Brady is full of crap


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Man, I wanted to reach through the tv and smack the living stubble right off of Brady's face yesterday. He actually had the nerve to tell Theresa that he's always wanted children. EXCUSE ME!!!! The reason that Nicole went back to EJ was because he offered her the chance to be with the children as their stepmom right after Brady emphatically stated to her, after a roll in the hay, that he just never sees himself married or having children.

What a jerk. I am so glad that he and Nicole never ended up together.
I posted this on another thread.
I am past sick and tired of Brady and his rotten snot filled rants. Why anyone would want to be around him is a mystery. He never learns his lesson and feels nothing is his own damn fault. The next time he opens his yap I hope someone shoves one of JJ's donuts down his throat so he will mellow out. It's either that or a crap sandwhich. Then again since tptb are going down the beyond reality direction I wish an anvil dropped on his head.
Oldsoapie replied.
Well, gosh Sarah..........tell how you really feel.:rotfl:

I was inspired. So let's have at it.
Brady has officially joined the S.M.U.G. club. Who do you think might be the blond president? You are welcome to suggest your ideas for what the letters S.M.U.G. might stand for. (for example, Stupid Messed-Up Grumblers) Is grumbler a word?
Brady did discuss having children with Madison, even so far as to suggest having enough for a baseball team, then with Kristen about adoption. That said, Brady seems to think he is holier than thou (as does everyone else) when he is staying sober.
I agree with KT, and in all fairness, Brady might have changed his mind in recent years after his break up with Nicole, not that SHE necessarily had anything to do with his decision. Just a lot has happened to him over the years.

And then there's the other thing that's to blame for this, as with most stuff we criticize on the soap-Very Bad Writing.