Days of our Lives - Friday, August 30, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
39 minutes

Chad and Fake Abby talk in the murder room. Fake Abby wants him to continue to raise the kids and she will stay at the mansion, providing his family doesn’t have a problem with it. Chad doesn’t like that idea.

Stephanie’s place. the cc says it’s UPBEAT music, she’s sleeveless, carrying a large pink comforter from a room. She’s dancing around her place. A knock on the door, Jada drops by. Stephanie asks if she wants to eat or have a glass of wine? Jada says no thank you, I just wanted to drop this off, and from a nice bag she pulls out a silver urn of Everett/Bobby’s ashes. They both look sad.

Melinda's struggling to get free while tied to the bed. She talks to cardboard Li and has a flashback of Connie telling her about moving into the place to have more tea, when Connie spills the tea about Connie being the person who stabbed Li.

Ava and Connie talk about Connie’s made-up resume and Melinda. Connie tells Ava that Melinda never came to her place. She threatens Ava to not tell lies or gossip about her.

EJ and Stefan talk about Ava. The fact that Gabi hates Ava makes Gabi, EJ’s new BFF. EJ downs his adult beverage and “aahhs” while Stefan looks disgusted, hungry, tired. Take your pick.

Gabi in the amazing DiMera entryway with an audio flashback of Connie telling her to get back at Stefan, you know, an eye for an eye. She should sleep with someone else too. Gabi sends Connie a text she (Gabi) needs her (Connie) to do something for her.

Ava tells Connie she doesn’t care enough about her or Gabi to go around talking about either of them. Connie’s phone chirps as the text comes in, Connie tells Ava, my boss needs something, so toodles. Ava is somewhat amused with the toodles refrain.

Chad and Fake Abby are still sitting on the bed talking about how nuts Chad’s family is. He points out the duct tape across the living room. Fake Abby tells Chad, yes, she knows all about that apparently Gabi and Stefan are having some sort of marital disagreement. Chad says yes, and my family handles family problems very differently, and I don’t want to leave you alone with them, so… Fake Abby thinks it might be reason he is worried is because she slept with both of the adult males living in the house.

Stefan and EJ continue their school yard verbal contest, any enemy of my enemy is my friend. So now, EJ is friends with Gabi because she hates Ava. Stefan is miffed. Stefan reminds EJ that he hates Gabi with the heat of a thousand burning suns. Gabi walks in saying but he hates Ava even more. She says history is made of just winners.

Gabi tells Stefan that he’d better steer clear of Abigail as Gabi has filled her in on his involvement with her (Abigail) and now that Abigail knows he violated her, she might not be as welcoming. Stefan reminds Gabi that Chad did not want Abigail to have that information. Gabi tells Stefan that a woman living in the same house with her attacker needs to know this information. Stefan tries to cross the duct tape line but is stopped. A phone rings on the table on the other side of the tape, Gabi tosses the phone to Stefan. A fire alarm has gone off at the Bistro, he has to go.

Quick shot of Connie smiling in the town square as an alarm sounds, Connie sends a text "mission accomplished."

Jada was on her way to visit Rafe, when the funeral home called her. She hates to leave Everett with Stephanie, but… Stephanie says no, you and Bobby were divorced and you shouldn’t have to deal with this, especially after what he did to Rafe. Stephanie takes the urn and asks after Jada. It’s been a week, after the break in the Sarah Kiriakis case she’d feel better, Jada then tells Stephanie about Brady Black confessing and turning himself in, but Brady doesn’t have any memory of doing anything. Jada feels she’s missing something.

Melinda continues thinking out loud to Cardboard Li about what she remembers Connie saying while drinking the poisoned tea, how Gil didn’t stab Li. Well then who in the hell did? Flashback to Connie trying to feed Melinda. Melinda puts all the pieces together. Now she really wants to get out of being tied up.

Gabi is on the phone, there is no news on Rafe. EJ “comforts” Gabi with "oh, well, I wish I could say I’m sorry but, I’m not." Gabi calls him on it being low even for him. EJ continues to slug down his adult beverages. Gabi tells EJ he doesn’t have to be a total jerk because he doesn’t like her brother, even though they both agree on Ava. EJ reminds her that they have more differences as in Gabi’s part in destroying his marriage, his life? Gabi says well you kept little Jude from his father? Gabi reminds him that he sent her to prison for a crime she didn’t commit, EJ fires back with you took all of my DiMera shares.

Stefan comes from the Bistro and is in the Town Square, runs into Ava, tells of someone pulling the fire alarm. No fire just the alarm being pulled. He goes on that this isn’t middle school and no one is trying to get out of algebra. So who would like to spoil my evening? Ava claims to know one person who would love to spoil his evening, Stefan says no, I was with Gabi when I got the call. Ava reminds him of Gabi’s assistant Connie.

Melinda's still trying get away, as Connie comes in. Connie brags about destroying Gabi and Stefan’s marriage. Melinda tries to put the pieces together with Connie.

Chad and Fake Abby talk about leaving her in a house with strangers. But Fake Abby reminds Chad that everyone is a stranger right now. Fake Abby doesn’t want to involve the children. Chad tells Fake Abby that he thought she was dead, so he thought he was ready to move on so he moved in with a woman, the kids became attached when they broke up, the kids were devastated, he doesn’t want to do that again. Fake Abby looks concerned, Chad continues, it was your cousin, Stephanie.

Jada and Stephanie talk about how the case with Brady and Sarah. Jada doesn’t want to let Rafe down as she tries to do his job. Stephanie assures Jada she’s doing a good job. The nurses have told Jada that the longer Rafe is in a coma the less likely it is he will recover. Stephanie is shocked they would be so blunt, but Jada says she wanted them to tell her straight up. Now she wishes she hadn’t pushed for the truth. Everyone has been praying for Rafe. Stephanie is concerned for her friend. She’s not taking care of herself. The station is short staffed, the mayor has been great. Stephanie will handle Everette’s urn. As Jada leaves Leo arrives.

Leo is aware Stephanie is doing PR for B&S so he is saving her some time by bringing over his bio and information. Leo claims to be a Rhodes Scholar, his entire resume is off. Leo notices Everett’s ashes it freaks him out, if that is even possible.

Fake Abby is shocked that Chad moved on with her cousin.

Gabi talks with EJ, about how she thought she had a love that was going to last forever. That her husband would throw it away with Ava is shocking. EJ tells her that Ava has a way with men, but Stefan was a fool. Gabi tells him that he would be a fool if he thought that his marriage with Nicole would last forever. Nicole has loved Eric forever.

Stefan can’t wrap his brain around why Gabi’s assistant would pull the fire alarm. Ava tells of talking with Connie, then Connie got a text from Gabi and ran off in the direction of the pub, then the fire alarm went off. Ava goes on to tell Stefan everything she knows about Connie, the fake resume, the extreme loyalty.

Connie can’t believe that Melinda thinks Connie stabbed Li.

Fake Abby tells all about what Gabi told her, the DID, naming an alter after her. Chad tells her to avoid all of his family. He has an idea.

Stephanie and Leo talk about dead Everett, Leo is sorry she has to deal with planning a service. They discuss who would even want to attend. Leo asks about his friend Connie?

Melinda tries to talk her way out of being killed. Connie mentions others she’s run into.

Ava and Stefan talk about how Melinda never showed up at the apartment. Kristen is shocked to be shocked that Melinda just quit DiMera via text.

Gabi and EJ chat about how they are alike. Deep down all Gabi ever wanted was to be loved. Retelling of why Nicole left. Gabi steps into EJ’s personal space.

Chad wants to put Fake Abby in a room at the Salem inn. Fake Abby has been in a room for so long she wants to be around people. Chad leaves, Fake Abby stares off into space

Leo tells Stephanie about Connie.

Melinda says so I’m not the first person you poisoned. Connie admits to poisoning Everett/Bobby with tea.

Ava is upset she’s spending time worrying about Connie and Ava.

EJ leans in for a kiss, and then backs away saying you are not my type. Gabi asks for help hurting Stefan as she pets EJ.

Chad is packed and walks into the living room to say goodbye, but it’s empty, and he leaves the mansion. Fake Abby picks up the picture of Chad and Abby and hugs it.

Stephanie will reach out to this Connie person.

Connie tells of stabbing the commissioner.

Jada's at Rafe’s bedside, admitting she loves him.

Ava leaves a message for Melinda. Connie tells Melinda that Ava could be a problem

Stefan stands in the hallway talking to Gabi, telling her that he will never stop loving her. Meanwhile in EJ’s room, Gabi is occupied.
Gabi and EJ make sense to me. Not as a long-term romance but as short-term "do anything" business/personal vendetta type people, which they both are, it makes sense.

That said, I'd have rather they moved on from the cheating (was it once or twice this week?) and not have compounded it with the lying. But now that the die is cast, Gabi getting revenge and adding a 4th DiMera to her BINGO card is in form.
When EJ initially rejected Gabi's indecent proposal, I thought he might do the right thing. But EJ not doing the right thing is in character for him.

Also, I can honestly say that I would not have found it difficult to resist the seduction attempt by this version of Gabi Hernandez. I don't like her.

I would find Camila Banus' Gabi Hernandez more difficult to resist.
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I had to laugh because I thought oh, Chad doesn't want her sleeping with Stefan or EJ, and then she says it.

Melinda at first was being dense about what Connie meant but thankfully figured it out. Connie needs to end.

Yes Jada, you are missing something. Finish watching video of accident. I am glad that she is at least questioning Brady's guilt.
It’s true, EJ is the dumbest DiMera — getting involved with a woman who’d stab him in the back whenever it suits her. EJ better stay out of the living room because he’s certain to hear Father’s portrait speak the immortal words, “Elvis, you fool!”

Elsewhere, lightbulbs were going off all over Salem: Jada has doubts about the Brady case; Ava suspects batty Connie, and Melinda has sorted her out. Hopefully, some of this will lead somewhere.

Chad’s concern about Fake Abigail would be admirable except that he’s being scammed. The faker should tell dirty Dr. Greene that’s she’s done with their scheme, which would do herself and the viewers a big favor.

Finally, what should Stephanie do withe Everett’s urn??

— put in a front window for the neighbors to admire.
— make it part of a dining room table centerpiece.
— keep it on her desk at work.
— put it next to her teddy bear in the bedroom.
— imitate Al Bundy in an old Married with Children episode and empty the urn’s contents into the charcoal grill.
Thanks, robin

Today was a day of confessions, at least for Connie.

Why does the woman aka Not Abby want to stay in the DiMera house? Does it have something to do with
the tunnels? Money? Revenge?

The woman told Chad she wouldn't be there too long. Let's hope not. Having Chad be really stupid is dumb.

Who will save Melinda? Ava? She seems concerned. Ghost Li? Why not? Seems like a good choice to me. :)

If Melinda drove to Connie's, her car will be parked there unless Connie moved it. Maybe someone will see it.

Jada still feels bad Rafe got stabbed. Wait until she finds out who really stabbed him.

Thank goodness EJ/Gabi are at the end so I didn't have to use the fast forward button.
So they turned Gabi and EJ right back into their worse selves in the span of a scene. Now I can go back to hating EJ again after trying to give the character a chance with the actor change. If he'd rebuffed Gabi advances but maybe worked with her against Stefan I might have given him credit. That would have been more middle road between old and new EJ

Leo showing up in what seem like a little late in a show actually worked for me. Nice to see some cross interaction and he wasn't over the top.
Finally, what should Stephanie do withe Everett’s urn??

— put in a front window for the neighbors to admire.
— make it part of a dining room table centerpiece.
— keep it on her desk at work.
— put it next to her teddy bear in the bedroom.
— imitate Al Bundy in an old Married with Children episode and empty the urn’s contents into the charcoal grill
Give it to Connie.