Aiden/Chase...Have we ever seen their home?????


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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I was just thinking that we have never seen the home of Aiden and Chase in Salem. Now Aiden is extremely wealthy and should have a beautiful home, well decorated and suited for his son. Is this just a "forgot t"o by the show or are they to busy making everyone miserable???:rolleyes:

Someone needs recognize we have a well-to-do attorney and his son without a place to live. DUH! :eek: ShaSha
I'm sure it's due to budget constraints. We rarely see home sets anymore, even for established characters like Marlena, Kate, Hope, Roman, Caroline, Abe, etc. And the mighty DiMansion and K-Mansion are now reduced to one tiny library/study being shown.
Yep.....No home for Hope/Ciara, Aiden/Chase, Marlena, John, Kate, Abe/Theo. Heck, we seem to have even lost the DiMera Foyer, also the K-mansion foyer.

I do remember an interview with...I think it was lauren Koslow (kate) who said something about now using the smaller library at DiMansion, because of "all the new sets". I am guessing that meant the apartments of Eve, Ben, Eric, plus Serena's hotel room.
I'd hate to see what they would do for a home set for Aiden since that beach house looks so cheap. Also is that beach house the same set that they blew up half of Salem in and let everyone think they were dead.
With all those reusable sets I am having trouble placing the one that Melanie and Brady were in before they dashed out and fell on the ice. It seems to be part of the mansion with the way people keep coming through those double doors catching Melanie and Brady in compromising positions. But I have never noticed that door before and the wall treatment is just so hideous I find myself staring at it thinking about how ugly it is and having to rewind to catch what the characters said.
I'm sure it's due to budget constraints. We rarely see home sets anymore, even for established characters like Marlena, Kate, Hope, Roman, Caroline, Abe, etc. And the mighty DiMansion and K-Mansion are now reduced to one tiny library/study being shown.
Ugh, it's so sad. They probably all live in the woods now since they have nowhere else to go. :rolleyes: Into the Woods: Days of Our Lives Edition
Yep, it's the same safehouse that the Salem "six pack" was in (John, Marlena, Bo, Hope, Rafe and Carrie).
It would have been a good line if when entering the supposed Jennings beach house of horrors, Hope had said: "Good grief, this looks just like the safe house that was blown up."
Ugh, it's so sad. They probably all live in the woods now since they have nowhere else to go. :rolleyes: Into the Woods: Days of Our Lives Edition
If so, it must be getting crowded because Jeremiah almost certainly seems to live there. Also, they'd better be gone by spring lest the Forest Preserve Bear gets touchy about the unwanted human residents he sees after emerging from hibernation.
OMG, there goes the neighborhood! Rent some rooms, people!!
I'll bet the bear would be happy to offer them discounted rates at the fancy-schmancy hotel in/at the Horton Town Square....everyone knows just how great it is...and the entertainment?? Cast of thousands!!
I would have preferred that they use this vacation home set as Aiden's actual home in Salem or better yet as a new house that Hope purchased. If they can pull sets like this out of the woodwork for one storyline, I don't buy that they can't pull out a set for someone's permanent home.

Heck, I would even buy Hope and Ciara moving into the Horton home with Jen and her kids.