
I would love for Clyde to be there til March, but, am guessing that Jeremiah will come looking for him......either that, or else Clyde is up and gone, and that big long mound of snow is another red herring. Days just loves to throw those around a lot.
I'll go with Ciara, too. She will find Clyde and he will be taken to the morgue, put in one of those drawers where he will actually thaw out, wake up, etc. He will try to fake his death, but Ciara sees him, blackmails him and he will pay her a nice sum of money, from now on, to keep quiet.
That's a good possibility re: Clyde having already gotten up and walking away without Damon seeing him and that mound is just snow covered leaves and brush. I was thinking the hypothermia would get to him but actually the cold temperature could work to his advantage.
EJ died from less of a bullet attack, don't see how Clyde will survive, I would think he would wear a bullet proof vest. Will see.
If they like repeating the past so much they could have Kate happen upon him, bawling & speaking belligerent to him to not be dead. Then Clyde can open his eyes saying "Don't you fret Darling. It'll take more than 3 bullets to keep this mountain man down" in that vocal drawl he does so well. :)

O.K. It has to be still the same day, because Kate was looking to meet up with Clyde around dinner time, and is wondering. So is surprising that Victor and Damon are wondering why no one found the body yet. Plus it was said his men have not heard from him.
So either Clyde is still laying under that pile of snow, fast asleep, lol, or he got up, walked away and went his "enemy" something to ponder. ????
I thought it was the next day since Kate said (in her last message) she hadn't heard from him all night.