

Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2010
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Rhode Island
Lots of us don't like the character of Daniel, but this time I think he is right about the JJ/Paige situation. Jennifer is so far off and being a crazy mom to protect JJ. Not that I think that either should be interfering so much. But.... If Daniel only advises JJ to do the right thing and tell Paige, I think he is right in his thinking. Even though he acts self righteous at least he knows that this is so unfair to Paige.
I agree. I don't like Daniel and don't think he has a place in this storyline, but neither does Jennifer. I can see her being upset over what happened, but he was so spot on when he said she's only doing this to get revenge on Eve for everything that happened in high school.
I do not think Daniel is going to go out of his way to tell all to Paige.
And he already has told JJ he should do the right thing. Jennifer is making excuses, blaming everything on Eve, and though Eve is guilty of that, Daniel was absolutely right on the mark when he said JJ kept going back for more. Jennifer refuses to accept that.
I don't like Daniel being in everyone's story, but in this case, JJ went to Daniel, and told him. Jennifer has gone to Daniel to talk about it. So, Daniel has been dragged into it, and certainly has a good response for Jennifer's line of reasoning. This is the same woman who overheard Daniel & Nicole talking, and ran immediately to tell Eric what she heard. The same woman who did not like at all that Rafe was helping Nicole keep EJ at arm's length. And Daniel eventually did the same when EJ tried to throw his weight around.

It is very difficult when a person is told things they really would rather not know, Or when one figures something out, or sees/overhears something they would rather not know. You see a good friend's spouse out having a drink with someone else. Could be nothing, until they begin to nuzzle and kiss. Uh, oh. Now you know/have seen something you really would rather not have seen. You see a neighbor's teen shoplifting, or overhear a conversation about a friend's son/daughter. The ones doing the chatter are strangers to you, but they are talking of illicit activity. It is all NONE of your business. But..the right thing to do is...???? Saying nothing could possibly lead to a lot more trouble and sorrow for those involved.
Daniel is, so far, not saying anything to anyone, but not promising to keep quiet. So if he gets pulled in by Paige, by Eve, by anyone else he is going to speak his mind, just as he did with Jen.
Finally, this Xander exposed his ignorance about Dr. McScuffy when he asked Nicole if he could tango. Of course he can, along with the hornpipe, the waltz, the shimmy, the locomotion, the twist, the fox trot, and the Charleston. (Dr. McScruffy in white tie and tails would have been a big hit at the Great Gatsby's parties.)
You left out the male strip dancing. LOLOL :wink:
BUT, can he do the hokey-pokey?!!
Neither Jen nor Daniel belong in this storyline. I think Daniel did have some good lines today in terms of calling Jennifer out and I actually believe that Jennifer knows he is right as well. She just doesn't want to admit it. I think she may admit it when the you know what hits the fan.

JJ is the one who told Jen to keep the affair a secret. Not the other way around. Once JJ decided it was ok for Daniel to know the truth, Jen should have embraced that rather than gone against it.
Not Daniel's business.

Just because you know something about someone/someone else's business, it does not mean it is your place to get involved. Especially if getting involved is only going to hurt the parties involved: JJ, JenJen, Paige, people he claims to care about.

He only wants to get involved to get the involved parties to do what is right by his perspective, not what may actually be in the best interest of/be the right decision for the parties involved.

I am not saying he is wrong, I am saying he has the wrong motivations. I also think he is being unfair to JenJen because I am sure if it was Parker, he would be the parent doing anything to help his child, right or wrong.

But if his involvement helps this story blow all the way up and cause major drama, then go for it, go soaps!
O.K. I have been thinking a lot about this. I have been in the situation where I knew something not good about family members........and of course, never told the spouses. One never found out, the other evidently........well, there was a divorce. I remember my best friend calling to tell me something about my steady (she was truly upset) and I was devastated. Although the steady told me about it, claiming was put into the situation by a parent, it was the beginning of the end. My best friend remembers to this day. (never liked or trusted the guy) LOL
And it all had nothing to do with sex, in case you are wondering. LOL

So.......what it amounts to, we don't know what WE would do, until it happens. And in Daniel's case, he seems to be only trying to make Jen see that she really is not thinking of Paige being hurt, or helping her son. It is something else.....because this is not how she reacted in the past.
Daniel has become JJ's confidant/friend for quite a while now. I feel that their relationship was one of the things that helped JJ get back on track. Daniel kind of stepped in when a young boy that just lost his father needed a male figure in his life. Does Daniel drive us crazy? YES. But JJ did have a conversation with Daniel about all of this. Maybe Daniel's perspective would be better guidance then Jennifer's at the moment. Without all this craziness, there wouldn't be a story! (and should be on another thread, but talking about crazy.... Eve stealing that jacket..... CRAZY)
Jennifer dragged Daniel into the situation by asking him to help figure out what was wrong with JJ. Then she tells him to back off because she wants to keep the truth from coming out. From his perspective, it is confusing and frustrating to be asked for help and then told nevermind, not only be told but to be rudely told and shut out. She really gave no thought to Daniel in all this, and if she wants them to remain friends, she should take into consideration what her actions would do to that friendship or the relationship between JJ and Daniel either.

She KNOWS Daniel is a the ultimate problem-solver, rescuer, and has that drive to keep going until the situation is resolved. They've fought numerous times over that and she's been frustrated by that part of his personality time and time again. Even when she was supposed to be grieving for Jack, she couldn't stop obsessing about Daniel's need to be a savior to Nicole. But out of all the horribleness of the storyline, I did enjoy Daniel and Jennifer's conversation. It was the most compelling part and it brought up a lot of history.

I just wish Daniel had called out Jennifer for running to tell Eric the truth the moment she found it out and how she's now done a 180 and is lying through her teeth and allowing JJ to lie to Paige, so she's sunk even lower than the actions of Daniel's that she so condemned because at least Daniel was trying to reason with Nicole instead of just supporting the lie.

As much as the overexposure and overuse of Daniel bugs me, he belongs in this storyline as the voice of reason. Did I just call Daniel the voice of reason?! :eek: JJ borrowing Daniel's jacket roped Daniel into this storyline. Jennifer dragged him in kicking and screaming by asking him to talk to JJ.
Dan stated that he would not lie to Paige. So, when she inevitably confronts him about JJ's "break," he can simply stand mute, with a stupid look on his face. Like he did at the nursing station while Miss Jenny screamed at him about events surrounding Theresa's overdose. :rotfl:

Speaking of uncomfortable knowledge: One of my best teen-age friends, and his father went to a local supermarket. My friend stayed in the car, while his dad shopped. While he was in the store, he was seen putting meat (steak, I think) under his waistband. When he left, the store owner pursued him into the parking lot. Just as the owner was going to stop him, he noticed my friend sitting in the car. The owner was my next-door neighbor, and recognized my friend. He was kind(?) enough to stop, reverse course, and go back into his store. We never said anything about the incident, but I never felt the same about my friend's dad, again. Dad had a good job... :(