Days of our Lives - Friday, December 20, 2024


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
38 minutes

Replay of Dougie showing up at Leo’s door. Leo asks questions then handles the necklace.

Brady shows up at Ava’s room dressed to the nines. Ava is struggling to get a necklace on.

Replay Holly and Tate’s gift conversation, Sophia appearing and Tate letting her in. Sophia’s big totally expected announcement “I’m pregnant”. Tate wants her to back up a minute, did she take the test correctly? Sophia has a 4.0 GPA so she knows how to read the instructions on a test, she took 3 of them.

She now reminds Tate about a time that DID NOT HAPPEN, when they were in freshman sex ed class (Tate was living with his mom in California for his freshman year) and the teacher told them over and over again that condoms weren’t 100% effective and then she reminds him of the other time they did “it” when he called out Holly’s name and they didn’t use protection. Tata claims they didn’t “finish” that time, Sophia tells Tate no matter what happened, sperm met egg so she’s pregnant.

Holly has met Maggie in the town square. Holly is worried about her relationship with Tate after the story that Leo has spilled.

Leo and Dougie continue to converse about Leo selling her jewelry. Dougie has no use for Leo’s stories, calls them Open Mic Night, wants to know if he can sell it or not?

Ava’s never been to the ballet and didn’t know what to wear. Brady’s never been before either. (Yet it was a tradition with Rachel last week when Brady argued with Kristen). Brady has lost the tickets. Ava thinks that Kristen took the tickets. Brady is going to order more tickets but alas the theater is sold out. No more tickets. Ava thinks Kristen has bought all the tickets.

Julie and Jennifer have a conversation. Jennifer and Jack ate with Steve and Kayla, then Jack ran by the Spectator. They talk about using the time capsule to memorialize Abigail, no clue if they took out Alice’s letters, and other items out before putting it in the ground. JJ is out, Dougie is out, Julie put Thomas and Charlotte down for the night. The house is very quiet. Jennifer starts quizzing Julie about Dougie. She tells Julie that Hope doesn’t trust Dougie.

More Leo and Dougie, Leo thinks Steven Olsen sent Dougie. Steven didn’t steal the necklace, I did, Dougie reports.

Maggie and Holly discuss the Leo and Holly conversation.

Sophia sits on the couch holding her stomach, she doesn’t know if it’s morning sickness of just the idea of her parents finding out. Tate is surprised at the idea of her parents finding out. He suggests that this is completely her choice but he will drive and pay for her to have an... it’s never said.

Brady can’t believe that the Nutcracker has sold out, but he would like to spend the evening with Ava anyway. (Because hanging out with Steve’s ex is a turn-on for him) Ava is in a celebratory mood too as Clyde is comatose. Brady reminds her it’s karaoke night somewhere and she needs to hear him sing “Sweet Caroline”. He doesn’t mean to be cocky or anything but he kills that song. Ava tells him you know what you need to hear me sing? Nothing, I don’t sing, whatever the opposite of having a set of pipes is that’s what I have. They are going to bring the Nutcracker to them.

Julie and Jennifer continue to discuss Dougie. Julie tells Jennifer about Dougie being in jail on his way to Salem.

Leo and Dougie talk. Dougie tells Leo who he is. Leo researched the family and doesn’t know anything about Doug 3 as he calls him.

More thrilling Maggie and Holly conversation about teen love. Maggie reminds Holly that since her mother is not here, Maggie will make an appointment to see an OB-GYN for birth control if she'd like. Holly is deeply embarrassed.

Sophia doesn’t have a choice, she has to keep the baby. In the state that Salem resides, if you are under 18 you need parental approval and she is under 18 and her parents would freak out if they knew she’d even kissed a guy. Her parents haven’t had the famous birds and the bee talk with her yet. She fears her parents would stone her if they found out. Her parents don’t believe in abortion, her father believes that life starts at making eye contact across a crowded bus. They would never give her permission to take care of this. Tate seems to think that it’s weird it’s Sophia’s body but others get to make that decision for her. Tate tells Sophia that he will do whatever she wants.

Brady and Ava sit on the end of her bed with Styrofoam food containers watching the Nutcracker on her TV. Brady thinks he is brilliant for streaming this in her room. He was going to take her to Chez Rouge for dinner. Ava is a burger and fries girl. No ketchup on a burger, which is more than I needed to know. Apparently, they are unaware of the Nutcracker as they are now stunned by Christmas “rats”, and even though they’ve been watching, they have no idea what’s going on. They move to Christmas Vacation. Ava looks at Brady and thinks of Clark Griswold, much to Brady’s horror. They settle on A Christmas Story. It is their favorite movie.

Brady and Sophia plan the great abortion escape to another state. Christmas break, his money, his car.

Maggie and Holly discuss Sophia Choi. Holly blames Sophia for all problems with the world. The moment Tate started dating Sophia they slept together. It hurts Holly that Tate’s first time was with her sworn enemy.

Julie can’t believe Jennifer thinks that Doug 3 could be involved.

Doug 3 owes someone quite a bit of money, he came to Salem to pay his respects to his grandfather. He overheard the conversation about the necklace. Leo doesn’t believe it was an impulsive act. This conversation takes place in the hallway. Doug 3 is being eaten by guilt. He wants to put the necklace back but he needs the cha-ching. He needs to pay off the all his debts. Doug 3 needs Leo’s help. Leo can’t help, he no longer deals with these things. Leave the necklace with Leo and he will see what he can do.

Julie doesn’t believe that Doug 3 took the necklace. Julie believes that because she met Doug 3 at the church after the necklace was stolen, he couldn’t have taken it.

Brady and Ava’s date has died again as the wi-fi has gone out. They blame Kristen in a joking manner. They will have a redo and they won’t tell Kristen they are meeting. Brady leaves, he kisses Ava on the cheek.

Maggie offers sage advice to Holly that Sophia is having regrets about being intimate with Tate. Per Maggie, sex has a lot of consequences.

Tate begs Sophia to not tell Holly. The two working brain cells now try to figure out how to get this plan in action. Sophia wasn’t sure Tate would step up. Tate promises to take care of Sophia.

Leo is playing with the necklace; he thinks it would look lovely on him.

Doug 3 returns home with Christmas cookies, Jennifer looks on. Doug 3 got red velvet cookies, they are his favorites and also his grandfather’s favorites too.

Maggie and Holly stop talking about Tate. As they break to go shopping, they run into Sophia. Sophia asks about Tate. She's cryptic and leaves.

Tate is staring into space. Brady arrives, calls him Tater and asks how things are? Tate says he was zoned out, wrapping Holly's presents, then spies his dad all dressed up and asks about it.

Ava's still sitting on the end of her bed, gets a text from an unknown number that says "So, how was your date?"
Julie did once upon a time. Wasn't Steven the last one?
No, Maggie's always owned Chez Rouge.

Julie owned an antique store called Chez Julie, in which she asked Steven to be her partner (back in the late 70's). He used it for his drug and diamond smuggling operation, and also selling fake antiques.
Well done, Robin!

I liked Brady and Ava, they were fun. And how refreshing, a kiss on the cheek and that was it. Will wonders never cease?

Kristen is a coward, hiding under Unknown Number. Of course it was her!

I enjoyed Maggie and Holly's conversation and Maggie getting into sensitive topics.

No way that Tate and Sophia will leave Salem undetected. They need to leave separately and meet somewhere it is likely that Salemites won't see them. Impressed that Tate is doing the right thing by taking responsibility. We already know this whole plan will go sideways. Tate should tell Holly before the truth emerges, we know it will.

I think we can place bets that Leo will be framed for taking the necklace. Somehow, somewhere, he will be seen with it, and let the assumptions begin. I don't want that for Leo.

Glad that Dougie feels bad about taking the necklace only due to his debt and not just being a petty thief. His idea of dropping it somewhere to be found was what I had hoped would happen.

How did Kristen get Brady's tickets, I'd like to know. But she did take them, I am sure of that.
Thanks robin.

I'm surprised Brady has never been to the theater to either to watch opera, the symphony or something else.
I'm sure he could have gotten replacement tickets. Most places have tickets on an app on your phone. I pick
up tickets at the will call desk when I go. I forgot, "It's Salem". :)

They talked about being overdressed. If you go to a nighttime performance, a lot of people dress up.

How did Brady lose his ticket? Did Kristen take it or did it fall out in his car? Does it matter? nah.

Who sent the text to Ava? Was it Kristen or could it be Rachel?

Tate has a secret with Sophia. How long will it take for Holly to find out?

I enjoyed the talk Maggie had with Holly. Will Holly take up Maggie's offer to get 'the pill'?

Interesting to hear Dougie confess to Leo and that he feels guilty. Too bad he couldn't figure out
a way to get the necklace back without anyone knowing.

Will we find out why Dougie was in jail? Who does he own money to?

I would watch "The Nutcracker" instead of the two movies mentioned.
Poor Leo — he’s knowingly in possession of stolen goods, which is a crime. If anyone in Salem isn’t suited to do time, it’s poor Leo,

Days has put a new twist on the tired teen pregnancy plot — the father looks as if he's over 30. If the blame game starts, will Kritter blame Brady for keeping old, defective condoms around the house. (Kritter: “A man this careless is clearly an unfit father for Rachel.”)
when he called out Holly’s name and they didn’t use protection
They did not appear to be in any state of undress, to my recollection, although I may have blocked the horror out.
(Because hanging out with Steve’s ex is a turn-on for him)
Well, at least their kids are the same age now.
it hurts Holly that Tate’s first time was with her sworn enemy.
I can't track how people feel about each other on the show.
Per Maggie, sex has a lot of consequences.
Yeah, you could wake up next to Daniel Jonas, or being the mother of Summer.
At least Ava wasn't nearly married to Steve's dad, nor did she bounce him on her knee as a toddler.
Don't give Re-Ron ideas!! Anything can be re-written by his pen of terror!
I didn't realize Tate was a virgin before Sophia. That's not how I remember it. I hope they don't turn Sophia into a villain who goes crazy like Kristen or Ava. She's much more interesting being done with Tate and Holly than being obsessed. I like her, and she deserves better than to be a side character in that dumb teen drama. Holly is as annoying as always. She mischaracterized what Leo told her, and she's so pouty and selfish.
Things that don't usually happen on Days that were a welcome change today:

- Maggie & Holly outside in December WEARING COATS and having decent conversations that relatives would have. Their interactions were really sweet and I hope we get more of this dynamic.

- An actual "adult" conversation about a teen pregnancy and options, and doing it together (though of course still drama as all of the details weren't thought through and we're still keeping secrets, gotta keep something for DA PLOT)

- Brady & Ava being a refreshing change and not just jumping into bed. They could be a really strong couple.

- Leo being the sensible one with Dougie

- a mention of Chez Rouge for the first time in years. Since Maggie never mentions it, I guess she must have sold it.

- Jen's side eye at the end. We don't see that part of her personality much anymore.

Here's hoping this is a preview of things to come as we move closer to the shift in writing. We all agreed the whole week of Doug's memorial/Days anniversary was done well, so we know they CAN put the effort in.