Days of Our Lives - Fri., April 19, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Peterson-Brady Apartment - John and Marlena recap the rescue of Paulina. She kept her distance as best she could, but hopefully nobody gets sick. They are babysitting a sound effect they're calling Jude. They talk about John's guilt in letting Clyde free and killing Catharina; he goes to get a bottle and Marlena tells Jude that Grampa John is a good man.

Later, Jude's been fed and is sleepy. John thinks Eric's worried about something; Marlena confides that Eric shared his financial woes. John thinks they could help them, Marlena thinks they'll refuse. They'll help by spreading the word about Eric's photography and babysitting Jude. Jude wakes up.

Police Station (moving shot of exterior, same) - Rafe and Jada discuss the hunt for Goldman and Clyde. They had a lead that turned out to be a bust. Jada goes to check on another case. Everett comes in looking for press updates. Rafe refuses him access because he won't divorce the Commissioner's girlfriend. (I guess Jada didn't tell him her lawyer advised it would be fraudulent for Everett to sign in his state.) Rafe berates Everett/Bobby for his hesitance to divorce Jada and demands another Spectator reporter. Everett leaves.

Jada comes up and Rafe apologizes, but Jada likes that Rafe took her side. She is worried they're pushing the divorce too hard, maybe Bobby will come around if they stop pushing. She's in no rush to get married. They talk about their future; Rafe has asked her to move in already and she refused. He's not ready for another rejection. She tells him maybe he should try again.

Kmansion - Maggie is looking for dates for her wedding to Konstantin, who enters the room and offers help. She needs to meet her lawyer to make sure the paperwork is in order for their arrangement. He shows her his gratitude by giving her a ring from his mother. She refuses it; she's not ready. He offers her a chain to wear it around her neck; she accepts. Later, she is wearing it as she says she feels she owes Konstantin on Victor's behalf. Konstantin doesn't think she owes him for what Victor did, but Maggie does. They talk about Maggie's simple wedding to Victor. She asks about his marriage, which was simple and quick.

Pub - Chad and Thomas are playing a card game (like Magic or other customizable card games). The pawn/pagoda card is on the table as well. Thomas is beating him. Stephanie arrives; she knows the game. Thomas goes to get Sweet Bits treats. Stephanie notices the pagoda card. She learned to play this card game in Seattle as her brothers and Everett played. They talk about Stefan's arrest. Later, she has advised Chad on his cards and they discuss how it's "like Grand Central Station" in the "huge" Kiriakis mansion.

Thomas returns and they talk about the cards and Thomas asks Stephanie if she'd come to the Kiriakis house and play cards with them? She accepts as Everett enters. Chad has work questions, which upsets Thomas. Thomas wants to eat the cookies, Chad plans to let Stephanie and Everett have them. Thomas is to pack up the cards and they'll get more Sweet Bits. Everett reports his failure to Chad. Stephanie won't commit to seeing Thomas tomorrow, but soon, maybe. Chad and Thomas leave; Stephanie invites Everett to eat the cookies.

Pub - Stephanie and Everett, now seated, talk about his therapy. Flashback of his session with Marlena. He tells her the hypnosis is good but he's not sure he'll continue it. They talk about his reluctance to divorce Jada, and the pain it's causing everyone. Everett hems and haws about signing the papers. John, Marlena, and Jude's stroller arrive. They exchange pleasantries, Stephanie says she hopes Everett continues therapy with Marlena. Marlena says nothing, Stephanie and Everett leave. He wants to show her something at the Inn.

Kmansion - Maggie tells Konstantin she is returning to work at Titan, which she calls her career. She goes to get him some lemon bars. Chad and Thomas enter as Konstantin is looking for his card. He tells Chad that he's looking for something that was supposed to be in his room. Thomas looks nervous, Chad asks him what he knows, from the time he found him during hide-and-seek in Konstantin's room. Thomas lies.

Konstantin doesn't mind the intrusion for which Chad apologizes. Chad goes to set up a backpack for something, tells Thomas to set up the game. Konstantin tells Thomas he has a feeling he took the card. If he returns it now, Chad will never know. Later, Thomas looks for and finds the card. Konstantin shoos him away, then gloats, "Now, it is time."

Pub - John, Marlena, and sound effect Jude are at a table. Marlena is talking on the phone (to Eric I guess). Jude cries, John picks up doll-in-blanket and takes him to the private entry area, where he talks about baseball until Marlena arrives.

Station - Jada recaps her relationships with Rafe, which she admits he knows. The stalling is palpable. She says he's a good man, she would like him to ask again. He asks. She hesitates and he worries for a second (I admit, I laughed), then accepts.

Salem Inn, Everett's room - Everett/Bobby shows Stephanie the divorce papers. He wants to clear the slate in case they have a future. He asks her to witness the signing. He signs "Robert Stein" as he emotes. (Or maybe needs some Pepto as JS commented the other day.) END
So what is Konstantin's plan? Given the first wife 'vanished' I think she either went into hiding because he tried to kill her, or he killed her to avoid paying support. I am scared that the current plan is to marry "Moggie" and then use John to kill her so he becomes a rich widower. Tell me I'm wrong.
If that is his plan, let's hope that the lawyers Maggie says have to look over something......put a crimp in the plan........i.e. pre-nup......or Maggie's money is in trust, & upon her death goes to a specific person, or other words, she is protected now & in future against scammers, or a weasel who wants to marry her to take her money.
Now after wasting at least 30 minutes of my life watching the show, I'm hoping when Ron's stories continue over these written by others, not directed by Ron, and we won't have daily conversations about things that happened yesterday. I didn't need Rafe recapping the Jada/Bobby/Everett story again. But then again, Ron will just use copious amount of "flashbacks".

I have a question about the real world. The fact Maggie asked her team of attorneys about extending Konny's visa and only after they tell her there is nothing they can do for her, she pops the question. How is that NOT going to look like a green card marriage? Also since Konny is tied to the Greek mob, how can he possibly pass the "morals" portion of being allowed to stay? I realize that this is Salem so these aren't concerns but wouldn't they be in the neighboring cities or states?
I can't believe that Thomas gave Kon-Man the card back. What was the purpose of him taking it in the first place? Maybe Thomas did a quick swap out and it is a different card? Otherwise, how many times is Thomas going to mention the card before the right person figures it out? This whole story frustrates me and I am not even watching!
I have a question about the real world. The fact Maggie asked her team of attorneys about extending Konny's visa and only after they tell her there is nothing they can do for her, she pops the question. How is that NOT going to look like a green card marriage? Also since Konny is tied to the Greek mob, how can he possibly pass the "morals" portion of being allowed to stay? I realize that this is Salem so these aren't concerns but wouldn't they be in the neighboring cities or states?
I would think that since they are Maggie's lawyers they are bound by confidentiality. And I don't think there was ever any Greek mob ties, he just made that up on the spot when Steve was accusing him of kidnapping Victoria to manipulate Sarah and Maggie.
I can't believe that Thomas gave Kon-Man the card back. What was the purpose of him taking it in the first place? Maybe Thomas did a quick swap out and it is a different card? Otherwise, how many times is Thomas going to mention the card before the right person figures it out? This whole story frustrates me and I am not even watching!
@LisaK in AZ, most of the time there is no point in this show anymore.
you's like writer A does the script on Mon., B on Tuesday, etc. and by Friday E, who has not read any of the past writers' scripts, and only has a vague idea of the storyline, just makes up whatever. Doesn't help that writer D was out sick a couple days, so his script did not follow along with the previous ones. LOL......

Then again, maybe each of the temp writers was assigned certain characters.......and then whatever they wrote was broken up, assigned certain days, and thus we get quite the mish mash & nonsense that is difficult to follow or figure out. :rotfl:
Maggie, I certainly hope you are getting pre-nup. Konstantin, I wish you could swear on your grave. Glad Maggie didn't wear ring on her finger. Not a real marriage.

So Thomas was still lying but Konstantin called him out on it. Cool, threatening an 8 year old.

Rafe is a great guy and deserves someone awesome, but Jada is not it.

John, John, John, it is Cubbies all the way. Don't even speak of the 3-15 White Sox.

So will signing Robert Stein do something to Everett's brain?
I can't believe that Thomas gave Kon-Man the card back. What was the purpose of him taking it in the first place?
I wondered during that episode when Thomas stole the card why he became a kleptomaniac all of a sudden. It seems we are to think that Thomas likes playing cards, and the pagoda card didn't look entirely out of place (even though it was different) with the game he was playing. I'm speculating because the writers aren't giving us much in the way of consistent characterisation.
Where did grubby Konstantin get that ring?

— It was a prize in a candy machine.
— He made it at the Salem Senior Center during arts and crafts class.
— He shoplifted it from Ciara’s favorite store, Barron’s.
— His great grandfather looted in in 1921 during the Greco-Turkish War.

Count me among those who are disappointed with Thomas for giving the sleaze the card, meaning that all sorts of boring, improbable Pawn nonsense could be in the offing. It’s too bad Uncle Xander wasn’t there to say: “Don’t give it to him. He must have stolen it somewhere.”

Finally, kudos to Rafe for tossing Everett and his beard out of the police station. If more people did this maybe he’d get discouraged and leave Salem. (Everett: “Nobody likes me, everybody hates me. I’m going out in the garden and eat worms.”)
I liked that Maggie did not want to wear that ring, but hated that she agreed to wear it on a chain.

So, Thomas gave the card back, probably because Kon seemed so menacing. I don't like kids being picked on by virtual strangers, who choose to do so when no one else is around. Heck, he only took it cause he liked the look of it, and so wanted to use it with that deck he had to play the Magic card game.

Maybe Kon & John were arguing, Kon pulls a gun to shoot John, but his daughter steps in front of John, taking the bullet meant for John, but Kon blames him anyway. Figures he made the daughter fall for him, which is why she wanted to stop Kon, protect his fault. And John, who really doesn't remember anything, takes Kon's word for it, so is now convinced he killed the girl. But ........John doesn't have a reason, does he??

At least not yet. Kon will probably say, if it comes to that, his daughter was trying to protect her father. Boo, hiss.
Where did grubby Konstantin get that ring?

— It was a prize in a candy machine.
— He made it at the Salem Senior Center during arts and crafts class.
— He shoplifted it from Ciara’s favorite store, Barron’s.
— His great grandfather looted in in 1921 during the Greco-Turkish War.
Thanks, Jason

It's evening in Salem.

Is it wrong for me to hope that Paulina infected someone and feels guilty?

Where did Konstantin get the ring? Did his ex wife have it? And where did she disappear to?

Drat, darn. Thomas gave the card back to Konstantin.

Hopefully, the wedding day for Maggie/Konstantin can be postponed until it will never happen.

Nice to see John and Marlena. It's too bad doll-in-blanket doesn't grow :)

Who signed the divorce papers? Was it Everett or Bobby?