Days of Our Lives - Mon., June 25, 2012


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 25, 2012

Lots and lots of “filler” dialogue today, tho there are a few tidbits of interest here and there. Bo & Hope are at the Pub with Ciara, who sits at another table coloring. Her parents talk a lot about Lexie, how they miss her, how she & Hope became good friends, despite all that happened between them. They mention Zack, and that Lexie is with him now, he would be 12, they miss him ever day. Hope says she has to leave soon, breakfast not there yet, she goes to check on Kayla in the kitchen, but Ciara jumps up, calling her back, scared her mom will go away like Theo’s mommy. Hope hugs her daughter, as she & Bo explain about Lexie being so sick, and her body gave out, but she is still watching over Theo all the time. Ciara talks of the card she is making for Theo, later showing it to her parents, with Lexie surrounded by angels, her new friends. They praise the cards, assuring Ciara it will make Theo feel better.

Lucas wakens a sleeping Sami by tickling her nose with a rose. She has been napping on the sofa, he has brunch all ready, his killer frittatas. She wonders what she did to deserve this, he talks of her being at the police station til late last night, then coming home and working on the ad campaign, getting up early to get he kids off to school (gee, no summer vacation for them, huh?) packing lunches, etc. etc. She asks why he does all this for her, he says because he loves her. They eat, but she is a bit nervous, telling Lucas he should stay away from her, run far away. She is trouble, look how he had to come rescue her, lost his fiancee’ in the process.

Lucas assures her he & Autumn were not meant to be, and that he & Sami are all grown up now, they are mature adults. He starts blaming his mother for their breakup, but Sami takes the blame. She wishes EJ wasn’t the father of two of her kids, and he will always be in her life, and somehow manages to get to her. Just ask Rafe. Lucas isn’t going to ask Rafe anything, he doesn’t have to. And before you know it, his shirt is off, so is Sami’s sweater, and they are kissing and heading for the bedroom.

Later, she is wearing a Salem University t-shirt while he is in her robe, lol. He will do dishes while she reads the paper. She notes the story about Will, gets all upset, but for Will. They could of just said he had an alibi instead of “Will Horton in Gay Drama”. Lucas reminds her the idea is to sell newspapers, that is all. She worries about her son being bullied by others, hopes he will tell them if so. Lucas talks of him working again for EJ, and not telling them why. Sami wants to rush over and confront EJ, but Lucas says no. They will deal with this all together.

Over at DiMansion, Will picks up the paper off the floor, is about to looks at that, when EJ comes rushing in, grabs them out of his hand, tells him not to be nosy, and since the computer is closed, he must be finished so is dismissed. Will leaves, but looks back to see EJ slam the paper down on the desk.

Later, Arthur, Stefano’s attorney arrives, guesses EJ wants to know about the estate. Well, it seems Stefano told Arthur about EJ not being his son when he made his new will, and Arthur wants to follow his instructions. EJ tries to pass it all off as one of Stefano’s lies, just a way to keep control over EJ, but Arthur saw the paperwork. And now EJ gets down to brass tacks. Since the will wasn’t signed, witnessed or notarized, it is not admissible, and his old one stands. Arthur is just a bit reluctant, but EJ does his bullying, and his own brand of “control”, reminding Arthur he also is mayor, besides running DiMera enterprises, wields a lot of power. Arthur understands, will file the old will, and not breathe a word of anything, promising to destroy what paperwork he has from Stefano, as his loyalty is now to EJ.

Will comes into the Square, where a few folks are reading the paper, spot him, and take off. Along comes Sonny, and they have quite the conversation. Will is unhappy about the publicity, talks of going back into the closet. Sonny advises him to get rid of the closet completely, that he was there when Will’s parents and grandparents came in the Pub last night, and all supported him. They get to talking more, Will mentioning EJ bailed him out of jail, and now he is working for him again.

Sonny is appalled, warns him against this, keeps asking questions, finally getting Will to admit EJ has something on him, but Will won’t tell what. Sonny is warning Will to get out, but Will admits it is not only that. EJ has a secret he doesn’t want anyone to know, then relates about finding the paper, and EJ having a fit. Will doesn’t know what it is yet, but he is going to find out. He plans on taking EJ down. Sonny warns that EJ is dangerous, and Will would be playing with fire.

Over in Dr. Dan’s office, he returns to find Nicole ensconced behind his desk. Seems they never finished their conversation. She jumps up, comes round up close and personal. Dan warns he has a diabetic 7 mos. Pregnant patient and could be called away any second. Before you know it, kiss, kiss, his shirt is off, he shoves everything off his desk, and nature takes over.

Lucas & Sami are having a nice walk thru the Square, enjoying the beautiful day, etc. Lucas remarks it is better than going over to confront EJ, Sami agrees. They comes upon Sonny & Will to hear part of the conversation about EJ having something on Will, Sami explodes, wanting to know what exactly is going on.
:rotfl: I hope Dr. Dan locked the door!!

Thank you for the summary, Poirot. Sounds like a good show today. I got all misty eyed reading about the card that Ciara made for Theo. I love the Lucas/Sami of old. Hopefully, tptb (the powers that be) don't ruin them again. I also really like the Will/Sonny scenes.

The best part - No Gabi storyline!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's funny. Arthur to EJ: "You're not a DiMera and are out of Stefano's will."

EJ to Arthur: "Do as I say, I am running the DiMera fortune and wield a lot of power!"

Isn't that a weak leverage point, implying threats with the very power you are about to be stripped of? LOL Poirot, you are right, EJ is just a big bully. He got away with it.
Fairly strong episode today, although I am really sick of EJ. Nice to see a veteran soap actor, even if he's being EJ's puppet.
I also thought the show seemed better today and I totally enjoyed it!!
I didn’t watch today. The problem with Marlene and Darrell (the writer) is they devoted each and every day to EJ and the others actors can’t catch a break because of this insanity! There is only so much EJ I can handle in one month and I’ve reached it!