9/6/24 - Donuts & National Read a Book Day


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Dec 29, 2012
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I probably won't read a whole book today, but I read everyday.

I have lots of books on my kindle app
For some STUPID, MORONIC reason unknown to me you can't buy books on the app anymore. There is supposed to be a way to get them on Amazon.com and have them sent to the app but I don't have a clue. If you know how to work it, please enlighten me
Good late morning..... I will be reading a bit. I recorded a bit of Olympics today, so after writing up the show, I put the recording on..... 52 minutes of everything, track/field, commercials, wheel chair tennis, all sports I do watch but at 4 am I wanted equestrian. Because that's the only time it's on. I got to see 1 horse enter the arena and the recording ended. If you all heard a strange noise around 10:30 CDT that was me screaming at the TV and DVR. They replay of today's event

rf is your Kindle registered to your Amazon account? Once registered when you purchase a book it will down load to your Kindle. Here is a link that might help you.
how to register a kindle

Football tonight for us. Door still broken....oh ya you don't know.... while I was gone HB broke the patio door, the handle part so it doesn't lock. When we leave the house or go to bed, I have to crawl behind the couch and put a metal pipe in the slider to prevent the door from being opened. I put in a work request, because it involves using the ap and that is too difficult for HB to manage. They sent someone out next day to fix it but it can't be fixed it needs to be replaced (the locking mechanism) that is so expensive so after the long weekend the landlord himself came out on Wednesday to look at it. Yep, that is what needs to be replaced.... so sometime late next week they will contact us when the new part arrives.

Good Friday to all.....
I used to have hundred of books, even reread most a few times, however, when we moved to town..........donated all except 3 or 4 to local library. They were SO glad to get them.......I used to belong to a book club, Doubleday, and ...[;plus, inherited my mom's books when she passed, ...had a lot of Agatha Christie, a few Sherlock Holmes, lol.
Thanks Robin nest
I will check that out before the change I directly loaded stuff from my kindle app
When my mom passed, she had hundreds of books, mom's book shelves were double stacked. Libraries wouldn't take them as they didn't have library binding, a local second hand book store didn't want them because they were "book club" books whatever that meant, they were all hard back books. Even Goodwill turned them down. WE each took the books we wanted and spent one evening driving around the San Francisco/San Jose area putting books in various drop boxes until we got rid of all of them. That is one of the reasons I was so happy to have found a second hand book store willing to buy my books when I moved here. He recycled some of the paperbacks that were deemed "worthless"
My parents had lots of books
Had to make several trips to half priced books
Boy, Robin, that was too bad, glad you found a way, eventually. I don't know, but it seems libraries would be saving money, not having to purchase when someone donates. And if the book eventually gives out, it could the be disposed of. Our library has a section, of "free" books. You can help yourself, take it home, keep it. Heck, every public library gets a lot of books donated, and most are very grateful. And some libraries will list books they do not need, and the lists go to other libraries, who could perhaps use them.
Another cool morning with warm afternoon. I'll be turning on the A/C later.

I worked outside this morning along the fence. It's almost done. The mower will have to trim a bigger
area away from the fence. I'll be doing studies this afternoon.

Yesterday, I put more hummingbird food out. In the evening, there were four or five hummingbirds
flying around for food. I didn't put out too much since it's time for hummers to go further south.

The libraries in my area take donated books and sell them at a low price.

robin, with Peacock you can watch stuff a day late. I still have two equestrian events from regular Olympics
to watch. Do some searches and see what pops up.

rf, do you have a library card? Most libraries have digital books you can read free.

I hope everyone will find a good book too read.
the weird thing... after she pass the Library gave my mom an Honor, a nice letter written about what a wonderful person she was, yet they didn't take her books. We always thought that weird......
kat the event I want to watch isn't ready for "replay" yet, I'm told to come back later. But about a half hour ago they did show the America team win the Gold in Event Dressage. That was nice. The person with the similar name was replaced by a woman named Fiona!!!! WHAT....Anyway Fiona went on to get 80 points which helped propel the team to first, and my "namesake" is her trainer.
I went to the smaller town across the river today with my niece. Got prescription, dropped off utility bill payments, got a few groceries, and went to a drive-through tiny, tiny "house" thing that serves Barbecue to go. These small towns have dwindled and can't very well sustain real restaurants, especially in today's economy, so these tiny buildings and food trucks with food to go have become very popular. We got BBQ sandwiches and chips and ate in the car under a shade tree at the park. We each brought home half of our sandwiches so will get another meal out of them. Eating places serve such huge portions anymore, I can never eat all of it at once.

It was mostly cloudy today, in the 80s,* after overnight low in the 60s*. Will have the same for most of next week. I'm still welcoming the clouds, after so much brightness throughout the summer.

My mini-split in the sun room has quit cooling. Even with the curtains closed and temperature below 90*, it still is too hot to spend any time out there except for early mornings. Someone is coming Monday to fix it. This sure has been a year of air unit challenges for me.