Article about the women of Days

Thanks for the article.

Although I'm not that interested in these facts, personally (no offense, eweiner, it has nothing to do with the fact that you posted the link). Yes, indeed, many of these women are beautiful, but frankly, I still think there is too much emphasis on the exterior when it comes to women.

The problem is, again, especially on Days, almost every woman character is either witchy or a shrew engaging in stupid cat fights every 30 seconds (Jennifer, Eve, Abigail, Theresa, Kate, Anne, etc.), totally evil (Kristen, Serena I'm sure, Eve can go in that category too), reduced to being pathetic and desperate because of men (Nicole, and now Adrienne, who, apparently, can't ask Justin legitimate questions and still should kiss the ground he walks on like a perfect little wife), annoying busy buddies (Maggie, Julie, Melanie), or used as filler (Marlena, Hope... her storyline with Aiden is quickly losing its spark, in my opinion). And I won't even go into how awful the character of Sami was, at least to me.

I mean, none of these women are really worth rooting for. So no matter how beautiful the actresses are, I think they are not used to their potential and people don't pay enough attention to that fact .

I guess it's the movement that was started at the Oscars, "Ask her more", that got me thinking even more about the way women are portrayed.

Though, to be fair, most of the men on Days are not that brilliant either, are they ? So where are the compelling characters and storylines ?
So where are the compelling characters and storylines ?
They are located on you tube,in old clips, or back on cancelled soaps like Guiding Light. O.K. sorry.....

It is too bad it took Corday and those Sony/NBC suits so long to get it through their heads that what is going on with their story & characters has not/is not attracting viewers, nor even keeping the loyalists. PLUS, the filming so far in advance is not helping, and in fact, is more of a hindrance.
I still don't think the powers that be get anything. This is just a never ending pattern of the same old, same old. With a "plan to save DAYS" every few years and making scapegoats of the writers at any given time. Where in my opinion the problem with DAYS is much deeper than who is at the helm. New characters don't help matters when stories and production of the show has gone off the deep end. Sorry to go on and on but these things are most aggravating with this show.
I agree with TheWriter--the characters on Days just aren't written very well anymore, especially the women. Either a conniving tramp, or a holier-than-thou shrew; that's how they're written. The guys are either boring and judgmental and barely on or just incredibly dim-witted and prone to cheating. I want to see more intelligent, powerful characters on the soap that don't always need to scheme and hurt people. I know a few people like that are necessary to keep the soap interesting, but not everyone on the show needs to be "bad".