Chad & Abigail


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2008
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Sierra-Nevada Mts, Calif.
What have I missed? Why is Chad trying to pull some kind of scam or what appears to be hurt Abby in some way? Didn't he do enough of that before he left town after being shot to save EJ? Why has he come back to town with such vengeance against Abigail?

It can't be just jealousy over Ben. He came into town this way before he knew about Ben. Help please?!
He's a DiMeara- they always want what someone else has. That being said, I have to say that I'm not a big fan of Abigail and Ben. I just don't see the chemistry. Chad's a jerk and Abigail tends to gravitate towards jerks, so I predict she'll end up dumping Ben for "the jerk!"
He is angry because his ex love had sex with his brother, and in true DiMera fashion he must retaliate against her, cant blame him for being heated but I wish they would take his character in a different direction.

I would love to see DiMera and Kiriakas clans get Clyde gone, and put Kate in her place all at the same time. It would be nice to see 2 core families acting like themselves. It could be a good fresh start for the show. And I think that Chad and Serena would be a good pairing, she is obviously willing to get her hands a little dirty, and I think bringing her on as a kind of Sami character would be fun. Plus I hate her with Eric, his character needs some major help as well:)
The thing with Chad is......he is the one who left Abby, left town, sorry, but he decided he is not returning to Salem. Yes, he was angry his brother had an affair with Abby, angry at her as well. But he also did not like it that she was/is involved with Ben. He has said some terrible things to Ben, and to Abby as well.
But he just bats those blue eyes, says one or two nice things, and Abby has forgotten he is a DiMera, that he has baited her boyfriend, attacked EJ, and made nasty remarks to her. Mr. Good Guy is wearing a halo. And when Ben says he cannot trust anything Chad says or does, she just smiles, figures she knows better.
(P.S. I really like Billy Flynn, and his portrayal of Chad. I especially like that you never really know what he has up his sleeve. Is he just doing as Daddy says, or pretending? Same goes for any conversation he has with any other Salemite. LOL
Stefano's favorite advice.....Patience......and keep your eye on the prize.

Stefano could just know that Chad wants Abby back so is "helping". Mr. Jovial always has a plan, but also always has a few extra cards hidden up his sleeve, as he plays out the hand.
The anger over EJ and Abigail should be in the past at this point. And why would Stefano care? There seems to be way more to this story than we know about at this point.

Jack? EJ/Abigail baby? Who knows?


I really couldn't agree more. This plot is terribly written. It's bad enough that Eve has been involved in "the kiddie pool", as Sami put it before, but now Stefano has to as well? The great Salem villain has been in laughable plots before (the Anastasia egg in 2012, FakeRafe, joining forces with the FBI, Bernardi, etc), but this one takes the cake! Furthermore, Chad still being mad at Abby for romping with his now-dead older half-brother over a year ago is a lame excuse for "revenge". I like Chad and want him back with Abby instead of seeing her with the boring Ben, but I have a bad feeling that she'll uncover Chad's antics, get mad, and stay with the dunce anyways.
I don't know, Stefano's always been uneven. Remember how he found out that Isabella Brady was fathered by John Black? He read Sami Brady's diary. Yep, international villain Stefano diMera, on his 12th trip back from the dead, swiped a teenager's diary to get info on Marlena and John.

This is the guy who dressed up like Elvis to artificially inseminate someone who looked like his daughter.

And let's all forget the madcap Stefano/Vivian escapades against Sami in the mid-to-late 1990s, too. LOL

So for me, this plot is ridiculous, but not out of character for Stefano. He's the kind of sociopathic, self-serving cartoon that is not out of place in any story.
Making Ben a bartender, and now one who is supposedly back in college classes is the only thing making Ben not as interesting a character as Chad. And these writers created Ben, so their fault they were unable to create something more exciting for him to do. Why not have had him join the police force.....a rookie cop?
Ahh, would that not have been something else...Ben a rookie cop, with a father who is a drug lord? LOLOL
Chad is the serpent in the garden, tempting Abby, pretending to be something he is not. And the story is just another variation of Sami's "but he's changed"!!!
They should also get Ben into other orbits. He is falling victim to the same issue Jordan had in that he is way too isolated in scenes either at the club or with Abigail.

If he is in college, why don't we see him on campus? Interacting with the rest of the college set? Plus I'd still like to see him in scenes with Melanie and/or Jeannie T. What was the purpose of Melanie seeing him naked if we've never seen them in a scene since then?
What was the purpose of Melanie seeing him naked if we've never seen them in a scene since then?

I thought when they showed us that scene that the writers would go off on some of the viewers' advice that Ben start dating Abigail. But we've barely seen them interact, and now there's some characters leaving the show (maybe one of them), so it probably won't happen.