Abe's job?

When the writers decided to have Abe "retire" that was, back then, a huge mistake. They had him run for mayor, lose to the EJerk, who certainly was not a "mayor" type, unless it was a crooked one. Then, with Lexie ill and dying, he, at least, had some story, but then they just had him standing around in the background. I don't care if the appointment was temporary, I am glad he is back on the force.
The big problem, though, is ....I just do not get The police chief, the police commander, etc. doing beat cop stuff. If Salem is a big enough town that huge corporate conglomerates have their headquarters there, then the police force should not be patterned on Mayberry, with just Andy, Barney, with Goober & Gomer stepping in once in a while to "help".