Brady flying off to NYC or New Orleans on a whim


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
So, I watched Monday's show and while I love the surprise of being taken out to a good meal, generally speaking I don't get out of state for something this special. I have flown in a private plane and it is soooooo nice. And yes, I'd like to get used to it, but well, I had to be somewhere and my Dad had to be somewhere and his company had a jet going to the same place so I tagged along. But Brady hadn't yet filed a flight plan, minor detail because, well, no one cares, right? I did some checking on costs and really??

The hourly rate to rent a private mid-sized jet is $2700-$3500 and yes it goes up from there. The pilots have to know they are going to fly and where. So guessing that Brady is using the company jet to take his girlfriend somewhere, does he have the pilots on standby? When will he file a flight plan?

Oh wait, she said no she has to play with the plasma and he cancelled the trip so what happens with the pilots and the gassed up plane? Victor and Maggie go to Chicago?

I know, I know, I'm sorry for trying to think logically while watching the show.
Ohhh, I cannot begin to tell you how much I hate the waste of money being portrayed. Yes, I am jaded, living in an economically deprived area as I do, but what a surprise if Brady took Melanie to McDonald's instead, and donating whatever was saved to McDonald House. Or the SAlvation Army. Red Cross.

See, the thing is.........while I do like seeing the rich being rich.......Brady looks like a slob, usually needs a shave, is usually in a T-shirt and jeans. Nothing wrong with that..but just don't flaunt private jets going to New Orleans for coffee and a beignet as part of his makeup.
Kinda makes me want his assets frozen for while make him struggle (moneywise) but there would be John, Victor, etc. giving him money. He could refuse but that would require good writing. lol For Brady to get a menial job at the pizza place or McDonald's.
I bet I have you beat!! I could mess up boiling water! It's a miracle I can make a cup of tea.

But back to Brady, for him, the whole private jet on standby doesn't even register (the cost) to him. He probably spent more on drugs than it costs to have the jet ready to go at a moment's notice.
When Brady mentioned possibly taking Melanie to NYC for a cup of coffee, I had visions of the two of them stuck in New York traffic while the limo service tries to get them from either JFK or LaGuardia Airports to some suitably posh Manhattan venue. If he eventually does this, Brady had better bring along some of Parker's toys or that big rabbit to entertain toddler Mel. Otherwise, he'd be treated to a steady dose of "Are we there yet?"
Brady wasting money on his "love" didn't bother me as much as the fact that he was throwing his weight around at the HOSPITAL to have a NURSE not do her job which she WANTS to do while he played hooky for the day.

Can't say I care much for Brady anymore at all. I hope this wasn't the relationship that was supposed to redeem him.
Question, DrBakerFan: Do you think the NYC limo service would provide a carseat for Li'l Toddler Mel or would Brady have to bring his own?!!
Considering the wide variety of people who turn up at the NYC airports, the limo service just might have the proper seat for Toddler Mel. That said, after being exposed to some of Melanie's behavior, the limo driver just might be inclined to say: "Now I've seen everything."
My issue with Brady is he used his position on the board to manipulate the hospital schedule. Then he just expects Melanie to drop everything and run off with him and he acts like a baby when she didn't just bounce along after him. And how much time off did he get for her? It's not like she has any vacation time coming.
And isn't this impulsiveness with Brady a bit of a slippery slope? Sure, flying somewhere to have coffee or dinner isn't as dangerous as running away with Kristen or drinking or scoring drugs in the park, but should someone in recovery truly be that impulsive and shouldn't Melanie, as his significant other, be able to point that out?

I don't mind Melanie and Brady's relationship, I loved their friendship before they became "more", but this is the problem with her not being around while he was using. She has no grasp on what he was like then, she has no real understanding about addiction or what the warning signs are or what behaviors should be avoided. And after the little bit of hesitation from Daniel and Maggie, there has been no real repercussions for Melanie and Brady in terms of dealing with his past.

I'm much less concerned with the cost of having a plane on standby (and haven't they mentioned "the Titan jet" before? So yeah, they have a private plane at their disposal), and more concerned with the impulsive behavior of Brady and how no one seems worried by it or telling him to dial it down a notch.