Clyde and Jordan


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2010
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Was the Jordan rape story dropped? I think she mentioned it once a few months ago and then nothing since then. If the writers didn't want to go in that direction, I'm sure they could have just had that line edited out instead of leaving it in. Now it seems like they might be trying to make Jordan the bad guy in this story:beat:
I'm tired of her wanting everyone to behave as if Clyde is the type of guy who rapes girls, but doesn't give them the information. Tell someone already!!! No one -- not even Kate -- would be on Clyde's side if they knew.
Yes, she still mentions it, but really, it's the same dialogue over and over again.

Wow, I can't believe I even commented on this thread. I just don't care about the storyline in general. Snoozefest.

I can't believe I even read this thread.

Evidently TPTB think that rape is not a serious offense and has no lasting repercussions as we've seen from Sami/EJ, Eric/Kristen and now this storyline.