Days of our Lives - Friday, September 6, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
35 minutes - another good show

Outside police station. John asks Brady to not plead guilty till we know all about the story. Maybe someone else hit Sarah. John tries to talk Brady, but Brady is adamant, he is pleading guilty. Outside the all-purpose interrogation room, EJ is on the phone, he wants EVERYONE to work all night as he needs all the ducks in a row before that arraignment tomorrow morning. Brady Black must pay for what he’s done. Eric walks in and overhears part of the conversation and calls EJ a vindictive son of a b-word.

Replay of Holly finding out about her real daddy’s demise. In her precious outrageous indignation, and now the bubble has been broken, what about Eric?

Maggie and Justin's replay of why didn’t Brady call his sponsor. Maggie takes this on as her fault, how could he drive drunk? Justin also can’t believe that A. Brady would drive drunk, and B. Brady would drive off without helping Sarah. Maggie hears that Brady doesn’t remember driving or hitting Sarah. She thinks well, maybe Brady didn’t do it.

Fiona, Sarah and Xander in Sarah and Xander’s room. Sarah gets that flash again. Sarah says again, I remember, Fiona looks scared.

John tries a new tack on Brady, this will be the rest of your life, how will Tate handle his mom being shipped off to jail, and now you? Brady is eaten with guilt.

Xander tries to coax memories out of Sarah, against his mother’s wishes. Sarah remembers walking, hearing the car, and seeing the driver. No, it wasn’t Brady.

EJ is ever so kind to Eric; he asks after his wife and son and their pauper’s trip to Paris. Eric reminds EJ that Nicole is EJ’s soon to be ex-wife and Jude is HIS son. EJ brings up that Eric and Sarah were at one point in the not so recent past an item. He wants to know where Eric’s compassion is for the victim’s family? EJ says he isn’t surprised that Eric would cross an ocean to defend his brother for getting drunk and running over an innocent person considering you committed the exact same crime. It appears that vehicular homicide runs in the family. Brady should take heart as he only crippled Sarah.

Holly demands to know what Tate meant. Tate thought she knew. What are you keeping from me, we don’t keep secrets. Tate tells Holly that Eric was the drunk driver who killed her dad. Holly thinks Tate is making this up, but Tate would never lie to her. It’s a big family secret. Tate overheard his mom and Grandma Kim talking about it when he was a kid. Holly’s world has shattered. She rants and calls Eric, Nicole’s Beloved Saint Eric.

Justin and Maggie talk about how Brady was once in Maggie’s shoes, when they thought that Maggie had killed his wonderful Adrienne and Sarah’s baby? Remember? But then Maggie was found innocent. Maggie reminds everyone how that (bad word) Orpheus had framed her by putting her in the driver’s seat and framed Maggie as the driver. Justin of course remembers, but there is no evidence supporting someone framing Brady. Maggie can’t believe someone with a kind heart would drive off.

Xander questions Sarah, you didn’t see Brady, no, there was a glare, but I don’t remember a face. Xander believes she might remember more if they keep talking about it. Sarah doesn’t remember a clear face. Fiona thinks badgering Sarah won’t get anywhere because we all know Brady Black did this to her.

EJ’s smugness and lack of self-awareness of his evil deeds, is a pleasure to watch as he rakes Eric over the coals for killing Dr. Dan the Tan Man. EJ asks if Eric ever thinks about Dr. Jonas’ death as he lies next to Nicole? Perhaps Eric can offer absolution or say a few rosaries, but that won’t cut it for the DA’s office. Apparently, Brady will be in jail for the rest of his life (at best with this being his first offense and the victim lived, life in prison is really a stretch, 6 months with a boatload of conditions is more like it. But then this is Salem). Eric tells EJ that Nicole has fast tracked her divorce. EJ should be getting his final papers any day now. EJ storms off.

John comes out of the all-purpose interrogation room, very happy to see Eric, they hug. John asks after Nicole and Jude. They are doing fine, settling into life in Paris. John says looks like that based on all the smiling faces in the pictures you send us. John tells of Brady insisting on pleading guilty, then begs Eric to talk some sense into him.

Brady flashes back to the Small Bar and Fiona. The cop alerts Brady to another visitor, he doesn’t want to see anyone. Eric walks in and says not even your brother? The boys hug.

Holly is trying to take in that Eric did what Tate is telling her. Tate tells her that he heard that Eric was tormented by the fact that he killed someone. Was, was, as in past tense? I’m glad he found a way to get over killing my dad and now he’s ready to move on with my mother and their precious new baby. Tate tries to get Holly to take a breath and think about it. But Holly is deep in her grief.

Justin arrives at the police station, chats with John on how Brady is going to plead guilty at the arraignment tomorrow. Justin thinks that maybe the mind they need to change isn’t Brady’s.

Back in the all-purpose interrogation room, the brothers continue to hug and pound backs. Brady wants to know why Eric is there? Eric came alone so he could put all of his focus towards helping Eric.

Xander tells his mom that a positive ID from Sarah would go a long way in putting Brady away. Fiona suggests that Xander get some leek and potato soup for Sarah as she gets Sarah ready for a long rest. Sarah agrees the soup sounds lovely, so Xander goes to get it. Fiona tells Sarah, ahhh, alone at last.

Brady is somewhat surprised that Eric isn’t there to talk him out of pleading guilty. Eric replies he is not if there is anyone who knows you must atone for your sins, it would be me. Brady takes a deep breath and says yes, of course you do. Eric reminds viewers that Holly lost her father and Maggie lost her son, because I drove drunk.

Eric asks are you sure you were the one driving? Brady remembers being in a drunken stupor. Eric will be here for Brady. He needs to find Holly and finally tell her he is the one who killed her father. (For new viewers, Holly was a frozen embryo when Dr. Daniel Jonas was killed. She never knew her father at all. Unless the writers choose to change that story.) Holly asks Tate to leave because she needs to be alone. Tate leaves her. Holly breaks down.

Justin and John finish their conversation, EJ walks in and tells Justin he will not go for a plea deal, he is going to throw the book at Justin’s client. Justin reminds EJ that he has nothing for this case. EJ counters with a confession, he has a confession from a man who was blind drunk and ran over Sarah. Justin reminds EJ that anyone can walk in and confess to any crime, but without witnesses or any evidence that leads to reasonable doubt, which leads to an acquittal. Save yourself the time and energy, EJ, and drop the charges.

Xander come down, and talks with Maggie. Maggie asks if Sarah knows who was driving? They talk about the greatness of the soup.

Fiona is talking to a sleeping Sarah and wiping her forehead.

FINALLY, Holly Bolly looks up the facts of her dad’s death. It’s true, charming Eric killed her daddy.

John walks in on Tate, looking at a news story of Brady running down Sarah. They discuss Brady taking responsibility for the hit and run. John thinks it will all come down to one volatile person.

Back at the police station, EJ is questioning Brady's sobriety. What makes Justin think EJ would even consider releasing Brady? When we both know he is guilty as sin. Justin points out that EJ can’t place Brady or his car at the scene, the victim doesn’t remember who hit her, Brady has no actual memory of driving the car or hitting the victim, and there there’s the fact you can’t produce the car.

EJ counters that the car was reported stolen, but we both know your client most likely made it go poof, disappear. EJ is now going to add destruction of evidence. Justin reminds EJ that he can’t prove any of that. He tells EJ that the case is built on a castle of sand.

Maggie doesn’t want Sarah to be pushed into remembering who hit her. She tells Xander that Sarah will remember eventually. Xander gets all mushy about having Maggie and Fiona in his life.

Fiona is singing lullabies to Sarah while playing with her hair.

Justin walks into the all-purpose interrogation room. Brady tells him that it won’t work, he won’t pull his confession. Justin tells him it’s time to leave, there won’t be a trial. EJ walks in all alpha male and demands to know why Brady is still there? Justin tells Brady that he has convinced their esteemed District Attorney to not bring the case based on circumstantial evidence and your rather tenuous recollection of the event. EJ tells Brady that once the Salem PD finds the evidence, he will haul his *bleep* back into court.

Tate can’t believe that they are basing their hopes on the one man in Salem who hates dad more than Xander. John tells him to keep the faith. Then he asks what else is getting Tate down. John knows that something is bothering him. Tate confesses to be an idiot, and tells Grandpa that he told Holly something that he shouldn’t have.

Holly is now talking to the bushes in the park about Eric killing her dad. Eric walks up and knows something is wrong.

Xander and Maggie talk about Fiona and how much Xander resented her. Xander can see the good in his mom. Maggie thinks Fiona is a Godsend.

Fiona continues singing to Sarah. As she moves a pillow into position to smother Sarah, she asks for forgiveness before doing so.
I watched the episode this morning

Ejerk's clear hatred of the family prejudices the case already. He would be kicked off the case and probably face censorship by the state bar for not recusing himself.

Loved the way Justin shredded Ejerk's plans. I want to see Ejerk get totally taken down. I want him collapsing in a hysterical, quivering, sobbing mess.

I hope Sarah gets hypnotherapy from Marlena to bring forth the memories.

Fiona planning to smother Sarah was not a well thought out plan. It would clear to see that she was smothered. It would also rouse Sarah, so there would be marks on Fiona's hands and arms where she fought against Freaky Fiona.

Holly fretting over a father she never knew. A frozen embryo placed into another woman.

Too bad Days won't go with forgiveness being encouraged. I could see Maggie reminding Holly that Daniel was her son and stressing the fact she forgave Eric. I can't imagine how they could make Ejerk be forgiving without a very dark, see the devil near death experience.
You got a good one to summarize, Robin. Thank you for the great recap.

Serena Scott Thomas is excellent as Fiona, but the character is pure evil. I bet Sarah will wake up or Xander will bring in the soup before she smothers Sarah, and then she will say she was putting the pillow behind her head.

The image WE saw when Sarah remembered, WAS Fiona's face, looking back at Brady. I guess she didn't see it clearly enough. She just has to.

Enjoyed EJ verbally sparring with Eric.

I did feel bad for Holly. That was so wrong to not tell her already. Eric seeking her out today is too little, too late, I am afraid.

Since Brady finally remembered Small Bar and Fiona, he might recall the waiter he almost slugged who could be a witness. Fiona claims she does not know Brady. This will blow her out of the water.
Holly was a little dense if she couldn't figure out what Tate was saying. Has she seriously never googled her dad's death?

Does no one notice that Fiona stops any questioning about the accident? There is no way she's going to suffocate Sarah. I was hoping that she sang that song to the unconscious Sarah after the accident but guess not. Brady knows he was with Fiona. Remember more or tell someone. At least he's out for now.

Holly & Eric should be interesting.
I'm going to be interested in how upset Holly is over her dad's death, considering she wasn't alive at the time. Didn't know him, was raised by her birth but not biological mother for a time, thought Brady, Eric, Rafe and EJ as daddies. Just how unhinged is she going to be? I'm guessing pretty darn.
Really good episode today. I actually am starting to care about Tate & Holly - although I still think Tate is woefully miscast for this role (and not because of his age).
Just how unhinged is she going to be? I'm guessing pretty darn.
I'm sure we'll get her toasting to a Daniel portrait in a hallway in the Kmansion soon.

Seriously though she did a good job with her private Square scenes.

I really wish they'd shown Brady and Fiona leaving and then the car running Sarah over without the driver known to us. It would have made the story a bit more compelling. It's a very good story as is, far superior to anything else in many months, but knowing Brady is innocent takes away some of the gravitas.
Eric tells EJ that Nicole has fast tracked her divorce.
Um - haven't they been gone for a few months? I guess we need a referent since it's still close to the 14th (the night of the accident).
EJ walks in all alpha male and demands to know why Brady is still there?
Even when I disagree with what EJ is doing, he is fun to watch, which is often more important on a soap that has to crank out 250 episodes a year non-stop than things like real-world consequences or character motivation (sadly). His scenes are never boring. As a bonus he's being written as in-character for his ambition and grudge against Brady, so we're scoring on all fronts.
I bet Sarah will wake up or Xander will bring in the soup before she smothers Sarah
I'm hoping she backs down because she is not a bad person or a killer - she's the traditional grey soap vixen in the vein of Lisa Miller on ATWT or Rachel Davis on AW.
There is really no way to tell time in Salem. I have no idea when that accident happened, after Salem, they can cross the street, be in a different time zone, go a block away, another time zone. One day can last for 72 hours, then the next day, tis 2 weeks later. LOL

And while I think the actress is absolutely terrific, I do not like the character of Fiona, not at all. While she seems to be having pangs of remorse at what she has done, the thing is....that doesn't erase anything. She was a lousy influence on Xander as he grew up, and we all know how bad he was.

Yes, he changed, and evidently, Fiona, at this late state in her life, is making an attempt at changing, too. Only because her son is making an attempt to mend fences with her, but actually, it was his wife who made the moves. So now, Xander's mother has mowed down his wife with her car, let him think it was someone else driving, an innocent person, subjected to Xander's wrath.

PLUS, that person was in the car with her, and she has framed him for her crime. Nope, not a good person at all. Oh, am sure the truth will out, but Fiona has let all these people suffer, all this time. And now, to cover herself even more, she is in the process of murdering Sarah! Don't know if she will stop of her own volition, or because someone comes in.......the fact remains, she thought of it, and proceeded to carry it out.
Justin was in fine form today, forcing DA EJ to abandon his plans to indict the hapless Brady. If he keeps this up, I’ll have to stop calling him the “bumbling barrister.” Justin also gets thanks for giving the viewers an angry, frustrated EJ, which is always worth the price of admission. Eat dirt, Elvis.

Fiona certainly looked like the perverse, wicked witch while singing to Sarah — just the type who would threaten little Toto or plan to put Hansel and Gretel in an oven. My guess about Fiona and the pillow is either she’ll change her mind or she’ll be interrupted causing her to make some lame explanation about “keeping our Sarah comfy.”

As for the case, my guess is that Sarah will remember what the viewers saw — a gray-haired woman diving a car. The local watering holes will then be visited and a bartender will identify Fiona as the woman drinking Salem dry with Brady. She will then be arrested or flee the country.

Tater Tot needs a new girlfriend if one is available in Salem. Holly is full of self-righteous wrath and shows no understanding for the difficult position that the Tot is in. It’s also open season on the unfortunate Eric whose good intentions are exposing him to invective and abuse fro slimy EJ and the childish Holly.
Fiona planning to smother Sarah was not a well thought out plan. It would clear to see that she was smothered. It would also rouse Sarah, so there would be marks on Fiona's hands and arms where she fought against Freaky Fiona.

Holly fretting over a father she never knew. A frozen embryo placed into another woman.
Fortunately, Fiona didn't get murder advice from Connie. Connie would have recommended poison in the soup that the never seen cook was making.

I think Eric is more Holly's father than Daniel was, regardless of biological relation.
Tater Tot needs a new girlfriend if one is available in Salem. Holly is full of self-righteous wrath and shows no understanding for the difficult position that the Tot is in.
Tate might need look outside of Salem for a new girlfriend unless he wants to reconsider Sophia.

I wonder if that lacrosse camp that Tate didn't go to was coed. (Probably not.)

Was Tate conceived before or after Brady received Daniel's heart?
Thanks, robin.

It was mentioned on Monday's show this week it was Labor Day. I think in Salem land it's morphed to another day now.

What a show today. A lot things happened.

Big surprise EJ let Brady go since there is no evidence to hold him. This means the Salem PD has to find evidence against
Brady. Hopefully, Jada will find evidence against Fiona.

John needs to get his head out of the sand and start investigating the accident himself. So far, Brady hasn't told anyone
where he was. Interesting to see today he remembered he was with Fiona.

Poor Maggie, she feels so helpless since Brady didn't contact her.

Xander is going to be in for a surprise if Sarah actually remembers who hit her. Oops not Brady, your mother.

I agree with Holly why did they keep the information about Eric killing her father a secret all these years. And
why did Nicole tell her the driver died?
And while I think the actress is absolutely terrific, I do not like the character of Fiona, not at all.
I sure wouldn't want to hang out with her or have her for a mum or in-law; but she's a great character for TV because she's so flawed. She's as drunk as Bonnie Plunkett (Mom) and as selfish as Erica Kane (All My Children).

The problem I've seen with this show is the villains come on too witchy (when they're women) or too Bond-villain. Ava. Kristen. Megan. Sloan/Colin/Talia. Orpheus. Evan. Jan Spears. Etc. None are humans who are flawed and make mistakes, they all want to freeze the world and then because the actress/actor is popular, they start getting served chowder at the Pub instead of being tossed in a volcano or triple-chained in Arkham (where the Batman bad guys go).

That's why I love Fiona. She's moving the plot with her terrible choices and I can believe a real person would do these things.
As for the case, my guess is that Sarah will remember what the viewers saw — a gray-haired woman diving a car.
I agree - this is enough to exonerate Brady. He's a lot of things, but he's no grey-haired woman.

I think Eric is more Holly's father than Daniel was, regardless of biological relation
Well said! This is why I hate SORAS. We saw Holly's on-screen relationships when she was a toddler - but that has been moved back 10 years. Does that mean her mom was married to EJ when she was born? Was it during his mayoral campaign? We're supposed to remember some things, but not others. Lazy writing!
Thanks for the write-up. The show was a terrific cliffhanger and follow-up from yesterday. EJ’s interactions with Eric and Justin were fantastic. I have really liked seeing more of Justin as of late, and like Maggie putting the pieces together.

I feel a bit sorry for Fiona, although she’s clearly deserving of everything that’ll undoubtedly come to her once the truth comes out. Poor Brady—still stupid, but at least acting somewhat nobly.

Even the teens were good today, although it’s ridiculous that Holly hasn’t known the truth until now.