Brain going blank......

Okay, I don't remember 'Damon'. And if he was in Salem just a couple of weeks ago, perhaps he just changed his pseudonym to fake out whomever he was dealing with at that time?
Some viewers might be hoping that he also shoots Serena and Eric. As attractive many might find this, a better alternative would be for "Bluebird" to be arrested for her part in the diamond smuggling plot, followed by sourpuss Eric groveling before Nicole, begging for forgiveness, and abjectly admitting that she was right all along.
OK, so I know Xander is a jewel thief but.....he is hot & could be an interesting addition to the show ESPECIALLY if he pursues Nicole!! I really don't want to see Eric & Nicole get back together. Been there....done that!
This was a setup on Xander's part. He knows all about Nicole, wants to drive Serena batty. Poor Nicole. :(

Re: Xander's last name. Mentioned that in today's summary thread, and on twitter, Poirot. It also seems the characters are trying to write him "grey" as best they are able.
I think it was on Jason47's facebook page that Xander's last name is Cook......maybe I'm just dreaming, but I think I remember that. lolol

I'm kinda liking Xander so far......good looking, a little edgy and of course, a bit of a crook.
Wow........OS, your memory did not fail you. I just checked Jason47's regular site, and yes, he has Xander's last name as Cook. Also, the actor portraying him, Paul Telfor, is on contract. Which means he will be around for a while, quite a while. LOL