9/9/2024 - Donuts and Air Conditioners

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I'm sitting here staying out of the way of the air conditioner repairmen who are working inside and out on my units. It really isn't just air conditioning. My units are both cooling and heating so I need them no matter what the weather. It was 56* when I first looked this morning. Will stay in the 80s* again for another day or so, before warming back up to the 90s* again.

Wishing all of you a good day.
It was 56 this morning! Put on heater (turns on and off, not constant). It is 70 now, going up to around 80. Will be the same all week, no rain.

OC: Good luck getting your cooling/heating units repaired. Must keep up with that maintenance.

We should all have some of these today, if only for the name. You all get it, I am sure., wink wink!

It was in the 40s when I walked this morning. It will sunny and in the 70s today.

I was at church this morning getting things done. I'm having lunch with my circle
group today. I'll be posting spoilers a little later, most come after 2 my time.

OC, I hope they get your A/C working.

Wishing everyone a fantastic rest of the day.
We are heading to the 80s, and will be all week! Unusual for September, for sure. Went out to bank this a.m. to try and clear up something on my statement that is incorrect.......but seems I have to call the company, it is their error, not the bank's. Grrrr. I don't want to tlk to robots.
Good morning.... got the summary up today then had to take a rest.... hand issues... unsure what set them off but right hand doesn't want to uncurl and left thumb won't bend....the great news is I have to wait till October before I can get an injection again that will take care of the problem.... Also Vinnie waited till I spend $300 on tickets to Phoenix to decide to limp again.....so we shall see what will happen....
Tomorrow is my birthday, the birthday board thingie will tell you.... I will be getting up early and HB and I are going to the state fair.....so don't panic if you don't see me till later in the afternoon.....
Happy California Admission DAY
Good afternoon everyone. It has been cold here, too, with the low 40s at night. We're supposed to be heading back up to warmer weather but we'll just have to wait and see.

I had 2 schools in 2 different towns today. It'll be that way through the 24th of September. Then it starts all over again on September 30th and goes through most of October.
rs, I hope you'll be able to get plenty of rest with all the work you're doing.

robin, take care with your hand.

Poirot, good luck with the charge. Does company have email? It might be better than a robot.
LOL, well, called the company, person spoke with accent but just kept insisting that they wish they could do something, but could not, claiming there was no record of them receiving the extra payment, and to call my bank, which I already had been to in person. So, I went back into the bank, told the gal what happened. Don't know who she got on the phone, but after some long time, they tell me I will receive a credit by end of week, they were able to put stop payment on that other check, and...............so, we will see what happens. I have a sinking feeling I will be back in that bank again next week.