Ciara's name

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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I remember when Ciara was going to be born and NBC put up a poll to vote on her name. I couldn't remember the choices so I looked it up.


Can you imagine her being a Darcy or Bridget?

With Lauren Boles playing her, the name Ciara just seems to really suit the character.
Wasn't there a contest to guess what historical family name would be given to a child?

For some reason I want to say the child was Abigail and she was named after someone important but I'm old today and can't remember.

I do remember voting for Ciara's name. I didn't pick Ciara for the name however. I didn't like any of them but liked Cassidy better than the others.
I like the name Cassidy, as well as Ciara. They didn't reveal her name right away, right? I might have been out of the loop for the vote!
I'm pretty sure I voted for Cassidy. At the time, it was a pretty popular name for a baby girl.

I thought Abigail was chosen because it was a biblical name. Maybe I'm imagining it but I seem to remember Jennifer and Jack discussing that. I was a bit thrown off because it seemed random for them.

I think the other contest may have been for Claire.
No, Abby was named after Alice's mother. Jack and Jennifer did look through a bible to get ideas, but settled on Abigail for Abigail Grayson.

I thought Claire's name was selected via online poll, too, but I can't find any evidence of it online at the moment.

Edited to add: OK, I did find something. You can't access the original poll (even through the internet archives), but the names to pick from were:

Boys: Tyler, Connor and Luke
Girls: Claire, Hilary and Margaret
No, Abby was named after Alice's mother. Jack and Jennifer did look through a bible to get ideas, but settled on Abigail for Abigail Grayson.

I thought Claire's name was selected via online poll, too, but I can't find any evidence of it online at the moment.

Edited to add: OK, I did find something. You can't access the original poll (even through the internet archives), but the names to pick from were:

Boys: Tyler, Connor and Luke
Girls: Claire, Hilary and Margaret

And Philip's son was named Tyler "Pocket" Kiriakis. Don't start me on that ridiculous storyline.