Days of Our Lives - Friday, September 20, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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Hospital establishing shot. Kayla picks up the phone. She talks to unseen Steve who gives her an update on his failed Clyde mission. She sighs at the failure, why would Clyde give him any answers about Fabigail? If only she had an easy way to determine this herself?

Fabigail is wandering the Horton living room studying her notes. Repeat of Chad entering and her telling him about her fake memory. It was about Chad, actually it was about "us".

And back to Kayla on the phone, Steve is apparently nagging her to do the DNA test. She hangs up and Jada appears behind her. Rafe is agitated and threatening to check himself out, worrying about Gabi.

Speaking of Gabi, repeat of Connie ranting about how angry she is. Melinda reminds her she is defying Cardboard Li. Gabi kisses her butt a bit about how fond she is of her. Connie is enjoying the groveling as she did yesterday when we saw the same exact scene. She activates the bomb and departs. Count down from 2:30

Ava enters her sad room above the pub and reads another apology from Stefan on her phone. She mimics Stefan’s voice asking her to "even the score" by doing another revenge boink. He phones and she ignores the call.

Stefan's pacing around on phone at the Bistro, waiting for Ava to pick up.

EJ repeat of finding the bloody poker in the living room (it's like Clue!). He notices the open door to the "secret tunnels" and boots down there. The gals are still screaming. It has only been 30 seconds. Credits, finally.

Ava looks at her phone and tells Stefan to go to hell. Maybe his next manager will help him with his revenge sex needs, which sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Knock on door. She opens it to find Connie, who has somehow got here in 30 seconds or less.

Stefan leaves a voicemail telling Ava he was a jerk and wants a chance to apologize. He decides he needs to come by in person.

Connie is glad Ava is in as she is next on Connie’s list. She knows Ava has been trash-talking her all over town, and is very disappointed that Ava did not heed her warning. Ava has a pointless flashback of telling Jada about Connie’s lies on her resume. Ava lies to Connie that she didn’t tell anybody. Connie tells Ava that Melinda will never bad-mouth her again, and now it is Ava’s turn. She brandishes her wee knife.

EJ asks the door if somebody is down there? He goes down. 23 seconds left. Gabi is praying in Spanish. EJ is outside the door, asks if anybody is there? Melinda asks Gabi for a translation. She is praying for their souls in the hour of death. BOOM goes bomb as EJ goes for the door handle. He is tossed against a wall.

Fabby is pacing. Chad has vanished. She is practicing what she will say to Chad. Where did he go? I’m confused. She rehearses talking to Chad “I was really moved when you recited your wedding vows to me.” She stops and says how phony and corny that is. She flashes back to telling Mark how bad she feels about fooling Chad and how she has to start convincing Chad.

Chad has reappeared. Julie is with the kids. He is eager to know about the fake memory. She tells him how moved she was about the wedding vows, and that she could hear the music, smell flowers and taste the cake and saw Chad in front of her saying those words. She remembers saying her own vows. Chad is ecstatic, he grabs and hugs her.

Ava doesn’t look too worried actually. She wonders how Connie knows where she lives. Connie got her info from DiMera, she likes to keep track of things like that. Ava assures her that she isn’t telling Gabi anything, she doesn’t like her, she got her fired, Connie is not going to have a problem from her. Connie tells her that she and Gabi have parted ways. She is off to start a new life with her boyfriend, but she can’t let people think she is a fraud. She is an amazing employee with mad skills.

Ava has heard great things about her. Connie says that she is sucking up so she won’t hurt her. She wants to know who Ava blabbed to about her? Was it Stefan? Ava denies. Connie doesn’t believe her. Ava says Stefan doesn’t even care, even if she did say anything. He won’t tell anybody. Connie doesn’t trust the creep. He is her next stop after she takes out Ava. Stefan raps on the door at that moment. Connie is pleased that he has saved her a trip. Ava, the knife is tiny, just take out this idiot.

Kayla is astonished to hear that Connie stabbed Rafe and killed Li. Jada is worried Gabi is next on the list. She has "people" trying to track her down while she stands around the hospital lollygagging. Kayla offers to sedate Rafe. He’s been awake enough! Jada says that Kristen saw Connie in the park earlier so she may still be in Salem. Kayla hopes they find her. Jada tells her to take care of Rafe and goes off to "join the search".

EJ groans. There are lively looking flames burning near him. He gets himself to his feet and enters the now on fire secret room, then he surveys the damage but can’t see anything through the smoke. We close in on unconscious Gabi.

Chad is buying what Fabby is selling. He wants to know what she remembers of the vows? She offers to recite them (that’s what the piece of paper was I guess). She regurgitates the vows from the Chad and Abby wedding. I’m not bothering to write them out, they were moving at the time I guess. Chad is impressed. I feel bad for him but he is so dumb to be falling for this grift.

Mark is pacing at the hospital leaving Fabby a voicemail. He updates her about seeing Clyde and passing by “Uncle Steve”. Kayla appears with a disapproving look.
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Stefan is whining his apology through the door. Connie makes a face at Stefan’s blurting out about his nasty sex request. Ava tells him to go away. She doesn’t want to talk to him. Connie holds the knife to her throat and tells her to invite Stefan in. Ava tells Stefan to come in. He sees the scene and intones "oh god."

Jada is in the DiMansion. She smells smoke but can’t find anybody. She is doing a "thorough" check, and sees the poker but misses the open door from whence the smoke is coming. Oh she notices it. She pulls out her gun and sashays over in her 10 inch heels.

EJ is batting away the smoke. He spies Melinda who tells him Connie did this and to help Gabi. EJ darts over to unmoving Gabi. Melinda asks if Gabi is still alive?

Mark covers on phone that he was talking to a patient. Kayla has a question for him. She wants to know about the Abigail DNA test. She wants to confirm that he never let it out of his sight for an instant. Mark tells her he took the samples to the lab himself and there is no way they were tampered with. Fabby is most definitely her niece.

Chad can’t believe it. She could not know those words if she wasn’t Abby. He is so happy she recalls one of their happiest memories. He knows they can’t return to where they were but it is the most hope he has had since he found her. She feels the same. Chad’s phone rings. He has to take it. He gazes once more at Fabby and goes. She looks guilt ridden.

Jada comes in and Melinda, unharmed despite being closest to the bomb, tells her that Connie set the bomb. EJ has helpfully set her upright with her arms still tied to the chair. Gabi is in a bad way. Jada wants to call an ambulance but EJ says there is no time and manfully picks her up and takes her off.

Back with Stefan. Connie tells him to shut the door. He complies. Ava still doesn’t look too concerned. He asks Connie what she is doing? She tells him she is cleaning up, getting rid of people who got in her way. He says he knows she is close to Gabi and was upset about what he did with Ava. Connie tells him that she hates Gabi and is glad she got cheated on, after what she did to her boyfriend, who she is loyal to and loves with all her heart.

Stefan wants to know who the boyfriend is? Connie says Li Shin. Hello! Stefan tells her Li is dead. Connie knows this, and it is all Stefan’s fault. Stefan is lost. Connie tells him that he and Gabi broke poor Li’s heart and they must pay for it. Ava is looking at the little knife. Stefan tells her he gets it, but why is she going after Ava? Connie tells him that Ava blabbed to him about her faked résumé. Ava reminds her that she did not tell Stefan. Connie doesn’t believe her, and I guess it doesn’t matter now anyway? She needs to silence them both.

Fabby is listening to Mark’s voicemail. She calls him to report; tells him about "remembering" her wedding vows. Says she broke into the attic and found the handwritten vows. Chad was so emotional and teary and she feels guilty. It feels cruel. Mark doesn’t like this either. Mom’s life is on the line. Chad returns and Fabby hangs up. Chad has bad news.

EJ is with Gabi who is already in a hospital bed. Kayla comes in and blabs about concussions and CT scans. EJ is concerned but Kayla tells him it is all precautionary. Gabi opens her eyes and wants to know what went down? EJ looks at Kayla. Kayla looks at EJ.

Melinda is at the chess board coughing up a lung. Jada sits opposite her. Melinda tells her all about Cardboard Li. Jada saw him. They realized Connie had her but didn’t know where to find Melinda. Connie had no idea they were on to her. Jada is sorry they didn’t find her sooner. Melinda is glad to have been found. She is glad Connie is no Oppenheimer or the entire house might have come down.

Jada is so sorry for what Melinda has gone through. She wants to know where Connie might be? Melinda says Connie was going home to be with Li and leaving town, but cleaning up some loose ends first. Then she remembers that Connie has Gabi’s phone. Jada says they can track that, it might be the lead they need.

Stefan talks about Connie’s slightly embellished résumé. He reiterates everything that went down was on him, going right back to Gabi stealing the DiMera shares from Li. He calls Li an idiot who would fall for anything that Gabi said. He doubles down, calling Li a pathetic loser. Gabi would never love him back in a million years. Stefan and Gabi used to laugh behind Li’s back about what a miserable waste of space he was. The world is a better place without him. Connie is overwrought, she releases Ava and rushes at Stefan.

Chad tells Fabby about the explosion at the DiMansion. She is confused.

Gabi can’t wrap her head around Connie’s behavior. She was an idiot for trusting her. EJ says Connie was an expert at "conning". LOL. Gabi says she ingratiated herself with her. Now she sees there was a desperation to it. EJ says she could not know what Connie was capable of. Gabi coughs a bit. When the rubble came down and she was surrounded by flames and smoke and it was all black. She was sure she was going to die. EJ takes her hand. Gabi says EJ was there for her, just in time. She takes his hand. You saved my life, she says. EJ nods.

Ava has the knife. Connie takes off. Stefan seems to have some sort of minor injury. Ava tells him he saved her life. Stefan nods.

Melinda is already at the hospital. Kayla asks Mark to take care of her. Melinda says she was held hostage by a homicidal lunatic in love with a cardboard cutout. She just hopes the police can catch her and lock her up for eternity. And beyond.

Connie walks out of the pub. Jada comes up from behind with a gun. Stop or I’ll shoot. DO IT, JADA.
Nice job, brisbydog! This was a good episode.

Connie's bomb really bombed, as it only destroyed part of the cellars, not the entire mansion.

Does anyone think that there is now a "bond" between Gabi and EJ, and they will pursue "a deep and meaningful relationship" despite Gabi still being married? That has never stopped anyone before.

And despite Ava's whining about Stefan, methinks the lady doth protest too much. She had no complaints about their romp, and he DOES, after all, look exactly like her beloved Jake.

Jada better be able to take down Connie. She seems to be able to escape all the situations she has created. While Julie Dove is doing a great job as Connie, we want her shipped away for good. And not to Statesville. Somewhere far, far away.

Once we learned that Mark and Fake Abigail are victims and unwilling participants in Clyde's wicked game, I do feel sorry for them. Their mother's life is at risk. As others have pointed out, the writers forget what they write, since there is no father in the picture now. And how far back does this plot go? Did Mark and his siblings come to Salem for the sole purpose of destroying Chad? I think so.

Sooner or later, the kids have to meet Fake Abigail. I predict Thomas will not believe that is his mother. I may have mentioned that before, sorry if my brain is foggy.

Melinda needs a few showers and a new outfit after she is examined. The head wound does not seem to have affected her memory. What a change of pace.

EJ needs to be checked out, too. He inhaled a lot of smoke and debris. I liked him today. That won't last. He will be back to his usual self soon.
Well, I for one was extremely disappointed in Ava today. I mean really letting yourself get captured and having a knife put to your throat?? Come on, while you two were talking and Connie had that tiny knife pointed at you, why in heaven's name didn't you then run into your bathroom for the bigger knife? Really gurl???

EJ, you are next on the "who can be more stupid?" list. It's a freaking soundproof room and you are standing outside of it yelling is anyone there? You can't hear them, they can't hear you, open the door. Okay, so now bomb blasts and you rush in. Good boy for putting out the fire out. But picking up a person with a head injury and running out of the room? Yeah, let's bang her head around a bit more. See if you can cause additional injuries.

Poor Melinda, a month into wearing that blue pantsuit. You get to the hospital and they give you Dr. Greene. I'm sorry, I bet you just want to shower and cough alone, with a nice glass of wine.

Should Connie run, she has a better than average chance of getting away as Jada is wearing her not good for chasing suspects shoes.

Thanks brisbydog for the write up, and filling in the Fabigail/Chad bits that I fast forward through because, well, it's painful. The actress is great, the storyline is pure Ron at his worst.
I was wondering why Jada wasn't gone checking in on Gabi but finally she was. No wonder Rafe was upset. He's worried sick about his sister and Jada is just at the hospital with him.

Not sure how Connie didn't run into EJ at all? Now that EJ has saved Gabi, you just know she's going to be in love with him. I am waiting for her miracle pregnancy.

I thought things were going to be a little more resolved today but at least this should be the end of Connie.

The Abigail story is dreadful. I'm not really a Chad fan but he doesn't deserve to believe his dead wife is back. It's is ridiculous all the stuff that Clyde gets away with. He needs to die but he wouldn't stay dead.
Well, I for one was extremely disappointed in Ava today. I mean really letting yourself get captured and having a knife put to your throat?? Come on, while you two were talking and Connie had that tiny knife pointed at you, why in heaven's name didn't you then run into your bathroom for the bigger knife? Really gurl???
Or punch her directly in the nose. There's at least a 50% chance Connie would drop the knife.
Stefan redeemed himself somewhat today with his Li trash talking. I liked the bit about how he and Gabi used to just laugh and laugh behind his back about what a loser he was. I know he was making it up but I could picture them doing it, especially the previous iteration of Gabi.

Melinda being glad that Connie is no Oppenheimer lol. She has been my favorite throughout this. I wish she was a full time character. I still want her with EJ.

Guess we get one more Connie day Monday? Then can this plot be killed forever? Like poor Li.

Chad is such an easy mark for this grift. Ouch. Wonder if Mom Greene is Catharina. That would explain the John connection.

Gabi and Ava both owing their lives to the bros DiMera was an interesting counterpoint. Frankly I prefer Stefan with Ava. EJ and Gabi definitely have possibilities.

Just run the test yourself, Kayla! What is the issue? Just do a private redo on your own.

Connie managed to get from the house to Ava's place in less than 2 minutes. Impressive.
Now that EJ has saved Gabi, you just know she's going to be in love with him. I am waiting for her miracle pregnancy.
@macgyverswife, please, no baby. It would become another who's the daddy? Also don't want her to fall in love with Ejerk, unless it's fake and she and Stefan are running a scam to get Ejerk's DiMera shares. I want to see him completely wiped out. I agree 100,000,000% on your comments on the Abigail storyline

@brisbydog, Connie has long overstayed her welcome. She will go to Bayview.

Gabi and Ejerk as a couple makes me want to puke.

Since Kayla won't do it, Steve should get the ISA to run the second DNA test. I want Fabby and all of the other conspirators, especially Clyde, to be busted.
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Thanks, brisbydog.

I was upset with Jada gossiping with Kayla instead of looking for Connie.

I hope Steve does a DNA test and doesn't tell anyone, not even Kayla, he's doing one.

Poor, stupid Chad. He believed what that woman said. I'm glad she told Mark where she found the vows since
I kept wondering how did she that.

Stupid Kayla believed Mark and now he's going to keep an eye on things if another DNA test is done.

Poor, poor Connie, her perfect plan of blowing up the DiMansion failed. She must not have seen the fire extinguisher
in the room.

Poor DiMeras, the secret room/wine cellar blew up. What are they going to do now without wine? Maybe there
is a supply on a secret island.

Poor hospital staff, one of them will have to clean up Melinda after spending days/weeks kidnapped.

Poor cardboard Li, what's going to happen to him now?
I don't think EJ has any shares left. I thought Stefan took them in the "get Gabi out of jail because you know Jude is Nicole's son" scam.

But then again Roman is Johnny's uncle per these writers, so who knows? (Roman is Johnny's grandfather)

If cardboard Li is in the police evidence locker, he needs to move upstairs and stand guard in the all purpose interrogation room.
But picking up a person with a head injury and running out of the room? Yeah, let's bang her head around a bit more. See if you can cause additional injuries.
To be fair, I don't think he had a time for biology class, what with his extreme case of SORAS (he's now older than I am and was born when I was an adult).
Cruddy Clyde needs to have a fatal "accident" in prison.
I want him treated like Jason Voorhees (from the Friday the 13th movies) - decapitate him, freeze his body, burn the head, and then toss the ashes into the sun.
I still want her with EJ.
I'm really liking Melinda, too. They could resurrect Haley and I'd give them a pass. This town needs new blood, but not on the hospital stairs.

I wouldn't mind a few months with Gabi/EJ and Stefan/Ava. Two miracle pregnancies, extending the relationships even after Gabi/Stefan forgive and start moving toward each other. Gabi's miracle pregnancy doesn't take, lest we undo the previous bad writing, but she thinks Stefan's secretly happy about it. Etc. Could drive some story. I just don't think they'd do as bad a job writing that story as another DiMera business story.
Whoever sold batty Connie that bomb took her to the cleaners. Not only did it not destroy the DiMansion, it didn’t even harm Melinda’s durable pantsuit. It probably also didn’t harm Stefano’s invaluable wine collection, which will be a great relief to Harold. (The chintzy modern DiMeras would probably have had Harold replace the old collection with the modern-day equivalent of Gallo Ripple (red, white, and pagan pink)

Ava really bombed today. She looked so calm when facing Connie’s little knife, it was reasonable to expect that she’d use a few Vitali kung fu moves, take the knife, and turn the lunatic into a pretzel.

Gabi gets points for remembering her prayers in English and Spanish. The typical Salemite probably couldn’t do better than “rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub, yay God.”

The Fake Abigail story is becoming more and more unbearable. Who wants to watch poor, gullible Chad eat up Fake Ab’s b/s with a fork and spoon? Can’t the wretched writers simply have Fake Ab’s leave a note confessing all and fleeing Salem forever while an angry Clyde chews a towel in his cell.

Finally, hints that EJ would be a hero were greatly exaggerated. He faced no real danger and did only what anyone would do. His expensive suit wasn’t even rumpled. Sorry Elvis.
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