Clyde, wearing thin

guilty pleasure

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
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Is it just me, or is anyone else getting tired of the "hick" references? As usual, I am getting caught up on Days, and Monday's episode has Will discussing the article on Clyde and complaining about things to do in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. (They actually gave a state - wow!) I just had to roll my eyes at his "options": sample the opossum stew?

I like a redneck joke as much as the next guy, but if you put any other cultural group in its place and made constant stereotypical cracks like that, people would be offended and demand something be done about it. (For the record, I don't think anyone should be offended over the "hick" references on Days, as I think American society can be way too sensitive about that stuff these days. Perhaps I am also being too sensitive, but I am not being too sensitive in the same way.) Making fun of Clyde's culture was eye-rolling, but a little funny at first - the way most stereotypes can be (well, the non-malicious stereotypes, anyway). Now it's just getting old... the "joke" is definitely wearing thin.
I think that they continue with that kind of stuff....because they have Clyde using a "good ol' boy" persona among all the town folk. Oh, look at the nice man, got a bit lucky and donated this huge chunk to the hospital. What a guy! Jordan & Ben have kept their traps shut about what Clyde was like back home, why they ran away, etc. Jordan never told anyone she was raped, Ben has not mentioned the beatings, the abuse, etc. And neither has breathed a word about the "product" he has brought to Salem. So Clyde goes around calling the women darlin', wearing the plaid shirts & jeans, pretending. So the ones who feel better off make a bit of fun about that persona, which Clyde uses purposely to disguise his real personality. Heck, he has even done this to Marlena, with his need for "therapy". Clyde is still the same nasty person he is in his hometown, just hides it, so he can get away with a lot. A few have his number, don't trust him, and thus the cracks.
And yet, they all keep their mouths shut, including Kate, despite her realizing that Clyde has used some sort of threat on Will. And Shame on Will for not telling Sonny.
And shame on them all for letting the accent fool them.
I made a comment about this yesterday but it's the same thing with the San Francisco set. Yesterday, it had a mini pagoda and a bunch of bonsai trees. I've been to Japan personally and these are not things you see on every street corner. I think TIIC are making their own assumptions about ethnicity and geography based on pure laziness.
I'm not sure Ben remembers the beatings. It seems if you are to do a big story about a local guy, you might want to interview his family first. Get some names from them about people to ask for when you go to their ole homestead, in the untamed wilderness that is Missouri :sarcasm: But that would require knowledge of what has been written. Heck, with all the changes in the Jordan story, are we sure Ben was even a part of it????

I like Clyde, he can be threatening with just a few words or a glance. He is a good bad guy, not cartoonish like what has become of the poor Phoenix, in my opinion.
I made a comment about this yesterday but it's the same thing with the San Francisco set. Yesterday, it had a mini pagoda and a bunch of bonsai trees. I've been to Japan personally and these are not things you see on every street corner. I think TIIC are making their own assumptions about ethnicity and geography based on pure laziness.

Yeah, I totally agree.

Not to mention that most East Asian immigrants to San Francisco were---and I think still are---Chinese, so if there was to be any kind of influence from the Far East, it should've been Chinese, not Japanese. Silly mistake.
I'm tired of Clyde acting like a hick too. I don't think many people in Missouri
talk like that.

I'm glad Clyde mentioned Will had to change planes. When Kate went
to Popular Bluff we were told she could go to either St Louis or Little
Rock airports, I think. Popular Bluff has an airport. It's probably small, but it has one.

Here are links to the town,_Missouri
I am surprised that Kate stood by and let Clyde threaten her grandson (Will). I was hoping that she would draw the line when it comes to her family and she is letting it all slide by. Kate will eventually see what this guy is all about.

Kate always seems to care about herself, first, second, and third....then maybe someone else. Just look at how she just got her son fired so she could get the job. She is one of the most self-centered characters on Days. That's part of what makes her such a terrific villain. (In my opinion)
I love Kate.........but I sure wouldn't want her to be my mother!!:rotfl:

As a Texan, I was highly offended at all the hillbilly comments and the possum stew was stupid. I've never eaten possum in my life, it's like the writers want to offend southern people.

I'm from Deep in the Heart of Texas and I wasn't offended. I have never heard a Texan talk like Clyde. As you would know, we talk Texan, not hick!! As for the Possum Stew.......YUK!!:):rotfl::)
Actually, I thought those yard scenes in San Francisco were meant to be in the Narita garden/yard.

My point was more that it was a stereotype. TIIC are assuming that because the Naritas are Japanese, they should have traditional Japanese items such as pagoda statue and bonsai trees. Same thing they are doing with the possum stew comment and Clyde.
LOL, my sis lived near St. Louis, then moved a bit more west, and I have been to the Ozarks there. Also Columbia, Springfield, (and bet a lot of readers here have been to Branson). And whille there may be a slightly different accent depending on where you live, nope, never saw a hick or a hillbilly or whatever. No possum stew on any menus. and , heck, some folks in Indiana have accents, and know a couple who live in northern Illinois, who has an accent. So what?
I remember Dan Rather talking of how hard he worked to not lose his Texas accent when doing the news.

Yep, those writers take great liberties, just as they do with Salemites clothing during cold and below zero winter months. LOL
Even now, no one is wearing even the lightest of jackets in April. And April in the midwest is just filled with ups and downs in temps. 40s, 60s, then 50s, 20s (nights), back up to 50s. 60s. LOL
And yep, I don't think perhaps Jennifer owns a dress with sleeves. LOL
I bet Kate wouldn't bat an eye if she knew what Clyde did to Jordan even after what Curtis did to Billie...sad. If she did, it wouldn't last long, I'm sure. Kate has a thing for monsters, I guess. :wink: With the exception of Roman and Rafe.
When you think about it....since she came to Salem....Kate seems to have bedded mostly ..well lets say they have unsavory reps. Victor, Colin, Stefano, Moroni, EJ, Ian MacAllister, Curtis, Clyde. Both Rafe & Daniel were drunk when she first bedded them.....which only leaves very young Nicholas Alamain, who was a nice guy, although his father was not.
The jokes haven't been funny since the first time Victor used one.

The character wore thin the moment they confirmed he raped his stepdaughter then put his own son in the hospital.

It's too bad because I like the way the actor plays him and he is finally making the character of Ben interesting.