A name for Rory.

I can't think of a good one because Poirot's was so good.

Seriously, I miss Mimi. I would be so stinkin' excited if they related someone to her on the show. (heck, I'd be excited if the show would simply MENTION her. I'm feeling really disappointed the 50th is upcoming and she is not mentioned once.)

Mimi is part of the reason I started watching this show. Farah Fath is awesome- love her!
How about if Rory was that baby SORASED that Philip gave up that Kayla had tried to adopt? Of course his name would be unrelated now but that would be a big reveal and very soapy and tie him to a Salem family. (Unless my memory is all wrong concerning that storyline and if so, please disregard this post.)
That baby was Pocket, a/k/a Tyler. And yes, you are thinking of the right child. Patch and Kayla tried to adopt him, but Philip didn't let the adoption go through. Another couple adopted him.
Rory LeClair. Hope will have her hands full handling her troublesome nephew.

Rory Ramirez. Jennifer's discovery of his last name brings Mike Horton back to town.

Robert Rory Anderson III. He comes back to claim the Anderson fortunes stolen from his father, the once-presumed-dead Bob Anderson, Jr. (And again, Hope has her hands full with a troublesome (grand)nephew.)