Aiden tells his story (Thurs., 8/28)


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2011
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boynton beach, fl
Hope gets a cramp and Aiden "cures" it? That was so nice...and gave them a chance to actually "touch".

When he couldn't resist telling her about his feelings and confessed his personal story, Hope couldn't add anything but "I'm married"? How many years is she going to hold on to that? Maybe she will begin to think about her life and how empty it has been and how long is she going to go on that way.

I'm just too much of a romantic for any more of that situation...
This story has been moving pretty slow. At least we got Aiden to admit he has feelings for Hope! Finally some movement. I think Hope needs to figure out if she wants to play single mother estranged from husband who has been gone for nearly two years and who knows when he'll be back or if she actually wants to live her life. Eventually, I imagine she will divorce Bo and acknowledge and then act on her feelings for Aiden.

Aiden has given little tidbits here and there about his late wife. I'm wondering if perhaps he caused his wife's death. At least I'm interested in his backstory, unlike Jordan who took far too long to unravel and we still don't know the whole story yet after a year! :rolleyes:
Maybe, but knowing these writers, it's probably that they made another dumb mistake, like how everyone keeps saying Jack and Jennifer were husband and wife when he died in 2012. Plus, they did make mention of John and Marlena remarrying after that fiasco, so I think they would have done the same for Hope and Bo.
Doesn't Hope saying "I'm married" count as it being mentioned on-screen?

I really like this storyline. I don't think it's TOO slow; it's bene moving slowly but surely and today was a big step in the right direction.

I was wondering if maybe Aiden's wife stormed out after a fight, drove off, and ended up getting into a fatal car crash or something like that and Aiden blames himself.
We don't know what they continually fought about, but perhaps it was that Aiden spent so much time (with his job) away from home, family, etc. In other words, he never had time for them? It could be why he ended up moving to Salem, so he could slow down, have more time with his son, etc.
Just Guessing.!!!
While I didn't expect the long version since it's the first time he has spoken about his marriage for me I wanted to hear more. Not so much about the details of the fighting but about how it affected Chase since Aiden pretty much cuts off conversations about her.

At least we now know it's either because he couldn't stand her and doesn't want to hear about her now that she's gone or..... They had an ugly fight, she decided to split and on her way out he told her he wished she would just die and boom gets killed in a car accident.

I'd rather see something like her doing something dangerous like going on one of those shark feeding excursions and getting attacked or base jumping and the shoot not opening. They could have fought about the dangers and her telling him tough crap I'm doing what I want and getting bit in the butt by it.

But whatever it is I think we need a little more information. But please don't go the fight/car accident route like we got told about Rafe's dead flame Emily.