Character's return

What do you think of Melanie's return?

  • yea?

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • nay?

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
I'm not happy about this. Mainly because the characters I do want to see are rarely on screen, or poorly used (Nicole, Lucas, Rafe, John, Kayla, to name a few). And don't get me started on the characters I wish would return, instead of Melanie (mainly Jack, Shane, Steve).

So I feel Melanie will now hog the screen time, much like her father, the great Daniel. Lately, every time TIIC bring on a new character, or bring one back, it's to give all the air time to them. And, again, in very poorly written storylines, either boring or disgusting. Think Jordan. From the moment she came on, there was really nothing there. A real snooze fest. And poor Rafe was dragged down even more. And how about Eve ? She can't seem to go away now. She only mingles with the teenagers, or Jennifer. And now her sleeping with JJ. :sick: And every time Kristen comes back, she's always on, and for what ? Raping a priest, causing grief, only to leave a path of destruction ? :sick: :beat:

So now, Melanie is back. More time for her, more time for Daniel (and shrew Jennifer I'm sure), more time for meddling Maggie (who's NOT Dan's mother !!!!), so basically, the show will revolve around Dan the Man and his family, Jennifer and her family, Jordan and her boring brother, with Clyde (who's somewhat interesting right now at least). And less time for things and characters I actually care about.

Sorry, I'm a downer... Must be because, much like Days of our Lives, it's grey here, where I live. It's been like that for most of November. You look up and there it is : some kind of a grey carpet floating on top of us instead of the blue sky ! Depressing indeed. Both the temperature and Days !
I have to agree with Writer. Melanie returned, was on every day, basically saying nothing, or the same thing over and over. I will confess I liked the idea Daniel told her she can stay there for a bit, UNTIL SHE GOT HER OWN PLACE, as last time she was living there. But I have not been happy at all with the stories and use of characters during November, mostly because the newer, young characters were predominant, And there are just too many of them, all with hidden agendas.

So now, Melanie is one more to add to the mix of character that annoy more than anything. In Melanie's case, her gushy gramma, and superhero dad will be all over her, so again, we lose the characters who are more interesting as they are down to 1 or 2 appearances each month.
I am excited that Melanie is back! If it means more time for Daniel, that's an added bonus. As long as JJ doesn't decide he can no longer talk to Daniel because Daniel should be focusing on his daughter instead. Anyway, other than Melanie's stupidity towards Nicole, I have enjoyed her scenes thus far.
I completely agree with Melanie hogging up all the screen time now plus it just gives another character airtime to talk about Daniel when he is not onscreen. TIIC seem absolutely fixated on certain actors on this show Shawn Christian (Daniel) being one of them. So unfortunately, I don't foresee his airtime diminishing any time soon. Unfortunately same goes for Kassie Depaiva (Eve). TIIC seem fixated on her too, just without the meddling in characters' storylines and I actually think that she would have brought in whether Charlotte Ross was playing Eve or not. They seem to think that bringing in these big name actors from other soaps will guarantee the show more fans because the fanbases will travel with the actor and watch Days by default. What they fail to realize is that the loyal viewers such as all of us make up a bigger majority of the show's fans. And we don't care for these characters.

I digress. Back to Melanie, as I said she has already been hogging airtime and will no doubt start propping Daniel soon too. However, I do think the show had a bit more pop to it on Thursday and Friday. I never cared for the character and still don't but I can tolerate her if it breathes some life into the show. I am curious about the money. But would I take Andrew Donovan on air over Melanie Jonas? Any day of the week.
I would much rather have had other characters return to the show over Melanie. At the top of my list I would have had Shawn and Belle return. There is plenty of storyline potential for Shawn and Belle with the issues their families have been going through. Belle could help Brady and John bridge their differences and Shawn could be suspicious of Aiden in Hope's life. Claire could be a thorn in Ciara's side

I feel that with Melanie's return, we are going to see a lot more of Daniel and Maggie, and less time with other, more beloved characters. Where's Hope, Kayla, Lucas, and Rafe?
I didn't vote. I feel like it hasn't been enough time to decide whether I am in favor or not. She's been on, what, 3 days? I'm slightly intrigued by the mystery of what caused such a hasty return to Salem but she has certainly never been a favorite character of mine. I suppose if I had to vote it would be a no just based on my overall feelings on the character of Melanie.
I didn't vote because I can't decide. I liked Melanie last time she was on--I thought she was an interesting and complex character while being part of the young set, and the actress was great. Though I did agree with many that her airtime was so devoted to Daniel that it got annoying eventually.

Now, I don't know what to think. Part of me is glad she's back because I liked her before and there's potential for her character to grow. But for now, this whole storyline of her "secret" doesn't seem like it's going to be very interesting, and I'm worried that it will take a very long time for it to be revealed, a la Jordan. I guess I'll wait and see, all the while hoping that her only storyline in the mean time isn't worshipping Daniel.
Yes, she was whiny last time round, and really served no purpose, other than scheme to get Nick's engine plan sold with the money going to herself. Making her Daniel's daughter was a lousy thing to do, and really, since she returned she has done nothing except yell surprise at everyone, while wearing that ridiculous coat. You know, with the two sides hanging a foot longer than the front & back. \