A dinner and a show (in Horton Town Square)!


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Seriously, I think whomever has the restaurant or does the serving (as we see once in awhile a waiter or waitress) in the Town Square should start charging a fee for the show that the Hortons, Bradys, DiMeras, Blacks and anyone else provides the patrons!

They would be wealthy beyond belief as there are arguments, shouting matches, or attacks quite often. Again today another full-blown yelling match in public with a Town Square full of people.

Tom and Alice must be rolling over in their graves seeing such public outbursts in their namesake place!
Just like Eric told Sami they should someplace private, so they go to the square, where Sami can run off at the mouth, not only at Eric, but then she spots Nicole, and the yelling begins. I have to say I do get surprised that cops are not called for "public disturbance".
Seriously, I think whomever has the restaurant or does the serving (as we see once in awhile a waiter or waitress) in the Town Square should start charging a fee for the show that the Hortons, Bradys, DiMeras, Blacks and anyone else provides the patrons!
Who knows, maybe the owner counts on the entertainment value of the assorted arguments and rants to bring in customers. He might even feature them in TV ads: "Come to the Mandalay Cafe and be entertained by the absurd arguments that regularly break out in the Town Sqaure. They're better than talk shows, soaps, CNN or Fox News." Or maybe the owner uses dramatizations: a man comes home and says to his wife: "I went to the Mandalay today for coffee, and you'll never guess what I heard a prissy woman in a sleeveless dress say to a scruffy doctor!"