Dangers of narcotics business?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Seems EJ is going back into the drug business as soon as Victor gives him the names of the two men to contact. Wouldn't be at all surprised if those two names are "Clyde" and "Jeremiah" (possible meth makers since one of their employees was badly burned according to discussion between them on the show today). Victor warned EJ that he had a lot more to lose, so this could be (finally) what puts EJ where he belongs (either 6 feet under or in the federal penitentiary).

This scenario could also cause a couple of problems for Sami - her connection as co-CEO of DiMera Enterprises could make her criminally responsible, and the fact that she hurt Clyde's sweet Tammy Sue by telling her about Rafe and Kate could make her a target. She may have to run for her life and look over her shoulder for the rest of her miserable life (which serves her right). I just feel sorry for the children.

Would be surprised if Lucas would agree to let Allie leave with her unless that was the only way to keep her safe.

Edited to add: Clyde could also go after EJ for the simple fact that he had sex with "his boy Ben's pretty conquest" (or whatever it was he called Abby).
I do feel as well this is where Clyde and Jeremiah come more into the picture. Though I wonder if Jeremiah is Jordan's biological father since we know Clyde is only Jordan's stepfather but Ben's biological father. Maybe they both were in the drug business with meth and their mother was caught in the middle.

I also feel this is the beginning of the end of EJ DiMera, he is desperate to risk going back to jail (after getting out on bail) to be in the drug business. deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum....JS

Victor could be setting him up.
Seems EJ is going back into the drug business as soon as Victor gives him the names of the two men to contact. Wouldn't be at all surprised if those two names are "Clyde" and "Jeremiah" (possible meth makers since one of their employees was badly burned according to discussion between them on the show today). Victor warned EJ that he had a lot more to lose, so this could be (finally) what puts EJ where he belongs (either 6 feet under or in the federal penitentiary).

This scenario could also cause a couple of problems for Sami - her connection as co-CEO of DiMera Enterprises could make her criminally responsible, and the fact that she hurt Clyde's sweet Tammy Sue by telling her about Rafe and Kate could make her a target. She may have to run for her life and look over her shoulder for the rest of her miserable life (which serves her right). I just feel sorry for the children.

Would be surprised if Lucas would agree to let Allie leave with her unless that was the only way to keep her safe.

Edited to add: Clyde could also go after EJ for the simple fact that he had sex with "his boy Ben's pretty conquest" (or whatever it was he called Abby).
I have to hand it to you-what a CREATIVE mind you have! This would be a fantastic storyline! Victor setting up EJ would be great too. But if they connected Jeremiah and Clyde to the rest of Salem using this, it would probably land EJ either in jail or a grave, and give Samanther and the kids a real reason to skip town. And likely, it would make Jordan and Ben further connected and intertwined with the rest of the townsfolk. It definitely would be better than Stefano coming back and threatening Sami.
I was wondering if "Beth Ann" is Jordan's mother who supposedly died, and Clyde and/or Jeremiah have been keeping her prisoner for all these years.

As for EJ, I agree Victor is totally setting him up. I am really enjoying seeing Victor this past week. I enjoy his role as snarky old man, but I also like seeing shades of the ruthless Victor of years past.
I don't think so. Clyde seemed genuinely concerned about the situation with husband's burns and gave Jeremiah the wad of money to give to Beth Ann. Doesn't sound like someone who is being "kept prisoner".
Jordan's father supposedly drank himself to death, so I don't know how Jeremiah would fit there. I think he's Clyde's gopher, lol.

Unless Clyde lied about that. He's the king of the sewer rats so I wouldn't trust a word that comes out of his mouth. (Nor do I trust the writers to pay attention to what they wrote.)

I wondered about the Clyde/Jeremiah scene as well. Is this the kids' mother, and he lied about her death? Etc. But I'm way behind so I've not been watching as closely as needed.

I think it's unlikely but totally possible that Beth Ann is Tammy Sue and Ollie's mother.
Jordan was old enough at the time to know her father drank. When he died, her mama married Clyde, and they had Ben.
And Ben said today that his father had a terrible temper and his mom was afraid. They never knew what would set him off......dinner was too hot, or not not enough, or the house was too neat.....and he began the hitting.
Their mama eventually died......and we don't know how. But whatever happened after that is what caused Jordan to take that money & Ben and run off, changing their names.
A) That's assuming the writers are paying attention.
B) Ms Weston could have faked her death. Jordan could have been really little when she "died." (Not that Days would recycle a story.)
C) Clyde's original statements (again if he's telling the truth) indicated to me that Jordan's mother married him while Jordan's dad was still alive, he had "split," later drank himself to death (Jordan was 5). [I re-watched the clips and they could be taken either way. They aired 7/17-18 and happen around 11:30.] It's murky at best.
D) We're assuming Clyde's telling the truth about anything.
E) We're also assuming that the writers are planning something out, which has proven to be untrue especially with Jordan's story.

Again I'll say it's possible but unlikely. I would really like a reason to root for Ben/Jordan and I think the Clyde/Jeremiah angle could be interesting if they're connected to EJ's drug business...but I hold no hope for the writers weaving stories together. Bubbles are their specialty.