Days of Our Lives - Fri., Sep. 9, 2022


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
DiMera Enterprises - Gabi is shocked by Li's proposal. Where is this coming from? Flashback of Li talking to Rolf. Li declares he loves her. She takes some time to think about it. She recaps their relationship, mentions being done with love, but more has grown between them. She accepts.

DiMera Booze Lounge - Tony is stymied by his own recaps. Anna suspects Johnny has a crush on Ava.

DiMera Hallway - EJ "worries" that Ava will be triggered by the memorial into seeing dead people again. Johnny thinks family meant something to "no no" (he pronounces nonno incorrectly; it should be closer to "nahw-no").

DiMera Crypt - StefaNO is fingering his plaque. Ava enters and thinks he's Jake. "You're dead," she says. "Not anymore," he quips. She reminds him of the last time this happened, then convinces herself it's not happening at all. She bolts. StefaNO wonders who Jake is. He then muses about it to himself.

Salem Inn - Kristen barges in and demands to know where "he" is. Brady and Chloe haven't a clue what she's talking about. She flashes back to her dumb plan and then lies, lies, lies.

DiMera Living Room - Tony and Anna talk about Johnny, who enters the room but only heard his name. Anna diverts and says she's glad Johnny's doing this memorial for Ava. Ava rushes in, and immediately admits she saw Jake again. Johnny does not think she's crazy and leaves with her to check it out. Tony thinks that Ava's having a breakdown. EJ enters, admitting he was shamed into attending. Anna stalls.

DiMera Crypt - Ava stops before entering. She's afraid of both possible outcomes of opening the door. Johnny pledges to stand by her. Inside, the crypt is empty. Johnny wants to search. Ava doesn't. She's worried she should be in Bayview. Johnny wonders if she's being drugged again, but she says this feels different. Ava bolts. EJ enters, asking what happened to Ava.

DiMera Frankenlab - Kristen barges in and yells at Wilhelm for his bungling StefaNO's brainwashing.

DiMera Recap Zone - Tony and Anna wonder if they should head to the crypt, whence headed EJ after they confessed Ava's Jake sighting. Li and Gabi enter and announce their engagement; Tony sneers about their merger. Anna worries about Ava. Li reacts to the news of the Jake sighting. (He plays this well, I'll admit that.)

DiMera Crypt - Johnny stalls, but EJ reveals that he already knows. Johnny suspects his dad is gaslighting Ava.

Ava’s DiMera Mansion Bedroom - Ava is packing. Johnny tries to convince her to stay. No-No did things that make the Vitalis seem tame. He compliments her for overcoming that.

DiMera Frankenlab - Li has alerted Wilhelm via text of the Jake sighting. This enrages Kristen.

DiMera Crypt - The memorial begins after some traditional DiMera sniping over business.

DiMera Living Room - StefaNO enters and calls out. Nobody's home. He hits the booze and toasts his father's portrait.

DiMera Crypt - Tony has said lovely words, and invites everyone to some chow. EJ insinuates Gabi and Li shouldn't attend, leaves. Li says food sounds good, they'll follow in a moment. Tony and Anna leave. Gabi wants a moment with Stefan's plaque.

Ava's DiMera Mansion Bedroom - Johnny continues to talk Ava up. She makes the house more bearable. She's not sure why. He likes her... a lot. They kiss.

DiMera Living Room - EJ is enraged about Li and Gabi's power grab. Anna notices the empty glass from StefaNO's drink. Tony assures her Harold will clean up, scoots her away. EJ fumes.

DiMera Crypt - Gabi talks to Stefan's plaque. He was the love of her life, but she has to let him go. Goodbye, Stefan. She starts to leave as StefaNO enters. She stops. END
Thanks, Jason. Love the asides!!

NBC had one last laugh at our expense...they broke into the show at the very second I believe Stefan made his, hiss, NBC, how rude! King Charles' address was not starting just yet, the show could have ended and then the "breaking news."

Getting back to the show...shortest engagement in Days' history if Stefan still wants Gabi, and she kicks Li to the curb. I don't think the brainwashing chip worked. Or it is slow to work.

Ava sure didn't push Johnny away, and we saw that coming a mile away. Ava is really going to go back to the garage apartment and be Kristen's roomie? I don't think so. Here is an opportunity to have some fun and do a riff on "Single White Female." Can you just imagine?

I liked young Johnny using the word "gaslighting." I recall the old movie "Gaslight" with Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman. Then, again, Johnny is a student of film, at least in his own mind.
I really loved Kristen blaming Rolf for her plan failing.... and who is this mysterious intern at Basic Black that Chloe has been flirting with??? Why wasn't he invited to the Xander Sarah's wedding?

I too missed the last scene of the show..... glad you got it....and now on to Peacock...
Does anyone know how to get the show to the TV on Peacock. A friend asked me, I had no idea. Cannot imagine how Peacock can get downloaded to one's TV set.

That said, have not seen the show, tho it was supposed to be recorded.......from what you all are say saying, maybe what is recorded is God Save the King ceremony/speech instead.
Does anyone know how to get the show to the TV on Peacock. A friend asked me, I had no idea. Cannot imagine how Peacock can get downloaded to one's TV set.

That said, have not seen the show, tho it was supposed to be recorded.......from what you all are say saying, maybe what is recorded is God Save the King ceremony/speech instead.
We have an older RCA tv, I take the remote that came with the tv, and when I have Peacock on my computer. I just click the input button on the tv remote and voila it gives me the option of using hdmi1 to copy from the computer to the tv. After the program is over, all I have to do is change the remote to hdmi2. I am not sure if all tv remotes work this way. I'm not sure this is clear, and helps someone out. I am after all not very literate in matters of the electronics world.
Johnny: He may be able to get away playing Ava's knight in shining armor at the DiMansion, but he'd better not take this show over to the Pub. If Roman overheard him singing the praises of the woman who caused the death of his father, beloved Dad Brady, the results could be too horrible to contemplate.

Rolf: How much abuse from the vile and vicious Kristen is he going to tolerate? He ought to pack up his lab and head back to Germany where he could buy a mountaintop hideaway suitable for conducting his mad-science experiments in peace.
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I haven't read today's recap thread yet, but like many, NBC pre-empted the entire FINAL Days of our Lives show on our local TV station. In the past, when something of national importance pre-empted Days, NBC would rebroadcast the entire show at 3:00 AM (eastern time) instead of Access Daily. I have set it to record on our DVR. But starting next Monday, I will once again rely on the generosity of others to post the daily recaps on the Salem Spectator website, since we do not have the capability of adding the internet to our smart tv.
Dear Days of Our Lives continuity editors,
I'm fairly certain that StefanO was dead before the redecoration of the mansion. He should have either said something about that, or he should have been a little confused about the decor. Please remedy this in the future, although it's likely with the move to behind a paywall that my letters to you will cease.
Love, Me.

Also, the new promo that aired with today's episode.... all sorts of potential spoilers there. Also, I see that going to peacock means we get to see cars fall off of cliffs and explode? That's really not necessary.
Does anyone know how to get the show to the TV on Peacock. A friend asked me, I had no idea. Cannot imagine how Peacock can get downloaded to one's TV set.

That said, have not seen the show, tho it was supposed to be recorded.......from what you all are say saying, maybe what is recorded is God Save the King ceremony/speech instead.
My daughter just used the remote mike and said "Peacock". It comes up and you follow the directions.
Johnny thinks family meant something to "no no" (he pronounces nonno incorrectly; it should be closer to "nahw-no").

Not necessarily. It depends on the region of Italy.

My Mom came over on the boat...Her family, relatives still in Italy , and consequently us kids, pronounce it as No-No with 2 long Os. Grandmother as No-Na with a long O and short A.
Poirot, here's information how to contact help center to get Peacock.

NBC has announced it has set up a new Days of our Lives Customer Care Line, which has been created to assist with viewer questions and comments as the show transitions to Peacock. The toll-free number is 855-597-1827.

You can also sent her links to our topics about the change since there are several options people listed.
What region of Italy? I couldn't find a source that said that, and that's also not how they've said it on this show until Carson Boatman started playing Johnny. (Which I'll admit is the initial reason it bothered me.)

But then, Monday Johnny could say he never met Stefano, and Tuesday he could reminisce about time he spent with his nay-nuu, and we'd be forced to accept it.
Thanks, Jason.

Stefan must have walked the entire DiMera grounds to get from the crypt to the DiMera house. No one saw him
except in the crypt and a lot of people walked to the crypt.

It was interesting Johnny tried to help Ava by explaining how many DiMeras came back to life.

Oh my, Ava and Johnny kissed. I guess he's gotten over Chanel.

Did Anna and Tony drink the whole pitcher of martinis by themselves?

How did Anna figure out Johnny liked Ava a certain way?

I also wondered about Stefan seeing the DiMera living since it's been redone after he "died".