Crazy Days!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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What is wrong with the writers on the show???:angry: They just don't seem to know how to write a different storyline for all the couples in Salem. :rolleyes: Each couple is having problems all at the same time and it has become irritating. So it seems to be, that the writers don't write with expanded ideas. So if one couple is troubled, all couples are troubled. There is NO happiness on this show any more. Doom and gloom have occupied the minds of this, ONE STORYLINE SHOW. What happens to one, happens to all. So sick of this.:beat:ShaSha
Well said ShaSha! It does seem that the stories are parallel. Will/Sonny, Eric/Nicole, even Hope/Aiden are all dealing with some unknown to viewers person from the past. Meanwhile there is no character development with other characters such as Jeannie Theresa, Eve, Anne, etc. Doom and gloom indeed.
These writers must be formula writers. The problem is they keep using the same formula over and over. They just fill in the blanks with different character names and threats.

_________________ threatens ____________'s and __________________'s relationship by ______________ (revealing, showing, seducing) _____________.
I still think they put all of the characters' names in a bowl and just draw out two at a time for "shocking" hook-ups.
Does this mean we'll end up with such unlikely pairings as Stefano and Jordan, Harold and Anne, or JJ and Kate???(Come to think of it, these might turn out to be better than what's going on now.) As for the current state of Days in general, a line from the old John Lennon song, Nobody Told Me, might be appropriate: "Nobody told me there'd be [D]ays like this. Strange [D]ays indeed, strange [D]ays indeed."