9/7/24 - Donuts & Brrrrr


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good very chilly morning to you all........Tis 35°, there is frost on the grass, foggy, rather overcast.........but in the last 15 minutes, looked like the sun was trying to chase some of this away. Brrrrrr, it is 68 ° in the house, I turned the thermostat on............Tis funny, as next week or so the forecast says we will be having 80s. Weird really weird weather. Still foggy, but am sure the sun will work it's magic if it can hang around for a while.
Good Saturday Morning.....
Last night I went to the football game. HB wasn't feeling like he wanted to go so he didn't..... It was a blow out with grandson's school being blown out 48 to nothing. As the evening wore on it got cooler. It took a while to get out of the parking lot the kids were being kids, changing cars, stopping in the lane to discuss where they were going to go to party after the game.
Today is supposed to be a good weather day for us. We have gotten to the nice weather portions of the day. I'm hoping to go to the state fair on Tuesday.... we shall see.....
Several little stops today.... Post office, our mail box it's been days since I've picked up the requests for money from various organizations and people. Then to storage for a large broken chair that I've arranged pick up for. Wichita doesn't offer "large item pickup" once a year. Sacramento has large item pickup 4 times a year, same for Phoenix. But not here so you have to call and make arrangements for pick up. Annoying.

I hope you warm up Poirot... and the fog lifts.....

Good Saturday to all

I see that WW's birds have now taken over my equestrian sport.... good job WW in training them.....
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Good morning. Poirot, I don't even want to think about 35*. I know most would prefer long winters over long summers. I guess we're all where we need to be. I was talking with someone just recently about how there are no places that don't have a downside. But it's nice we live in an age of creature comforts and don't have to battle raw nature day in and day out.

Robin, lol, I wonder if Wilde Woman has been missing any of her birds? You have a great constitution--going out to a high school football game. My school is having homecoming next month. I don't really want to go to any of it, and pretty sure I won't go to the football game. Maybe class meeting and lunch on the courthouse lawn during the day. Large item pickups--sounds nice. I've never lived where that was available. Getting rid of things is a challenge. Sorry you're having to deal with a less-than-desirable process.

I guess I'm being lazy again today. I had planned to go to a graveside service of someone I went to high school with but I didn't get up in time. I hadn't seen him in many years, as he'd been living somewhere up in the north. Kinda sad, I'd seen on Facebook he was looking forward to the upcoming Homecoming.

I haven't stepped outside yet. I think it will be sunny and in the 80s today and for the days to come.
Good morning. All those fires to the east of us are now impacting the island. We get a bright red sun in the morning as it tries to shine through the smoke haze. Air quality is still "fair", which is ok for those with no health issues that might be impacted. A good rain fall would be greatly appreciated!!
Wishing you all a healthy day!
Aaahhh, the fog is gone, sure lasted a long time, sunshine, blue skies are here....and we got up to 59 now.........I think that will be as much as it is going to go today. Will probably be complainin' a bit this next week, as they say 80....lol.

Did not realize fires were still going on out west. Are these the forests? (has not been mentioned at all on news here.....at least from what I have seen.
It was in the low 60s when I walked this morning. It's sunny and high only in the 70s today.
It's going to be cooler tomorrow morning.

Not very busy at the little library today. I'm going to make squash this afternoon for tomorrow's dinner.

Poirot, stay warm today.

robin, sorry to hear about grandson's game. Maybe next time.

OC, I hope your day goes well.

Lil0, I hope the air clears.

Wishing everyone a nice rest of the day.
Did not realize fires were still going on out west. Are these the forests?
All of the western states are dealing with some large fires. I'm guessing the ones that are impacting our air here on the island are the fires in eastern Washington, Idaho, and Montana. But, if the wind is blowing from the south, we are getting Oregon, California, and Nevada air -- all of which are filled with smoke.
Lil0, I didn't know there were still fires out there either. Funny how the news givers pick and choose their stories. Also, I haven't paid as much attention to the weather out that way since my son's family is now on the east coast. Only their oldest son is still in Montana until the end of this month. Fires are so awful in so many different ways. I hope you can stay in and have decent air at least inside your home.

Robin, I always get smiles out of what a difference punctuation can make. My daughter, the English teacher, is known by her friends and family as the "grammar police." When I write to her I try to double check my message for mistakes. But we both get some laughs out of things we see posted online. Recently I was telling her about someone in a nearby town asking about getting financial help for medical care. Some person responded with, "You might be able to get indulgent care."

Kat, what kind of squash are you using? I grew up with only yellow crook-neck squash, and it's still the only kind I like. But I did get introduced to winter squash when I lived in Pennsylvania. It is available here but I don't think I've personally ever known anyone here to eat it. Zucchini is popular here, and I will eat it, but not my preference.

Poirot, your complaining about 80 being too warm is probably like me complaining that 70 is too cool. Haha! Reality may be that right now, for the next few weeks, weather could be the best it's going to get for both of us.

Robin, I came here and turned on my computer to tell you what I just saw in my yard: A TOAD!! I was so excited and of course all I could think of was you and the Beast. I never see toads anymore. Used to a long time ago. We've had a lot of dry weather in recent years. I suppose that makes a difference for toads.
Do they still teach spelling in schools? Only ask because have noticed quite a few young people seem to have a problem in that area.
Of course, it doesn't help when internet posters shorten words, use just one letter if they can, or connect a couple of words together, leaving out a few letters, making it hard to decipher whatever they meant.
Aaahhh, cell phones are handy, but somehow, cause folks to forget how to spell when they text. LOL
I got home before the heavy rain started, really coming down. 68 with high humidity and high pollen count.

Poirot: Those sure are whacky temperature fluctuations. Regarding spelling, computers and phones have ruined spelling/grammar with spell check and auto correct. If you are someone who can talk into your phone to send emails, it does not know the difference between here/hear, for example, and odds are it will be misspelled. A real shame. I, myself, can barely write, everything is typed.

Robin: Sending good thoughts for HB to feel better. Love the picture! Yes, the pigeons can ride with both English and Western saddles!

OC: Now that you mention it, I do think some of the pigeons have been vacationing at their second home on the ranch. I am sorry that your school mate died.

Lil0: Wishing you clear skies soon.

Kat: Hope the squash turns out the way you like it.

Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday evening.

robin, I'm glad you're going with HB when he sees the doctor.