Days of Our Lives - Friday, Dec 19th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, December 19, 2008

Episode #10,899 Director – Herb Stein

The first 4 or 5 minutes of the show is all repeats from yesterday, and giving fair warning that we get not one, but TWO flashbacks of Dr. Perv’s exam of Chloe today. Philip & Victor are arguing over Phil’s decision to give up on the deal for Nick’s invention, as Stephanie eavesdrops. An exasperated Philip has had it with Victor not trusting his decisions, questioning his moves. Victor is angry that Philip threw away what could make perhaps billions of $$$$ for Titan with franchises, etc. because of something personal. Philip reinterates that Melanie is a lying, sneaky troublemaker, who cannot be trusted, and he wants nothing to do with her. More words fly between them, and Philip quits. Out in the hall, Melanie has arrived again, having words with Stephanie, and they ALMOST get into a catfight, but keep it verbal. Stephanie tells her off for going behind Phil’s back to Victor, but Melanie says “tis the season”. Then tells Stephanie that she managed to oust Stephanie from her brother, Max’s life, and soon will have her out of Philip’s. Phil comes out, surprised to see Stephanie still there, since they were to meet at the Pub, and they take off.

Victor calls Melanie in, who claims she just returned to get the rest of her things, and the Christmas ham (boy, how much “stuff” has she accumulated in that desk in just a few days. Egads!). Victor tells her Titan has reconsidered and will be taking the option on the invention, Melanie is happy to hear that, but when he tells her Philip is no longer associated with the company, she says that would be a problem. He gets a phone call.

Outside the Pub, Stephanie is reminding Phil of one of his rules, never to get emotional when it comes to business, and he did it twice now today. Phil reconsiders, says she is right, decides to call his father. Stephanie goes inside, Philip calls Victor, apologizes for being insolent and disrespectful, asks for his job back. Victor agrees, but Philip warns him that he has to trust Phil’s decisions. Victor agrees. Now Vic tells Melanie that Philip is still with the company, making her happy, she leaves. Victor calls someone with an offer.

Over at the Pub, Phil walks in, tells Stephanie he has his job back, she is happy for him, then has him notice they are standing under the mistletoe. They go in for the big kiss, as Melanie watches thru the window. Aloud she says, enjoy the mistletoe, Stephanie, because soon you will be the ghost of Christmas Past.

Daniel comes into Chloe’s room, finding it empty, asks the nurse where the patient is. She says that the patient’s fiancée came to take her home tonight. His face falls, flashback to the “exam”. Now he goes to see Kate, who is looking mighty fine. He is off duty now, gonna just hang out with her, but she wants a favor. She gives him a big, square, velvet box, asking him to take it over to the Horton cabin tonight. It is a necklace Lucas’s father gave to her one Christmas Eve, and she always wanted to give it to Lucas’s wife or on the same day, but up to now he hasn’t had someone she felt was right for him. Daniel agrees, says he is gonna call first, she says not necessary, Lucas is taking Chloe to Chicago to see the Christmas Lights so no one will be home. She tells him to just slip it under the tree.

Meanwhile, Lucas comes in from the outside shower, I guess, just wrapped in a towel, still a bit wet, and shivering. Chloe remarks she is glad the Hortons winterized the cabin, lololol. (obviously that did not include indoor plumbing). They sit in front of the roaring fire, as he talks of having a Hearth & Home meeting, but it won’t take long. They kiss, now Chloe has the “exam” flashback, but covers. Later, Lucas comes out all dressed, will be back soon, Maggie is coming to pick up Allie so they can go for the drive. He goes to leave, Maggie arrives. Maggie talks of how great this cabin is, how much she and Mickey loved to come there, away from the outside world, etc. She & Chloe have a nice heart to heart about Lucas, Chloe, their feelings for each other. She takes her leave, saying she has to get Allie, they has a cookie making date with Ciara. She leaves.

Later, Chloe gets a call from Lucas who was on his way home, his car broke down, he is waiting for the tow truck, his cell died, he had to walk over to the pier pay phone to call her. Should be home in ½ hr to an hour. Tis fine, Chloe will be looking for him. She hangs up, feels bad for Lucas, then gets an idea. Perhaps he would like to unwrap one of his gifts early, and leaves the room. Outside, Daniel is peering thru the window, sees the empty room, mutters good, they are gone….. looks for and finds the hidden door key, As he fumbles with the door, Chloe comes waltzing out in a red teddy, hears the noise at the door, goes running over saying “I thought you might like to unwrap an early Christmas gift”, throws open the door, and two shocked people stare at each other!

Sami overhears Rafe talking on the phone to his boss, saying something about Hilda having the holidays off, and agreeing to stay on. He hangs up, she comes out of the bathroom, happy he will be staying, but now he says no, his identity has been compromised. They argue back and forth about staying or going, she wants him there. He finally agrees. She goes into the bathroom, slips and falls, he gets her out on the sofa. She says she is o.k., he calls the doctor, baby is still moving, she seems o.k. So all is well. Now Sami & Rolf talk about the baby to come, she feels bad he will never know his father, but that is the way it has to be. She thinks they should perhaps have some tea, relax, etc., then gets lightheaded and has to sit down.

We see EJ coming to Nicole’s bedroom door with the single rose, and wanting to spend the night holding her. Nicole puts him off….and now they both go into big explanations of how they feel about each other, life, etc. Now they begin talking of the trust fund money, Nicole puts on her poor me persona, EJ gets angry and leaves. Her cell rings, she sees it is Dr. Baker, but doesn’t want to deal with him now, and doesn’t answer. Nicole tells herself she knows what she has to do.

We see EJ sitting in that all purpose living room/office/library, muttering to himself he wishes he knew what was going on with Nicole. She comes in, different sexy robe, making hormone excuses for her behavior, loves him, he loves her, yada, yada. They kiss, his hand wanders from her back to her tummy, he comments it feels different. Nicole pulls away, but EJ only says her tummy has gotten bigger. A relieved Nicole says of course. They begin kissing more, she pushes him away, he agrees they were getting too intense, offers to go get ice cream so they both can cool off. He leaves, she goes over to the Christmas manger display, picks up the baby Jesus, holding it close to her face as she says “unless you are going to help me with an Immaculate Conception, no more scares like that, o.k.?”Doorbell rings. She answers to find Dr. Baker, come to find out if she had the money, since she did not return his call. She is having a fit, tells him $750,000 is a lot of money, she will let him know tomorrow, but he is insistent that he wants her answer NOW.

Daniel just gets worse and worse. Who goes into someone's house that you barely know without even knocking to make sure they are not there, even if it is for a surprise!

EJ is so dumb. He touches the pillow-baby and doesn't even realize realize its a pillow. He obviously doesn't have the Salem brain today. :rolleyes: I think that scene was put in just so that they could use it on the preview to make us think this stupid story may end soon.
Thanks for the recap Barb.
Sounds like not too much Melanie today. Good because I just want to slap that smirk off her face.
:rant: Please end this Chloe and Dan s/l I cant stand it any longer.
Thanks for the writeup, Barb. I should have stuck with reading and just not watched today. I hardly ever FF through anything but that Daniel/Chloe stuff is just too much for me. I always enjoy seeing Maggie, but the thing with Chloe and Daniel, and imagining where that might go, even put a damper on the scene with Maggie! And even though I like Nicole a lot, I am having a hard time watching this present storyline with her and EJ. And as much as I like Victor, I don't enjoy watching Melanie manipulate him. I hope he wises up to her and deals with her in the same manner he would anyone else who tries to work angles with him. The scenes with Sami and Rafe weren't exactly exciting, but I guess that was my favorite part of today's show.
Ya know, hit the nail on the head all the way round. Actually, I think we are seeing some "feet dragging" going on right now. It is painful to watch Nicole & EJ, cuz they are having the same conversations, just like Brady & Nicole are, or Rafe & Sami.
I also enjoyed Maggie/Chloe......but the sleazy flashbacks of Dr. Perv exam curdled my brain cells. It upset me just to see Lucas so cheerful with Chloe.
And to have that 18 yr. old twit working Victor was totally disgusting. Victor is entirely too smart........and comes off like a doddering old fool.
OMG, the way Victor dealt with Melanie today was pathetic. He's supposed to be the good judge of character? First of all, he referred to her as a "woman" when talking to Philip. She's 18, dresses like a woman, but acts like a pouty child. Then he says something about Melanie being a major shareholder. No, this makes no sense. No one has even discussed the terms of any agreement. And she is just so evil. I wanted Stephanie to just say, "Melanie, what's wrong with you?"

What I didn't get today was the time factor. On Thursday, Titan's "green" lights go out at 8:00. Then Stephanie goes to the pub, has some chowder, talks with Melanie, goes back to Titan. Then Victor meets with Melanie. Must be 9 or 10 at night.

Meanwhile, Lucas is home with Chloe preparing for a meeting. Then Maggie comes over to take Allie away so late. Lucas says he's taking Chloe to Chicago after the meeting. It would have to be midnight by the time they would head for Chicago, and Chloe just got out of the hospital and would need her rest. It's a good thing that the Smith Island ferry runs all night now. Didn't Chloe look absolutely stunning though? She was wearing a very plain house dress and she still looked gorgeous.

It was so sweet when EJ said he's lonely when he's away from Nicole and when she's around it's like the sun came out. True love. If only she'd tell him the truth -- even now, it's not too late -- I believe he would still stand by her.

I agree with you Barb that two Dr. Perv flashbacks in the very same segment was much too much to bear. Also bad editing.
Victor likes to play games, and he is still doing so..,,,that is why he can give Stefano a run for his money. LOL
Seems to me Victor has been really vicous lately....I'm I remembering it wrong or has he always been this mean...??