna has read the obit. Comments on how beautiful it is. Chad tries to enter his bedroom to change, stops at the door, Abigail has a dress laid out on the bed and a purse. (WHY?? The bedding was taken to the station, so who made up the room and put clothing on the bed? Come on, writers and set people, use your brains)

Kayla has finished writing her bit for the funeral. Kayla goes into how many funerals she’s been to and things that have been read that other wrote. Abigail loved ee cummings so Kayla reads from the poem, “I Carry Your Heart”. While she reads the words, we watch everyone head to the funeral. In this montage they show that Jennifer found the heart necklace that Abigail gave her. They do show a picture on mantle a picture of Abigail. Chad folds something black and white into his front pocket handkerchief
Kayla was up all night and she can’t think of anything to say at the funeral,
How about some of these?
"I remember when Abigail came to me for a paternity test...."
"I remember giving Abby advise about cheating on her boyfriend, Ben Weston...."
"I remember when Jack's actions poisoned Abby and Jack left town...."
"I remember counseling Abby after she was briefly obsessed with Austin Reed...."
Chad talks of his love at first site with Abigail but she thought Chad was a total jerk.
She wasn't wrong, he was a jerk then and continued to be a jerk, cheating with Melanie, faking a brain tumour, and eventually harassing her boyfriend into becoming a serial killer while seducing Jordan just to make a point.
the kids can’t believe their mother is dead.
Well, she was dead before, just like their uncle Eeej and their Nonno more times than they can count.
If we saw Leo with a bag of Abby's jewelry and Clyde bought some and gave a bracelet to Nancy, how can they say there was no robbery?
I may have worded that wrong... Steve doesn't think robbery was the motive..... it was something that happened after the fact.... the motive is yet undetermined as is the killer I doubt the writers know who killed Abigail... they will wind this useless story around till November Sweeps or God forbid February Sweeps... but most viewers will have forgotten it all..... and hey Abigail could be back by then.....
Thank you, Robin.....I did not get to see the first 20 minutes or so.....NBC was running a special breaking news about the mass shooting in Chicago at the July 4th parade. (None of the other networks were doing so, I checked)

It was a very sad day in Salem, & the silent scenes at end (with Kayla's voice reading the poem) was very well done, with everyone leaving for the funeral. That said, I have no idea why those clothes were laid out on the bed, even a purse. They were NOT there when Chad found Abby bleeding! Could not figure why Chad was folding that scarf so neatly, but using it then in the breast pocket.....a touching scene.

Jack so adamant wanting Steve's take on the murder, anything....& Steve admitting he doubts the motive was robbery, the use of the knife..nothing else of value taken. Abby was targeted. Am truly tired of Lucas's guity conscience, & Kate's protective mode of him.
Anyway, thank you again Robin, hope I get to see what I missed on Peacock. Heck, don't even know if I can find it, or where it is.
Today's exercise in gloom, doom, and angst was a far cry from Salem 4ths of old, which featured people chowing down on home-grilled Brady Burgers and Doug parading around in his Uncle Sam suit.

Salemites who added nothing to the holiday atmosphere included the following.

Angry JJ: He should have more consideration for his long-suffering father who is after all the father of the much-despised Gwen.

Tactless Kate: Why can't she point out to poor Lucas that unless he's an angry, hostile drunk, there's no way he would act against character by harming anyone.

Worried Kayla: She needn't have fretted so much about an Abigail eulogy. All she had to do is talk about her good qualities and leave out such things as her once living in the attic, her time in Bayview, her pursuits of Austin Reed and Dr. Cameron Davis, and her "Gabby" alter.
Thanks, robin for taking time to do the summary today.

I enjoyed the montages at the beginning and the end with the voiceovers. When we heard Jennifer list the names of
Abigail's relatives, my first thought was isn't that most of the people in Salem.

When Chad talked about meeting Abby the first time, I figured they wouldn't show a flashback since they looked different then.

I agree with JJ about Gwen not really caring if Abby died or not.

It was nice to see Steve use sign language with Kayla.

Will Will tell anyone that Abigail was investigating Sami's kidnapping?

It looked like Chad took one of Abigail's scarfs and made it pocket square.
Thanks for the write-up. As Poirot said, we were pre-empted for the mass shooting. As of around 6PM they had run him down and were arresting him. All the parades around the area were cancelled. Kind of hard to care about a soap.
Thanks for the summary. The show does sound really good and emotional. However, as was pointed out, so many issues with editing...the clothes on the bed...makes no sense! I also think Kate's scenes today were strange and unnecessary. And so many Salemites really should apply for the Salem PD. They'd do a better job investigating than the current cops seem capable of.