Can Paige be salvaged??


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2011
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boynton beach, fl
I saw a bit of anger in Paige yesterday, her long-winded comments to the doctor who violated his Hippocratic (read hypocrite) oath by lying about a patient's condition to any member of the family and then by giving Eve the message NOT to come back to LA because she's already booked herself on a flight back to Salem. I know that there's very little expectation for her any more, she usually looks like a zombie with no facial expression! Maybe all this will turn her around and she'll "grow up"??
At this point, I really don't care. It would have been much more interesting had she been related to Anne. Paige's scenes with Kimberly were the best I've seen since she's been on the show. We will probably have to wait another year to see scenes like that again.
Paige is supposed to be so super smart.....and yet she was unable to figure out what her mother was up to, even before they arrived in L.A.? She stays in her room (or somewhere) while the doctor is giving Eve & Kim the good news about Shane, but doesn't question why just she & her mother are now seeing the doctor again, WITHOUT KIM? (And thumbs down on Kim not staying to see what questions Eve had for the doc).
So, when Paige learns the truth from Kim, she goes to see the doc, and now pretends to have all these smarts and knew what he was up to? Nope, too late for the smarts to appear. She has none.
Paige has shown over and over, she is unable to figure anything out for herself. No idea how she got such good grades to warrant a scholarship to Stamford.