
I don't see any chemistry between Aiden and Hope. Aiden is quite charming but Hope is an absolute wet blanket. Get Kayla back in his orbit they had sparks flying and she is single legally as well as emotionally.
Hope has had no closure with Bo. yes i know Bo hasnt been around and been "undercover" but how can they throw her into a relationship with Aiden when she is technically still with BO. and then there is Diva in the making sure she wouldn't like her mom being with anyone else.
I don't see any chemistry between Aiden and Hope. Aiden is quite charming but Hope is an absolute wet blanket. Get Kayla back in his orbit they had sparks flying and she is single legally as well as emotionally.

A thousand times YES. If we can't get Steve back, I'm all for this. I ADORED their scene together and I'd love to see more Kayla. I also actually didn't hate either Aiden or Jennifer when they shared scenes. And it's good to see Aiden lawyering as well.

Personally Hope and Aiden bore me to tears, although I admit that's because of their obvious and trope-y mini-storyline and their pointless dialogue. But for me, the ship has sailed, and I'm not on it. Move them both on. You had your chance and failed, writers, to make me like this couple. (That is, of course, so you could break them up later.)
And again, see....while I liked the rapport between Aiden & Jen or Kayla...nope, no romantic sparks for me. Not at all.
Frankly, I don't like the musical dating game the cast plays. they all just pass each other around, changing bed partners as often as their underwear.

Hope & Aiden have no story, just like everyone else. Maggie, Victor, Kayla, Justin, Adrienne, John, Marlena, Rafe, Jordan, Ben, Abby, JJ, Paige, Rory, Bev, Caroline, Roman, Lucas, Kate, Stefano, Abe, story. Just flitting in and out of others' scenes every once in a while. If they are lucky, they may even get two scenes in a week, filler scenes for sure, but just so they show them.
I agree with you, Poirot. NO Aiden-Kayla or Aiden-Jen pairings. I just want him with Hope. His budding friendships with the other two women are great, perhaps even integrating him more into the cast would be great as well. I'd like to see him as a friend of Daniel's, possibly a friend to Nicole, Brady, Rafe, and Eric as well.

The only storyline those people have is talking in the Town Square or getting coffee in Club TBD.
I think Aiden will end up being Paige's long lost father. With Anne Milbauer as her mother. Now THAT is how you tie a new character in to the scene. And think of the storyline potential.
Hope & Aiden have no story, just like everyone else.
Excellent point. I hadn't considered that their lack of a story mirrors the general lack of couples storytelling for everyone except Dan/Jen, the geese, and Eric/Nicole. I guess I just want better writing all around.

And I didn't really see sparks with Kayla/Aiden or Jen/Aiden, either, I just found it refreshing for him not to be so grating as they had been forcing him to be with Hope. (You know, their really creative "I hate you/you're my enemy/oh wait I love you/you are my truelove" way of pairing off couples.)