Days of Our Lives - Mon., July 15, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Horton House - Chad and Kate meet about a business opportunity. Chad is distracted by his dead wife's missing corpse. Later, she has learned about the empty coffin and Clyde's claims. (There's a nice picture of Lucas on the mantel.) Chad tells her about the video, which is being enhanced and Jack is trying to hurry up. She wants to wait with him. He asks about her proposition.

Hospital (same establishing shot) - Stephanie and Kayla are discussing the usual Salem events, i.e., her cousin's missing corpse. They discuss how evil Clyde is, and where Abigail might be if Clyde didn't just steal her corpse to mess with Chad. Stephanie has even talked to her aunt Kimberly about Everett, and has been advised to be patient. She gets a call from Marlena about Everett's re-emergence and release. She can't wait to see him; Kayla pauses her, but Stephanie doesn't want to wait because she hasn't seen Everett in "a month and a half". She bolts, Kayla sighs.

Salem Inn - Bobby tells Everett to pick out a shirt. Several short scenes of him being insane and hoping his nutty friend keeps up their bargain. He has a fantasy about Jada coming over for adult time.

Pub Entryway - Jada and Gabi encounter each other and hug. They recap her release and Jada updates her on the latest killer of Li, unaware she already knows. They are stymied by Bobby's lack of information because Everett re-emerged. Gabi relays her experience with Abigail/Gabby. They wonder about Gil's print on the book.

Cemetery - Replay of Rafe talking via telephone to Paulina and getting stabbed by Connie. Connie tells him it isn't personal and has a flashback. Rafe has been reaching limply for his phone in front of him as Connie continues to confess.

Price-Carver Townhouse - Paulina is mystified by the end of her phone call. Abe wonders what's wrong. Paulina isn't worried. Later, she is speaking with cemetery workers as Abe watches and processes the information. He tells her about the plan to reboot Body & Soul. Paulina is surprised but likes the idea. They talk about the outlandish plots (aliens, talking dolls, split personalities). They talk about doing the production in Salem because of tax incentives. They talk about recasts.

Salem Inn - Towel-clad Bobby/Everett is looking at the clothes he picked out when there's a knock on the door. He's shocked to find Stephanie. A bit later, he has dressed and apologizes; she does, too. She was so worried she'd never see him again. He has to tell her something - they can't see one another anymore because Dr. Evans thinks he needs more therapy to integrate before he can see anyone. Stephanie understands and will support him.

Pub Entryway - Gabi is worried about a killer being on the loose. Jada is going to find Rafe; Gabi tells her he went to the cemetery.

Cemetery - Connie now has black gloves on and a shovel. She plans to cover Rafe with just enough dirt to cover his body before the workers fill in the rest of the open grave. Someone calling for Rafe frightens her and she scampers away with her shovel. Jada finds him, phones for help.

Horton House - Kate has explained the Body & Soul plan if they get the rights to the show. Chad's mom watched soaps but he doesn't know a lot about them. He did enjoy working on the film with Johnny, so he's in. She'll send the paperwork and he'll keep her notified about Abigail. They discuss the last time Abigail died and came back.

Pub Entryway - Gabi is leaving Ava a message, she's sorry for being abrupt but is interested in bringing Gabi Chic to DiMera. Connie, behind her, loves the idea!! Gabi ends her call, Connie introduces herself and explains she's a huge fan of Gabi Chic (which sells more than clothes). Connie knew Gabi didn't kill Li, will send her résumé. She'd never stab Gabi in the back.

Price-Carver Townhouse - Paulina and Abe talk about Chanel's remaining in Salem, how close she needs to be to her, and the drama at the mayor's office with the baby-switch-covering-up DA. Later, Kate has stopped by, they have secured the funding. Paulina wants to invest, but given that they will need city permits, they won't let her. Kate has arranged a meeting with the studio to secure the rights.

Hospital - Rafe is on the hospital bed, on his side. Kayla examines the wound. Jada asks for an update and Kayla promises she'll take care of Rafe, shoos her out of the room. Jada tells Rafe she loves him as Kayla goes to work.

Horton House - Stephanie stops by to see how Chad is doing (because of her talk with Kayla). He asks about Everett and she has a flashback TO THE CONVERSATION less than 10 MINUTES AGO. She tells him about it.

Salem Inn - Connie visits Bobby, who is still Bobby in case you weren't paying attention. He's worried they'll be seen together.

Hospital - Jada has called for an update as they look into who stabbed the commissioner. She remembers the day she said she'd move in with him (long scene, but well-used here). Gabi enters, worried about her brother.

Salem Inn - More crazy talk with Connie & Bobby about Rafe being dealt with.

Hospital - Rafe flatlines. END
Today had an example of a good use of a flashback, a terrible use of a flashback, and a dated but not egregious flashback.

It's the streaming era for the show. There's no reason to show us something from earlier in the episode; we can pause if we have to take a break. Stephanie's flashback to earlier in the episode was IDIOTIC. They also don't need to fill time anymore. So, WHY???

Fun fact for those who don't remember - Re-Ron was head writer on One Life to Live when it ended, and then he moved to General Hospital, where he brought the characters to his new show (after leasing them from the company that bought their rights). I wonder if that will play into this Body & Soul story.
They talk about the outlandish plots (aliens, talking dolls, split personalities).
Nice nod to Passions with the mention of the talking doll, which is also part of one of the most bizarre occurrences on TV.

Josh Ryan Evans played Timmy, the talking doll, who came to life on Passions. He was having heart surgery in real life and would be away for x-amount of time recovering. They decided to write it into the storyline that Timmy died, but he'd be resurrected as a Christmas miracle when Josh Ryan Evans returned. As chance would have it, his surgery was the day that Timmy's death happened on-screen. Sadly, in a horrific twist of fate, the actor died during surgery. So the character and the actor died on the same day.
I thought they said he was going into shock?

You know, I never ever watched Passions, but somehow, when I was volunteering at another website, I was assigned to monitor that page. Weird. But, it made me familiar with the characters. Have to say, nothing about it got me remotely interested in watching, guess I just preferred the two I WAS watching back then........only so much time, but I know so many got a kick out of it.
Thank you, Jason!

I sure agree about the use of flashbacks.

How unfunny was Connie's remark about "taking a stab at it." Yes, she would be a real asset at Gabi Chic. (She is "gabby" but not "chic.") Wait til she learns that Rafe is still alive. I think I can say, without a doubt, that he WILL survive. Relieved that Connie did not have a chance to roll him into the open grave and cover him with dirt.

The "Body and Soul" storyline does not sound promising. I wish they weren't doing this.

Bobby/Everett both must go away. Bobby is too convincing as Everett for anyone to suspect anything, unless they use the Salem Brain. And, even then, not sure if this could be figured out. However, Blake Berris (Bobby/Everett) is still delivering the goods.
Wow, what a fantastic show. I'm pretty happy right now I don't have the ability to watch. Just reading this marvelous summary gave me the shivers, so I marked it down as a show to watch when I get to someplace with time and solid electrical and internet.

I thought Body and Soul was a cute thing a while back. I'm sure the actors are enjoying playing other folks in a show within a show, but currently it holds no "I'm so looking forward" to watching.

The leaving of Bobby/Everett, looking forward to, the actor is amazing but the storyline not a second's worth of interest as it changes from day to day, even scene to scene, inside the same show.

Connie, Salem has a pier, please go jump off into the waterway and drift away.

Thanks Jason. This show was painful. Is anyone paying attention to the fans and how they are unhappy with the show????
Do they really have to keep showing us stuff that happened? Even in same episode? Enough.

Bobby really does live in his own little world. I would think his cutting her off would raise Stephanie's suspicion that he's still Bobby but didn't seem to. She and Marlena are falling down on the job.

I think Days of Our Lives was afraid they were getting canceled so they created this Body & Soul nonsense. Was funny when Abe said oh yeah soaps recast all the time and fans are ok with it, then cut right to new Gabi.

Hope Gabi doesn't hire crazy Connie. I wouldn't be so sure she wouldn't stab you in the back.

Dang, Jada got to cemetery quick. They can't kill Rafe. He'd have to come back from dead and enough with that.
sure was a mishmash ....all over the place, so guess it is setting up for all the different know, cuz there are SO many different ones, aren't there? But, nothing really moved along, did it?

And we are to take in stride, that, with no experience, and out of the blue, Kate talks Abe into trying to buy the rights to a canceled soap opera, which they plan to film and produce in the middle of small town Salem, in the middle of U.S. America......LOL.

Gosh, and I used to live in Chicago, and nearby. Hmmmm, you know, once upon a time, there WERE shows filmed there, don't mean local programs. But that did not last long as the suits connected with those shows eventually decided that L.A. or N.Y. were where they should go.
Thanks for the summary. I didn't watch much so I missed the flashback to earlier in the episode. I would have lost it since I hate all the flashbacks they do. If someone needs a flashback from the previous show then maybe it wasn't that interesting.

Before today's use I thought the worst was with Holly the other day. She was telling EJ about how she understood not being truthful and the obvious choice to look at was her not telling the truth about Tate and the drugs but since they didn't want to use the previous actor's video her memory was of them lying about camp or being together or whatever.
Connie, Salem has a pier, please go jump off into the waterway and drift away.
Yes, can’t somebody/anybody get rid of this absurd creature. I feel like leaving the room when she appears. In fact, I’d even rather watch the awful Konstantin.

So now Bobby/Everett is answering the door dressed in a towel? Who does he think he is — Xander? What’s next — he poses fetchingly on the bed with a heart-shaped towel.

Before he gets too involved in his soap, Abe ought to make sure that the cast hasn’t followed Alison Sweeney to Hallmark.

Finally all those who though this was a poor episode are so right, Thirty-five minutes of Xander meeting and greeting as he takes a run through town would have been far better.
Thanks, Jason.

Connie wasn't smart. She should have hurt Rafe a different way. She stabbed Rafe like Li and that looks
suspicious since Gil is dead.

Nice to see Stephanie and Kayla together. Then an Aunt Kim mention.

Weird stuff with "Body and Soul" and all the talk about soaps.

Several people on Twitter stopped watching the show when "Body and Soul" got mentioned. Does
the viewer count if they watch less than half the show?
The ratings that were posted recently indicated how many minutes were watched, if I recall correctly.

And a smart show (hint: not Days of Our Lives under Corday) would look at the data of what people fast-forward to cultivate their stories (but they'd also be less than six months advanced in filming).
Thanks for the summary. I was away in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for a few days. So getting caught up now.

The flashbacks are usually ridiculous these days, although a few are done well. I'm just so sick of Connie and that whole plot line. And also disappointed that Kate and Abe can't be utilized better than doing this soap thing. Not the worst thing on the show, but disappointing nonetheless.

I hope they finish up with the Abby thing already. I liked Chad and Abby together but also wish they could make Chad more interesting instead of everything constantly being about her.