Days of Our Lives - Mon. Oct. 26,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, October 26, 2009
Episode #11,194 Taped 9/17 Director – Albert Alarr

A rather slow episode today, as a good deal of time is spent in Arianna’s bedroom, watching Brady & Arianna talk about nothing, while going thru round 3 and then 4 of their between the sheets romp. They chat about making sure no one knows they are seeing each other, and hoping whatever is bothering Arianna will soon be over. Zzzzzz.

Carly talks to Omar about having to see Bo, that he is now police commissioner, so perhaps she can talk to Justin first. She looks at a newspaper headline that states “Justin Kiriakis triumps”. And below that, the line, Jonas cleared of all charges. Omar says he will take her back to the dock, and now Carly is in her hoody disguise, lol, standing in front of the Kiriakis mansion, having a flashback to a scene with Victor when she told him it was over….& then is knocking at the door. Henderson is on the phone with someone, saying Mr. Justin is not home, and when he opens the door, no one is there. Hmmm, amazing how well one can hear thru those thick oak doors. Henderson closes the door, Carly appears from out of the bushes, says something to herself about going to see Bo instead and she takes off.

Hope is still having Justin help her with her b oxes and more luggage, she is bringing a huge heavy suitcase down the stairs, and there are 3 or 4 big boxes stacked by the door. Justin picks up two suitcases, when in comes Bo. Definite awkwardness prevails, Hope asks Justin to put the cases in the car, & now she & Bo have a few words. He cannot believe she is doing this, taking Ciara away from her home, Hope needs time. He gives her time, she takes Ciara away and he is alone. She talks of how Ciara wakes up every night with nightmares, he offers to sell the house, get another. No, she loves their house. He asks her about their training…what is the thing you never do when in a volatile situation. She murmurs something about backing someone in a corner. Yes, he says, and yet she keeps backing him in a corner with no where to go. He tells her if she needed help with the luggage, she could have just called him, & then asks if Doug & Julie know they are getting a boarder. She tells him they are going on a cruise, and she would not want to be in that big house all alone. Now he asks where she is going, Maggie’s, Alice’s…….and Hope lays the big bomb on him…Victor has invited them to stay with him. Bo cannot believe his ears, cannot believe she agreed. She detested that place, his father engages in criminal activities. Justin has come in and out, taken all the boxes, etc. and they leave. We next see them arrive at the K mansion, Henderson will make them some tea, takes her luggage up to her room. She says something about still having to go pick up Ciara.

Nicole sits on the plane, talking to Sydney, as Stefano calls her, ordering her to bring Sydney to the hospital NOW. She refuses, says she is out of his jurisdiction, he cannot tell her what to do. He hears an announcement about 12 hrs. to Rio de Janeiro, laughs, hangs up on Nicole, dials another number, and next we hear an announcement on the plane that it has to return to the gate to let a passenger off. Nicole pays no mind, until her phone rings again, and a hearty Stefano tells her if she needs help with her hand luggage, someone will be at the gate, waiting for her. And next we see an angry Nicole come into Stefano’s hospital room, wondering how he did that. He just laughs, and now they argue about Sydney, going back and forth. EJ kicked them out sez Nikki, Stefano sez she is not important, only Sydney is. (By the way she is downstairs in day care). Nicole tells him how Chad is taking them to court, trying to get custody, but Stefano says he can never prove he is the father. Nicole says but no one can ever know that. Nicole insists they are a package deal, both threaten the other with EJ finding out about the switch, and what he will do when he learns how dear daddy knew all along. They throw Sami’s name in a couple times, too, but Stefano realizes he might incur EJ’s wrath. In comes Lexie, ordering Nicole out of the room, father needs rest, and telling her to go home and get some herself. She looks as tho she could use it.

Sami is rummaging thru her purse, looking for some money, telling herself she she should have saved some for herself, as she flashes back to giving Nicole the packet of $50,000. But she had to do it, had to help her. In comes EJ, they snap back and forth at each other, he offers to buy her a coffee, she doesn’t need it that bad, he wants to talk to her about Giovanni. And now they get into a conversation about parenting Johnny, that Sami seems to be siding with Nicole, but he doesn’t want Johnny to see any bickering between his parents. He mentions having lost two daughters, Sami erupts.rather quietly, I might add, telling him he did not lose two daughters, he threw one of them away. She goes on how Nicole had to go thru her miscarriage alone, he replies she had Brady. No, sez Sami, she needed YOU, and you were gone, as usual. She tells him how pig-headed he is, how both Nicole and Sydney love him, how badly he treated them. She looks at her cell phone saying she wants to check the time, making sure it was o.k. and lets EJ know that Nicole is gone, she has left the country, and taken Sydney with her. She is protecting her daughter, making sure that Chad doesn’t get his hands on her. Sami is fed up, walks out.

The Brady house is dark, as Bo starts to come downstairs, but sees a shadowy figure at the door. He hides behind a wall. Glass breaks, a hand reaches in, opening the door, and the figure comes in. Bo tackles the intruder, pulling off the hood, as Carly looks up at him, saying “sorry to just drop in like this”.

Thanks for the great write up!
Finally we get Bo and Carly. Serves Hope right.
Nicole should know that Stefano can do anything he controls everyone. LOL
I really wish they would stop pushing Hope and Justin together, unless they want to bring Adriane back. (which we know won't happen.)
I cant wait to see Bo's expression when he sees Carly!!
I really hate the way Hope is being written. I mean on one hand I am totally heartborken that Bo & Hope would break up. I have been watching ever since they got together.
On the other had, I totally adored Bo & Carly together too. So I kinda find myself routing for them as well. But I think more so because of the way Hope has been written lately!!
I just wonder if the actors feel the same way?

Ready for the baby switch to be OVER!!!

Great write up!! Thanks Barb!
Sounds like an unbelievable episode . . . Hope not wanting to stay in Doug and Julie's big place all alone, but willing to live with Victor . . . Hope not wanting to sell their house, but she's not willing to live in it . . EJ not wanting Johnny to see his parents fighting (guess it is OK for Sydney though). I love how Stefano gets Nicole off of the plane. That is sooo Stefano! I love how he seems to control the world! He is a great villian. Why does Carly have to break into Bo's house?? Was the doorbell broken?? I thought she was going to see Justin first.
Days of Our Lives
He mentions having lost two daughters, Sami erupts.rather quietly, I might add, telling him he did not lose two daughters, he threw one of them away.

I guess Sami forgot that EJ did lose another daughter (besides Grace, who he thinks was his) when Nicole had her miscarriage. Technically, EJ's belief is that he has had two daughters die. I have no problem with, in fact I encourage, Sami pointing out that EJ has voluntarily divested himself of Sydney without making even the tiniest effort to fight Chad for her--I feel sure Sami's going to remember vividly all these conversations and EJ's jerkiness when she finds out the truth--but let's get the math right.

Thanks for the writeup!
Oh, what a great way for Carly and Bo to first see each other again. I started watching Days during the whole Carly buried alive s/l and have always liked her. My mom was a big Guiding Light fan and I liked her on there as well. So good to have her back!:smile:
How can Hope take Ciara away from the only home she has ever known? She spent so much time away when she was kidnapped and the first thing Hope does is take her away. That poor kid probably just wants to sleep in her own bed. Maybe then her nightmares will stop. She keeps waking up in strange places.

I think it is high time Bo got fed up with Hope. I'm so sick of Hope's whiny 'I can't trust you' bs. She could trust him if she just gave him a chance.

It is so unbelievable that Hope would enroll Ciara in a boarding school after being kidnapped. Any mother would want to keep their child close to them after such a traumatic ordeal. Even more unbelievable is that she would take Ciara to stay with Victor who is a criminal. I mean, someone came in his house and shot Phil and Hope (who has always despised Victor and threatened to leave Bo if they didn't move out last time) is going to take her daughter to live there? yeah right.
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Bo mentions that Ciara's school is just 3 minutes from their house....but Hope just volunteers she will drive her. Bo gets so frustrated.

And by the way, Carly has 2 other flashbacks besides the one with Victor. One on the dock with Bo.......and the other as she cuts thru the cemetery, sees a tombstone, and flashes back to being buried alive.
And Sami doesn't deny EJ lost two daughters, she is seething that he threw a daughter away, just threw her away.
Bo mentions that Ciara's school is just 3 minutes from their house....but Hope just volunteers she will drive her. Bo gets so frustrated.

And by the way, Carly has 2 other flashbacks besides the one with Victor. One on the dock with Bo.......and the other as she cuts thru the cemetery, sees a tombstone, and flashes back to being buried alive.
And Sami doesn't deny EJ lost two daughters, she is seething that he threw a daughter away, just threw her away.

Just goes to show that EJ doesn't truly know any sort of love. Anyone that has raised a child if only for a year could never just throw that child out and stop loving her. That seems to be what EJ has done.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the whole point of a boarding school was that the student lived there.?
Of all the stupid scenarios, that took the cake. TWO cops live there, the place could be wired with alarms (and in fact, am surprised it is not after what has happened there).......and Carly breaks a window??? Instead of knocking or ringing a bell? How does she know Hope is not there? How does she know Hope is not there all alone and has called 911? How does she know Shawn is not there...perhaps calling the cops because of an intruder? Lame, lame, lame.
Of all the stupid scenarios, that took the cake. TWO cops live there, the place could be wired with alarms (and in fact, am surprised it is not after what has happened there).......and Carly breaks a window??? Instead of knocking or ringing a bell? How does she know Hope is not there? How does she know Hope is not there all alone and has called 911? How does she know Shawn is not there...perhaps calling the cops because of an intruder? Lame, lame, lame.

Its a wonder she didn't get shot. You are so right. This whole scenario is lame!
Out with the old and in with the n..n... older?

What's your thoughts on this reunion..Carly and Bo?

I was a big Bo and Hope fan, but they are making Hope look like a whining idiot. I always thought Carly taking off with Lawrence was pretty lame too. I'm not against a Carly & Bo reunion.
Of all the stupid scenarios, that took the cake. TWO cops live there, the place could be wired with alarms (and in fact, am surprised it is not after what has happened there).......and Carly breaks a window??? Instead of knocking or ringing a bell? How does she know Hope is not there? How does she know Hope is not there all alone and has called 911? How does she know Shawn is not there...perhaps calling the cops because of an intruder? Lame, lame, lame.
Well....we again suspend reality... we have had to do that a lot lately.

I mean think about it...Hope is a cop...and yet she is going to go live at the mansion of a man who has made his money in dirty dealings?
Thanks for the write up Poroit.

I am a bit confused about Carly looking for Justin at the K mansion. He has been here just a short while being called back to the US because of Daniel. SO how is it that Carly knows he's living with Victor? Did I miss something?