
What loopholes? Badly written, but it makes sense. Meredith could have just been a crazy drunk, ranting and raving on the video she made. Ever encounter an irrational drunk who thinks the world is out to get them?
The autopsy didn't show any poison or did I not hear that correctly, just lots of alcohol. So having anti-freeze under the sink, while not wise with a youngster in the house, is not criminal. The antidote for anti-freeze poisoning, at least years ago when I worked for a veterinarian was vodka. Don't know if it still is, but around 50% of our patients suspected of consuming anti-freeze survived.
Yeah...not seeing the holes you're mentioning. I know lots of people who are totally rational when sober, but get drunk and become crazy, paranoid, hateful. Sounds like Meredith to a "T" to me. She thought Aiden was trying to kill her. (He wasn't.) She told Bree same. (Bree believed it.) Maybe Bree planted the anti-freeze, and the tablet. But for now all signs point to Aiden's innocence.

Then again, could be another red herring. (The double whammy.) But it makes the most sense now if Meredith was just a terrifying drunk, paranoid, with a too-close friend who's out to prove the "truth" about someone she (clearly) never liked.
I can speak for myself. In my youth when I would drink to excess and use some recreational pharmaceuticals, now legal in Colorado, I would become extremely paranoid. I eventually "grew up" and realized I was not doing myself any favors and stopped the destructive behavior. But I totally believe Meredith would think these things.
anyone who has bartended, has seen it. I have. Some get sentimental, cry at the drop of a hat; some get angry, take offense at the slightest comment; some get extremely belligerant; some get silly as all get out, and some start making things up in conversation, and yes, some get paranoid, suspicious of everyone, the world is against them, plotting, etc.
How did you know I use to bartend?
I DO NOT cry when I'm drunk!
Why are you saying these things, Poirot?
Remember that time we were undercover at Knotts Berry Farm?

I also believe Aiden and that he really has been protecting Chase. If Chase and Aiden are on the show for awhile, this could play into future story lines for Chase.
I beieve it happened as Aiden said but did see those holes in the story whether it be intentional or bad writing.

Tablets & iPads weren't readily available & sold 5 years ago. iPads just started on the market 5 years ago in a few months.

How would Meredith know 5 years ago about the shovel & axe locked in the closet if they were to be used to help cover up what happened?

I think there's still more to the story & that Bree is involved in some way, but do believe what Aiden said about how it all happened.
Yeah...not seeing the holes you're mentioning. I know lots of people who are totally rational when sober, but get drunk and become crazy, paranoid, hateful. Sounds like Meredith to a "T" to me. She thought Aiden was trying to kill her. (He wasn't.) She told Bree same. (Bree believed it.) Maybe Bree planted the anti-freeze, and the tablet. But for now all signs point to Aiden's innocence.

Then again, could be another red herring. (The double whammy.) But it makes the most sense now if Meredith was just a terrifying drunk, paranoid, with a too-close friend who's out to prove the "truth" about someone she (clearly) never liked.

Just remember, Aiden doesn't drink now. Is it because HE was the irrational one, when inebriated??

The autopsy didn't show any poison or did I not hear that correctly, just lots of alcohol. So having anti-freeze under the sink, while not wise with a youngster in the house, is not criminal. The antidote for anti-freeze poisoning, at least years ago when I worked for a veterinarian was vodka. Don't know if it still is, but around 50% of our patients suspected of consuming anti-freeze survived.

Nit-picking again. Wasn't the anti-freeze in the locked closet?
Just remember, Aiden doesn't drink now. Is it because HE was the irrational one, when inebriated??
Or maybe he doesn't like to drink because he watched his wife as an irrational drunk for so many years. I know many people who are like that. They refuse to drink because they are repulsed by the drunken behavior of others and never want to become like that.