Best New Couple of 2014?

Which new couple this year is your favorite?

  • Hope & Aiden

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • EJ & Abby

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Abby & Ben

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • JJ & Paige

    Votes: 4 15.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Which new couple do you like the best, and why? I voted for Hope & Aiden. This might be 'sacrilegious' to say, lol, but I think they have more chemistry than Bo & Hope, who I enjoyed. I just think Bo has been permanently trashed by the writers and Aiden has been redeemed. The two bring in a sense of humor, light, and joy to the show that I just love. I also do like Abby with Ben, they seem like they'd be cute. I loved EJ and Abby back in the day, but for me when he chose to reconcile with Sami instead, that ship sailed.

Also, yes I know Hope and Aiden aren't yet a couple...but they seem to be heading that direction.
While I think some couples are, so far, pretty cute together, I really have not seen anything lasting in any of them. I mean they really have all been rather superficial, light, though I give high marks for JJ & Paige attempting to get around their mothers' animosity towards each other.
Did not vote (but added JJ & Paige for you, daysdg)
Hope & Aiden, even though they aren't even a couple at this point. I don't see chemistry between Abigail and Ben, and I like JJ and Paige well enough but they kind of bore me.

Would like to point out (even though I'm sure nobody would vote for them) Brady and Theresa are a new couple for 2014.
I don't mind that any of these couples start out superficial because I'd rather see a relationship grow over time rather than just jumping into something intense. I think that so far JJ and Paige are a strong, steady couple--yeah they fight sometimes and they get upset over things that older people might just let go, but so far they seem pretty determined to be together which I really like.

The real test for Abby and Ben will be what happens once his past catches up with him and how they handle the story, whatever it turns out to be, and any potential consequences, disapproval from nosy relatives and so on. Similarly, we don't know yet what Hope and Aiden are made of, though I like the way they relate to each other so far.
I voted Hope and Aiden, because there is potential there. I like the slow build-up. We still don't know Aiden's back story, but as others believe, I also think that he might have caused his wife's death due to drunk driving, which is why he no longer drinks. He seemed so adamant when he told Hope that he was not ever going to get involved with anyone again, or something along those lines. In time, perhaps all will be revealed. I don't like it when secrets take so long to come out (aka, Jordan and Ben).
I also don't think that Hope will be comfortable even contemplating any relationship unless there is complete closure with Bo. :beat:

At the rate things are going, Ciara and Chase will be running off to elope. :rotfl:
WOW that was a hard one to pick. I don't really consider EJ/Abby a couple - they were a coupling. Abby/Ben bore me to tears, I find Ben to be the lamest character creation of this writing regime. I'm not feeling Hope & Aiden, though I no longer despise them, so they are a close second. JJ/Paige were starting not to annoy me, and now we have this forced mama drama with them - they'll be my favourite couple if they go into a long-term relationship and Paige actually goes to Stanford - I'll find them derivative and wasteful if she sticks around Salem, I imagine. I voted EJ/Abby, even though they are not really a couple.
I voted EJ/Abby as well because I have not seen a couple with that much chemistry since Sami/Rafe. And tremendous storyline potential too, even still.

Hope/Aiden are a very close 2nd for me. I love their chemistry, the slow build and I too hope TPTB don't screw it up. Also, I like that Hope is not the damsel in distress with Aiden. Yes she shows her flaws and weaknesses but she also shows her strength. I really want to see a few scenes where she and Adien share their backgrounds. (I.e. His wife and Zack). I also think that Shawn-Douglas needs to be back in the picture as part of the process of Hope moving on from Bo.

Aren't Eric and Nicole also a new couple for 2014?
I voted for Hope and Aiden. I like the way they are slowly building up their relationship, but I hope they don't go as slow as they did with Eric and Nicole.

Like Daysdegrassi, I liked EJ and Abby at first, but EJ has shown himself to be manipulative and threatening towards Abigail as he has with Nicole and Sami, and he has made it clear he prefers to be with Sami.

As for the other two couples, it is too soon to tell how they will play out. So far, I like Abigail and the new Ben together, but we will have to see how his past and the reveal of Abigail's affair with EJ will affect them. JJ and Paige are also cute together, but again we will have to see how Eve and Jennifer's dispute affects them.
While I don't like them, I'm glad to see Hope & Aiden have a lot of supporters. I'm happy to be in a minority opinion here! It baffles me when the show ships/supports/props/puts on frontburner couples that a strong majority seems to passionately dislike (*cough* Daniel & Jennifer *cough*) LOL.

Give us a resolution on Bo, and a good non-romantic story for them, and I could get on board.

Why isn't there a Kate and Sami option?
Because they're a pairing, not a couple. :) (My suspicion as I didn't create the poll.)